Overseas Contingency Operations (War), 2009-2016

2. Overseas Contingency Operations (War), 2009-2016
2021-2024 / 2017-2020 / 2001-2008 / 1993-2000 / 1989-1992 / 1981-1988 / 1977-1980 / 1969-1976 / 1965-1968
1961-1964 / 1953-1960 / 1945-1952 / 1933-1944 / 1929-1932 / 1925-1928 / 1921-1924 / 1913-1920

1994-2021, DOD: Contract Archive
1947-2021, FAS: Presidential Directives
1940-2021, FAS: Selected Executive Orders on National Security

19 December 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 2008-2015 (PDF)
15 December 2016, Seton Hall Univ. School of Law, Center for Policy & Research: The Government's Hostage: The Conviction and Execution of Ethel Rosenberg (PDF)
December 2016, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1977-1980: Volume XXIII: Mexico, Cuba, and The Caribbean (PDF)
7 December 2016, US House: Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Examining the Costs of Overclassification on Transparency and Security (PDF)
6 December 2016, Majority Report: Branko Marcetic: Passing the Baton (MP3)
6 December 2016, PBS NewsHour: Why the Pentagon 'buried and killed' a study on potential cost savings

November 2016, DOS: Foreign Relations for the United States: 1977-1980: Volume XVII: Part 1: Horn of Africa (PDF)
November 2016, Internet Archive: Sonia Kennebeck: National Bird
9 November 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy Force Structure: A Bigger Fleet? Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)

October 2016, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1977-1980: Volume XXIX: Panama (PDF)
16 October 2016, 60 Minutes: The Brothers Rosenberg
11 October 2016, Frontline: Confronting ISIS
9 October 2016, NYT: How U.S. Torture Left a Legacy of Damaged Minds
8 October 2016, Ralph Nader Radio Hour: Interview with Noam Chomsky (MP3)
7 October 2016, NYT: At Booz Allen, a Vast U.S. Spy Operation, Run for Private Profit

September 2016, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction: Afghanistan's High Office of Oversight: Personal Asset Declarations of High Ranking Afghan Government Officials Are Not Consistently Registered and Verified (PDF)
13 September 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Military Retirement: Background and Recent Developments (PDF)
September 2016, Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, Brown Univ.: Costs of War: US Budgetary Costs of Wars through 2016: $4.79 Trillion and Counting (PDF)
September 2016, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1977-1980: Volume XVI: Southern Africa (PDF)
6 September 2016, PBS NewsHour: Decades on, millions of unexploded American bombs left behind still kill and maim in Laos
2 September 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: How Big Should the Army Be? Considerations for Congress (PDF)
1 September 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Background and Current Developments (PDF)

29 August 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Bahrain: Reform, Security, and U.S. Policy (PDF)
26 August 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Turkey: Background and U.S. Relations (PDF)
24 August 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Coalition Contributions to Countering the Islamic State (PDF)
23 August 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: DOD Security Cooperation: An Overview of Authorities and Issues (PDF)
August 2016, UK Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation: Report of the Bulk Powers Review (PDF)
19 August 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Iran: Politics, Gulf Security, and U.S. Policy (PDF)
17 August 2016, Truthout: Global Struggles for Dominance: Noam Chomsky on ISIS, NATO and Russia
16 August 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The United Arab Emirates (UAE): Issues for U.S. Policy (PDF)
15 August 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Department of Defense Contractor and Troop Levels in Iraq and Afghanistan: 2007-2016 (PDF)
12 August 2016, WSJ: 'No First Use' Nuclear Policy Proposal Assailed by U.S. Cabinet Officials, Allies
12 August 2016, Democracy Now: "Fractured Lands: How the Arab World Came Apart": NYT Mag Examines Region Since 2003 U.S. Invasion
12 August 2016, Democracy Now: Donald Trump Claims Obama & Clinton Founded ISIS, But Bush Negotiated U.S. Withdrawal from Iraq
11 August 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Al Qaeda and U.S. Policy: Middle East and Africa (PDF)
10 August 2016, Democracy Now: "The Making of Donald Trump": David Cay Johnston on Trump's Ties to the Mob & Drug Traffickers
8 August 2016, DOD: DOD Manual 5240.01: Procedures Governing the Conduct of DOD Intelligence Activities (DODM 5240.01) (PDF)

16 July 2016, NYT: How Many People Have Been Killed in ISIS Attacks Around the World
6 July 2016, UK Iraq Inquiry: Report of the Iraq Inquiry (Chilcot Report)
1 July 2016, Federal Register: WH: Executive Order 13732: United States Policy on Pre- and Post-Strike Measures To Address Civilian Casualties in U.S. Operations Involving the Use of Force (PDF)
1 July 2016, ODNI: Summary of Information Regarding U.S. Counterterrorism Strikes Outside Areas of Active Hostilities (PDF)

June 2016, DOD: Defense Science Board: Summer Study on Autonomy (PDF)
27 June 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Iran's Foreign Policy (PDF)
23 June 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Does Foreign Aid Work? Efforts to Evaluate U.S. Foreign Assistance (PDF)
17 June 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: China Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities--Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
17 June 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Foreign Aid: An Introduction to U.S. Programs and Policy (PDF)
14 June 2016, C-SPAN: President Obama Statement on U.S. Operations Against ISIS
13 June 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Overseas Contingency Operations Funding: Background and Status (PDF)
June 2016, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1977-1980: Volume XXX: Public Diplomacy (PDF)
June 2016, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1977-1980: Volume XXVIII: Organization and Management of Foreign Policy (PDF)

31 May 2016, FAS: CRS: Insight: DOD's Rotation to the Philippines (PDF)
31 May 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Changes in the Arctic: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
31 May 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: A Shift in the International Security Environment: Potential Implications for Defense--Issues for Congress (PDF)
26 May 2016, FAS: CRS: Insight: Taliban Leadership Succession (PDF)
25 May 2016, GAO: Information Technology: Federal Agencies Need to Address Aging Legacy Systems (PDF)
25 May 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy Lasers, Railgun, and Hypervelocity Projectile: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
25 May 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy Irregular Warfare and Counterterrorism Operations: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
22 May 2016, 60 Minutes: After Shock
17 May 2016, Frontline: The Secret History of ISIS
17 May 2016, Democracy Now: Chomsky on the Late Michael Ratner & How U.S. Thawed Cuba Ties to Avoid Dwindling Regional Influence
17 May 2016, Democracy Now: Chomsky on Obama's Visit to Hiroshima & Presidential Legacy: "Nothing to Rave About"
17 May 2016, Democracy Now: Noam Chomsky on Syria Conflict: Cut Off the Flow of Arms & Stop Bombing to Stem the Atrocities
16 May 2016, Democracy Now: Chomsky: Hillary Clinton Fears BDS Because It Counters Decades of US Support for Israeli Aggression
16 May 2016, Democracy Now: Chomsky on Trump's Climate Denialism: He Wants Us to March Toward the Destruction of the Species
16 May 2016, Democracy Now: Noam Chomsky: Climate Change & Nuclear Proliferation Pose the Worst Threat Ever Faced by Humans
12 May 2016, Majority Report: Jeremy Scahill (The Assassination Complex: Inside the Government's Secret Drone Warfare Program) (MP3)
12 May 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The Nunn-McCurdy Act: Background, Analysis, and Issues for Congress (PDF)
11 May 2016, FAS: CRS: Memo re. Presidential References to the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force in Publicly Available Executive Actions and Reports to Congress (PDF)
10 May 2016, TomDispatch: Noam Chomsky: Masters of Mankind: Part 2: The Costs of Violence
8 May 2016, TomDispatch: Noam Chomsky: Masters of Mankind: Part 1: American Power Under Challenge
3 May 2016, Frontline: Yemen Under Siege
3 May 2016, Frontline: Benghazi in Crisis
3 May 2016, Democracy Now: Jeremy Scahill: Clinton is Legendary Hawk, But Sanders Shouldn't Get Pass on Role in Regime Change
3 May 2016, Democracy Now: "This Isn't a War on Leaks, It's a War on Whistleblowers": Snowden Pens Foreword to New Scahill Book
3 May 2016, Democracy Now: "The Assassination Complex": Jeremy Scahill & Glenn Greenwald Probe Secret US Drone Wars in New Book

April 2016, GAO: Security Assistance: U.S. Government Should Strengthen End-Use Monitoring and Human Rights Vetting for Egypt (PDF)
26 April 2016, New York Public Library: Yanis Varoufakis and Noam Chomsky
25 April 2016, Democracy Now: Part 2: Seymour Hersh's New Book Disputes U.S. Account of Bin Laden Killing
25 April 2016, Democracy Now: Sy Hersh's Book on Bin Laden Killing Rejects U.S. Story, Says Saudis Financed Hiding of Qaeda Leader
25 April 2016, Democracy Now: Is the Obama Admin Ignoring the Role of Turkey & Saudi Arabia in Syria's 2013 Sarin Gas Attacks?
25 April 2016, Democracy Now: Seymour Hersh Weighs In on Sanders vs. Clinton: "Something Amazing Is Happening in This Country"
25 April 2016, Democracy Now: "Horrified": Seymour Hersh Reacts to Obama's Plan to Send 250 More U.S. Special Ops Troops to Syria
21 April 2016, Democracy Now: As Saudis Continue Deadly Bombing of Yemen, Is Obama Trading Cluster Munitions for Riyadh's Loyalty?
20 April 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Goldwater-Nichols at 30: Defense Reform and Issues for Congress (PDF)
20 April 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Libya: Transition and U.S. Policy (PDF)
19 April 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Arms Sales: Congressional Review Process (PDF)
14 April 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Air Force B-21 Long Range Strike Bomber (PDF)
12 April 2016, FAS: CRS: Insight: Counting Casualties in Syria and Iraq: Process and Challenges (PDF)
8 April 2016, Harvard National Security Law Journal: Dakota Rudesill: Coming to Terms with Secret Law (PDF)
4 April 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Security Assistance and Cooperation: Shared Responsibility of the Departments of State and Defense (PDF)

29 March 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Ukraine: Current Issues and U.S. Policy (PDF)
25 March 2016, Vimeo: Univ. of Arizona: Edward Snowden, Noam Chomsky and Glenn Greenwald: A Conversation on Privacy
24 March 2016, Democracy Now: Glenn Greenwald: Cruz, Trump, Clinton "Playing into the Hands" of ISIL After Brussels Bombings
23 March 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Nonstrategic Nuclear Weapons (PDF)
21 March 2016, US District Court, Southern District NY: USA v. Hunter et al (Order) (PDF)
March 2016, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States, 1981-1988: Volume III: Soviet Union, January 1981-January 1983 (PDF)
16 March 2016, WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton Email Archive
March 2016, Oxfam International et al: Fuelling the Fire: How the UN Security Council's Permanent Members are undermining their own commitments on Syria (PDF)
10 March 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: U.S. Strategic Nuclear Forces: Background, Developments, and Issues (PDF)

18 February 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV): Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
February 2016, UN: Assistance Mission in Afghanistan; Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights: Afghanistan: Annual Report 2015: Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict (PDF)
16 February 2016, NYT: Tasked With Combating Opium, Afghan Officials Profit From It
15 February 2016, NYT: Afghanistan Had Record Civilian Casualties in 2015, U.N. Says
15 February 2016, NYT: New Report of U.S.-Made Cluster Bomb Use by Saudis in Yemen
14 February 2016, Human Rights Watch: Yemen: Cluster Munitions Wounding Civilians
11 February 2016, Majority Report: Jennifer Mittelstadt (The Rise of the Military Welfare State) (MP3)
11 February 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Brazil: Background and U.S. Relations (PDF)
9 February 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The U.S.-Japan Alliance (PDF)
9 February 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The Islamic State and U.S. Policy (PDF)
5 February 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Oman: Reform, Security, and U.S. Policy (PDF)
5 February 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Saudi Arabia: Background and U.S. Relations (PDF)
1 February 2016, NYT: U.S. Broadens Fight Against ISIS With Attacks in Afghanistan

29 January 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Iran's Foreign Policy (PDF)
28 January 2016, Democracy Now: Covering War to End War: New Film Recounts Life & Legacy of James Foley, Journalist Killed by ISIS
23 January 2016, NYT: U.S. and Allies Weigh Military Action Against ISIS in Libya
21 January 2016, NYT: Obama Relaxes Rules for Striking ISIS in Afghanistan
21 January 2016, NYT: Taliban Suicide Bomber Strikes Packed Bus in Kabul
20 January 2016, Smashing Interviews: Noam Chomsky Interview: "Enormous Sense of Hopelessness and Anger" Reflected in Appeal of Trump And Sanders
20 January 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The U.S. Military Presence in Okinawa and the Futenma Base Controversy (PDF)
19 January 2016, NYT: In Libya, U.S. Courts Unreliable Allies to Counter ISIS
January 2016, Human Rights Watch: Banished and Dispossessed: Forced Displacement and Deliberate Destruction in Northern Iraq (PDF)
15 January 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: A New Authorization for Use of Military Force Against the Islamic State: Issues and Current Proposals (PDF)
14 January 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons (PDF)
12 January 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Iran Sanctions (PDF)
11 January 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Cuba: Issues for the 114th Congress (PDF)
8 January 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy Force Structure and Shipbuilding Plans: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
7 January 2016, London Review of Books: Seymour Hersh: Military to Military: US intelligence sharing in the Syrian war
6 January 2016, NYT: U.S. Soldier Killed While Fighting Taliban in Afghanistan
5 January 2016, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS)/Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
4 January 2016, NYT: Saudi Arabia Cuts Ties With Iran Amid Fallout From Cleric's Execution

December 2015, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1981-1988: Volume XIII: Conflict in the South Atlantic, 1981-1984 (PDF)
December 2015, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1969-1976: Volume E-11: Part 2: Documents on South America, 1973-1976 (PDF)
31 December 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Iraq: Politics and Governance (PDF)
29 December 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Iran, Gulf Security, and U.S. Policy (PDF)
28 December 2015, NYT: Iraqi Army Retakes Government Complex in Central Ramadi
23 December 2015, Electrospaces: Leaked documents that were not attributed to Snowden
23 December 2015, NYT: 1950s U.S. Nuclear Target List Offers Chilling Insight
22 December 2015, National Security Archive: U.S. Cold War Nuclear Target Lists Declassified for First Time
22 December 2015, Democracy Now: Sy Hersh: Backing Assad's Ouster, Has Hillary Clinton Forgotten the Lessons of Iraq & Libya?
22 December 2015, Democracy Now: Seymour Hersh's Latest Bombshell: U.S. Military Undermined Obama on Syria with Tacit Help to Assad
21 December 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 2007-2014 (PDF)
20 December 2015, NYT: In ISIS Strategy, U.S. Weighs Risk to Civilians
19 December 2015, NYT: ISIS Building 'Little Nests' in Afghanistan, U.S. Defense Secretary Warns
18 December 2015, Democracy Now: Ceasefire in Yemen Faces Collapse as U.S. Continues Weapons Sales to Saudi Arabia, Fueling Civil War
18 December 2015, Democracy Now: Did the U.S. Cover Up Navy SEALs' Beating Death of Afghan Detainee & Pattern of Extreme Abuse?
17 December 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy DDG-51 and DDG-1000 Destroyer Programs: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
17 December 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy Virginia (SSN-774) Class Attack Submarine Procurement: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
17 December 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy TAO(X) Oiler Shipbuilding Program: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
17 December 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy LX(R) Amphibious Ship Program: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
17 December 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy Ohio Replacement (SSBN[X]) Ballistic Missile Submarine Program: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
(Undated), Intercept: Government Cellphone Surveillance Catalogue (PDF)
17 December 2015, Intercept: The Secret Surveillance Catalogue
17 December 2015, Intercept: Stingrays: A Secret Catalogue of Government Gear for Spying on Your Cellphone
17 December 2015, NYT: A Guide to the N.C.I.S. Investigative Report
17 December 2015, NYT: Navy SEALs, a Beating Death and Claims of a Cover-Up
16 December 2015, Democracy Now: Stephen Zunes: No Candidates Are Looking at Root Cause of ISIL, "This Monster We Created"
14 December 2015, NYT: Afghan Province, Teetering to the Taliban, Draws In Extra U.S. Forces
11 December 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Program: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
3 December 2015, Truthout: Horror Beyond Description: Noam Chomsky on the Latest Phase of the War on Terror
3 December 2015, WP: CIA runs shadow war with Afghan militia implicated in civilian killings

30 November 2015, GlobalPost: With US help, Saudi Arabia is obliterating Yemen
November 2015, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1977-1980: Volume XX: Eastern Europe (PDF)
November 2015, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1969-1976: Volume E-16: Documents on Chile, 1969-1973 (PDF)
26 November 2015, Politics and Governance: Clinton Fernandes: Accomplice to Mass Atrocities: The International Community and Indonesia's Invasion of East Timor (PDF)
26 November 2015, NYT: U.S. General Says Kunduz Hospital Strike Was 'Avoidable'
25 November 2015, Majority Report: Charlie Savage (Power Wars: Inside Obama's Post-9/11 Presidency) (MP3)
25 November 2015, NYT: The Cascade of Errors That Led to the U.S. Airstrike on an Afghan Hospital
23 November 2015, Frontline: Children of ISIS
22 November 2015, NYT: Pentagon Expands Inquiry Into Intelligence on ISIS Surge
21 November 2015, US Central Command: Investigation Report of the Airstrike on the Medecins Sans Frontieres / Doctors Without Borders Center in Kunduz, Afghanistan on 3 October 2015 (PDF)
21 November 2015, Guardian: Fight against Isis heats up as UN backs action after Paris attacks
21 November 2015, NYT: U.N. Security Council Approves Resolution Urging Countries to Combat Islamic State
20 November 2015, USAF Staff Sgt. Bryant, USAF Senior Airmen Westmoreland, Lewis, Haas: Letter to Pres. Obama, DOD Sec. Carter, CIA Dir. Brennan re. drone program, civilians (PDF)
20 November 2015, Reuters: In rare admission, U.S. says civilians killed in Iraq strike
20 November 2015, Democracy Now: From Console to Trigger: How Pentagon "Exploits" Video Game Culture to Wire Youth for War
20 November 2015, Democracy Now: 2 Air Force Vets Speak Out for First Time on Why They Want the Drone War to Stop
20 November 2015, Democracy Now: "Numbing & Horrible": Former Drone Operator Brandon Bryant on His Haunting First Kill
20 November 2015, Democracy Now: Air Force Whistleblowers Risk Prosecution to Warn Drone War Kills Civilians, Fuels Terror
19 November 2015, YouTube: Bernie 2016: Georgetown Univ.: Bernie Sanders on Democratic Socialism and Foreign Policy
19 November 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF): Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
19 November 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Malaysia: Background and U.S. Relations (PDF)
19 November 2015, NYT: In Rise of ISIS, No Single Missed Key but Many Strands of Blame
19 November 2015, Democracy Now: Glenn Greenwald on "Submissive" Media's Drumbeat for War and "Despicable" Anti-Muslim Scapegoating
18 November 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Coalition Contributions to Countering the Islamic State (PDF)
18 November 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The "Islamic State" and U.S. Policy (PDF)
18 November 2015, NYT: Russia Allies With France Against ISIS, Saying Jet That Crashed in Sinai Was Bombed
18 November 2015, Democracy Now: Part 3: Nick Turse on How Secret U.S. Drone Outposts Create Ill Will in Countries Across Africa
17 November 2015, Consortium News: William Polk: Falling into the ISIS Trap
17 November 2015, Frontline: Taliban Hunters
17 November 2015, Frontline: ISIS in Afghanistan
16 November 2015, DOD: Defense Security Cooperation Agency: The Government of Saudi Arabia - Air-to-Ground Munitions (PDF)
15 November 2015, NYT: Strategy Shift for ISIS: Inflicting Terror in Distant Lands
14 November 2015, NYT: Pentagon Says 'Jihadi John' Was Probably Killed in Airstrike
13 November 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: U.S. Agent Orange/Dioxin Assistance to Vietnam (PDF)
13 November 2015, NYT: U.S. Steps Up Its Attacks on ISIS-Controlled Oil Fields in Syria
13 November 2015, Democracy Now: Part 2: Nick Turse Tracks U.S. Special Operations Forces from Africa to Syria
13 November 2015, Democracy Now: "Tomorrow's Battlefield": As U.S. Special Ops Enter Syria, Growing Presence in Africa Goes Unnoticed
6 November 2015, Intercept: U.S. Journalists Who Instantly Exonerated Their Government of the Kunduz Hospital Attack, Declaring it an "Accident"
6 November 2015, NYT: Doctors Without Borders Says Clues Point to 'Illegal' U.S. Strike on Afghan Hospital
5 November 2015, Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders): Initial MSF internal review: Attack on Kunduz Trauma Centre, Afghanistan (PDF)
5 November 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy Ford (CVN-78) Class Aircraft Carrier Program: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
5 November 2015, NYT: Why America Invented Ahmad Chalabi
5 November 2015, AP: IS bomb on Russia plane would herald new phase in conflict
4 November 2015, WP: U.S. airstrikes in Kunduz destroyed more than a hospital
4 November 2015, NYT: Ahmad Chalabi, Iraqi Politician Who Pushed for U.S. Invasion, Dies at 71
4 November 2015, Democracy Now: Charlie Savage on Guantanamo's Future & "Power Wars: Inside Obama's Post-9/11 Presidency" (Pt. 2)
4 November 2015, Democracy Now: Power Wars: How Obama Continued Bush's National Security State After Campaigning Against It
3 November 2015, Frontline: Terror in Little Saigon
3 November 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The New START Treaty: Central Limits and Key Provisions (PDF)
3 November 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Ahmed Chalabi: The man who invited America to invade Iraq
3 November 2015, NYT: New U.S.-Backed Alliance to Counter ISIS in Syria Falters
2 November 2015, Reuters: Pentagon spends $43 million to build Afghanistan gas station: watchdog

31 October 2015, WP: Reuters: U.S. pledges nearly $100 million to support Syrian opposition as anti-ISIS offensive begins
31 October 2015, NYT: Obama Sends Special Operations Forces to Help Fight ISIS in Syria
31 October 2015, Reuters: U.S. to send special forces to Syria, truce sought after peace talks
30 October 2015, ODNI: DNI Releases Budget Figure for 2015 National Intelligence Program (PDF)
30 October 2015, Intercept: U.S. to Send Special Operations Forces to Syria
30 October 2015, Guardian: Obama orders US special forces to 'assist' fight against Isis in Syria
30 October 2015, WP: Obama seeks to intensify operations in Syria with Special Ops troops
29 October 2015, NYT: How 4 Federal Lawyers Paved the Way to Kill Osama bin Laden
27 October 2015, Frontline: Inside Assad's Syira
26 October 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Bahrain: Reform, Security, and U.S. Policy (PDF)
26 October 2015, Democracy Now: Charles Glass: Tony Blair is Right - Those Who Removed Saddam Hussein Share Blame for Rise of ISIL
26 October 2015, Democracy Now: Syria Burning: Charles Glass on the Roots & Future of the Deadly Conflict
23 October 2015, Democracy Now: Ignoring U.S. Destabilization of Libya, GOP Benghazi Hearing Asks Clinton All the Wrong Questions
20 October 2015, NYT: U.S. and Iraqi Forces Take Offensive Against ISIS on Several Fronts
19 October 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: U.S. Foreign Assistance to the Middle East: Historical Background, Recent Trends, and the FY2016 Request (PDF)
18 October 2015, Paulmd199: Adventures in Twitter Censorship (PDF)
16 October 2015, NYT: Lessons of Iraq Loom Over Obama's Decision to Keep Troops in Afghanistan
16 October 2015, NYT: In Reversal, Obama Says U.S. Soldiers Will Stay in Afghanistan to 2017
16 October 2015, Democracy Now: The Longest U.S. War, Prolonged: After Vowing Afghan Pullout, Obama Extends Occupation Indefinitely
16 October 2015, Democracy Now: "The Drone Papers" Reveals How Faulty Intel & Secret "Kill Chain" Mark Suspects, Civilians for Death
16 October 2015, Democracy Now: Drone War Exposed: Jeremy Scahill on U.S. Kill Program's Secrets & the Whistleblower Who Leaked Them
15 October 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2015 (PDF)
15 October 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Afghanistan: Post-Taliban Governance, Security, and U.S. Policy (PDF)
(Undated), Intercept: DOD: Geolocation - Watchlist (PDF)
(Undated), Intercept: DOD: OPN HAYMAKER Effects (PDF)
15 October 2015, Intercept: The Drone Papers: The Alphabet of Assassination
15 October 2015, Intercept: The Drone Papers: Target Africa: The U.S. military's expanding footprint in East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula
15 October 2015, Intercept: The Drone Papers: The Life and Death of Objective Peckham: Stripped of British citizenship and killed by an American drone
15 October 2015, Intercept: The Drone Papers: Firing Blind: Flawed Intelligence and the Limits of Drone Technology
15 October 2015, Intercept: The Drone Papers: Manhunting in the Hindu Kush: Civilian casualties and strategic failures in America's longest war
15 October 2015, Intercept: The Drone Papers: Find, Fix, Finish: For the Pentagon, creating an architecture of assassination meant navigating a turf war with the CIA
15 October 2015, Intercept: The Drone Papers: The Kill Chain: The lethal bureaucracy behind Obama's drone war
15 October 2015, Intercept: The Drone Papers: A Visual Glossary: Decoding the language of covert warfare
15 October 2015, Intercept: The Drone Papers: The Assassination Complex: Secret military documents expose the inner workings of Obama's drone wars
15 October 2015, NYT: Taliban End Takeover of Kunduz After 15 Days
14 October 2015, Reuters: Arab coalition slowing aid efforts in Yemen: U.S. Navy report
14 October 2015, NYT: Obama Is Rethinking Pullout in Afghanistan, Officials Say
14 October 2015, Democracy Now: The Rise of America's Secret Government: The Deadly Legacy of Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles Pt. 2
13 October 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Russian Compliance with the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
13 October 2015, US District Court, Eastern District WA: Salim, Ben Soud, Rahman v. Mitchell, Jessen (Complaint and Demand for Jury Trial) (PDF)
13 October 2015, NYT: U.S.-Made Weaponry Is Turning Syrian Conflict Into Proxy War With Russia
12 October 2015, NYT: Ankara Bombings Prompt Rally Against Turkish Government
12 October 2015, NYT: Afghan Taliban's Reach Is Widest Since 2001, U.N. Says
12 October 2015, Reuters: U.S. airdrops ammunition to Syria rebels
12 October 2015, Reuters: Turkey sees Islamic State hand in bombing, vows election will go on
11 October 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Ankara bombing: An attack designed to sow division appears to have succeeded
11 October 2015, WP: Did U.S. weapons supplied to Syrian rebels draw Russia into the conflict?
11 October 2015, NYT: Explosions During Peace Rally in Ankara, Turkey's Capital, Kill Scores
11 October 2015, WSJ: Ankara Suicide Attack Plunges Turkey Deeper Into Turmoil, Hardens Political Divide
10 October 2015, WP: Blasts kill scores at peace rally in Turkey in sign of worsening instability
10 October 2015, NYT: Obama Administration Ends Effort to Train Syrians to Combat ISIS
10 October 2015, WSJ: Turkish Capital Ankara Hit by Explosions, Killing at Least 95
9 October 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Armed Conflict in Syria: Overview and U.S. Response (PDF)
9 October 2015, NYT: Death Toll in Airstrike on Doctors Without Borders Hospital May Rise, Group Says
8 October 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: U.S.-South Korea Relations (PDF)
8 October 2015, NYT: Doctors Without Borders Calls for Inquiry Into Kunduz Hospital Attack
8 October 2015, NYT: Obama Issues Rare Apology Over Bombing of Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Afghanistan
7 October 2015, NYT: General Is Said to Think Afghan Hospital Airstrike Broke U.S. Rules
6 October 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Russia in Syria: Russian radar locks on to Turkish fighter jets as Moscow steps up air strikes against opposition targets
6 October 2015, NYT: U.S. General Says Afghans Requested Airstrike That Hit Kunduz Hospital
5 October 2015, All In: Questions about U.S. bombing Afghan hospital
5 October 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Turkey: Background and U.S. Relations (PDF)
5 October 2015, Intercept: The Radically Changing Story of the U.S. Airstrike on Afghan Hospital: From Mistake to Justification
5 October 2015, Intercept: CNN and the NYT Are Deliberately Obscuring Who Perpetrated the Afghan Hospital Attack
5 October 2015, NYT: Doctors Without Borders Says It Is Leaving Kunduz After Strike on Hospital
5 October 2015, Yahoo News: AP: Afghan city of Kunduz mostly quiet, residents venturing out
5 October 2015, WSJ: Turkey Says Russian Fighter Jet Violated Its Airspace With Syria
4 October 2015, NYT: U.S. Airstrikes, Afghan Casualties
4 October 2015, NYT: Airstrike Hits Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Afghanistan
2 October 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Yemen: Civil War and Regional Intervention (PDF)
2 October 2015, Guardian: Yemeni man denied apology from US for drone strike that killed his family
2 October 2015, WP: Senior Navy intelligence official indicted in covert weapons deal
2 October 2015, WP: U.S.-backed Syrian rebels appeal for antiaircraft missiles
2 October 2015, NYT: Russia Carries Out Airstrikes in Syria for 2nd Day
2 October 2015, Reuters: Saudi Arabia deters bid for U.N. human rights probe in Yemen
2 October 2015, Reuters: Hungary joins other NATO allies to host command center
2 October 2015, Reuters: Iran troops to join Syria war, Russia bombs group trained by CIA
1 October 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Kuwait: Governance, Security, and U.S. Policy (PDF)
1 October 2015, WP: AP: Afghan troops push into city of Kunduz, Taliban in retreat
1 October 2015, NYT: Russians Strike Targets in Syria, but Not ISIS Areas
1 October 2015, NYT: A Taliban Prize, Won in a Few Hours After Years of Strategy
1 October 2015, Yahoo News: AP: Russia defends its military action in Syria
1 October 2015, Reuters: Assad allies, including Iranians, prepare ground attack in Syria: sources
1 October 2015, WSJ: Afghan Forces Recapture Central Kunduz From Taliban

30 September 2015, WP: Russia begins airstrikes in Syria; U.S. warns of new concerns in conflict
30 September 2015, WP: U.S. troops dispatched to Kunduz to help Afghan forces
30 September 2015, NYT: Afghan Crisis Grows as Push to Retake Kunduz From Taliban Fails
30 September 2015, NYT: Saudis Face Mounting Pressure Over Civilian Deaths in Yemen Conflict
29 September 2015, Guardian: Afghan government troops mount Kunduz counterattack
29 September 2015, WP: U.S. troops have turned to some unsavory partners to help find warlord Joseph Kony
29 September 2015, WP: Afghan forces undertake bid to regain key city seized by Taliban
29 September 2015, NYT: Airstrikes in Yemen Hit Wedding Party, Killing Dozens
29 September 2015, NYT: Taliban Fighters Capture Kunduz City as Afghan Forces Retreat
29 September 2015, Reuters: Afghan Taliban seize Kunduz city center in landmark gain
29 September 2015, Yahoo News: AP: Taliban tighten hold on Afghan city despite US airstrikes
28 September 2015, WP: Taliban storms into northern Afghan city in major blow for security forces
28 September 2015, WP: Syrian rebel commander who turned over equipment to militants says he was threatened
28 September 2015, NYT: Russia Surprises U.S. With Accord on Battling ISIS
28 September 2015, NYT: France Says Its Airstrikes Hit an ISIS Camp in Syria
28 September 2015, Reuters: Residents report 27 die in Yemen strike, coalition denies
28 September 2015, Yahoo News: AP: Death toll from Saudi strike at Yemen wedding rises to 38
28 September 2015, Yahoo News: AP: Taliban capture northern Afghan city
28 September 2015, WSJ: Taliban Seize Control of Kunduz, Key Stronghold in Northern Afghanistan
September 2015, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1969-1976: Volume XXII: Panama, 1973-1976 (PDF)
27 September 2015, WP: Iraq turns to Russia in fight against Islamic State
27 September 2015, NYT: Thousands Enter Syria to Join ISIS Despite Global Efforts
26 September 2015, NYT: Pentagon Says High-Profile Guantanamo Detainee Will Be Sent to Britain
26 September 2015, NYT: U.S. Says Rebel It Trained Surrendered Materiel in Syria
25 September 2015, Intercept: Despite Pledge, U.S. Still Not Letting Gitmo Detainees Tell Their Stories
25 September 2015, Guardian: Reuters: US-trained Syrian rebels in equipment exchange with al-Qaida affiliates
25 September 2015, WP: Shaker Aamer, longtime Guantanamo Bay detainee, to be freed to Britain
25 September 2015, WP: U.S.-trained fighters in Syria gave equipment to al-Qaeda affiliate
25 September 2015, Reuters: U.S. court to revisit Guantanamo detainee's conspiracy conviction
24 September 2015, Secrecy News: CIA Classification Practices Challenged
24 September 2015, Intercept: Pope Decries "Shameful and Culpable Silence" on Arms Sales "Drenched in Innocent Blood"
24 September 2015, NYT: Military Analyst Again Raises Red Flags on Progress in Iraq
21 September 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: China Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities--Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
21 September 2015, NYT: U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Afghan Allies' Abuse of Boys
21 September 2015, Reuters: NATO says Russia must withdraw heavy weapons from Ukraine
21 September 2015, Yahoo News: AP: Activists report 75 US-trained rebels return to Syria
20 September 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Refugee crisis was caused by a careless West that allowed anarchy and fear to take root in the Middle East
20 September 2015, NYT: U.S. and China Seek Arms Deal for Cyberspace
19 September 2015, YouTube: New School: Noam Chomsky: On Power and Ideology
18 September 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The Chinese Military: Overview and Issues for Congress (PDF)
18 September 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Maritime Territorial and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Disputes Involving China: Issues for Congress (PDF)
17 September 2015, StarTalk Radio: A Conversation with Edward Snowden (Part 1) (MP3)
17 September 2015, NYT: France Says It Will Join Air Campaign Against ISIS in Syria
17 September 2015, NYT: Few U.S.-Trained Syrians Still Fight ISIS, Senators Are Told
16 September 2015, NYT: Analysts Detail Claims That Reports on ISIS Were Distorted
15 September 2015, OpenTheGovernment.org: Complaint to Information Security Oversight Office Director Fitzpatrick re. Wrongful classification of information regarding CIA torture, in violation of Executive Order 13526 (PDF)
15 September 2015, Yahoo News: AP: Value of anti-IS airstrikes in Syria debated as France joins
14 September 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The United Arab Emirates (UAE): Issues for U.S. Policy (PDF)
14 September 2015, NYT: U.S. Wants Former Salvadoran Ally to Face Justice in 1989 Massacre
14 September 2015, Reuters: U.S. Air Force still evaluating options for F-35 'block buy'
14 September 2015, Reuters: U.S. set to back NATO invitation to Montenegro: White House
12 September 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Britain's drone strike in Syria: These executions are a mark of tyranny
11 September 2015, Guardian: US spy chief's 'highly unusual' reported contact with military official raises concerns
11 September 2015, NYT: Afghans See American General as Crucial to Country's Defense
10 September 2015, Majority Report: William Arkin (Unmanned: Drones, Data, and the Illusion of Perfect Warfare) (MP3)
10 September 2015, Federal Register: WH: Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks (PDF)
10 September 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Jordan: Background and U.S. Relations (PDF)
10 September 2015, WP: Facing Islamic State, Pentagon to send infantrymen and surgical teams to Sinai
10 September 2015, WP: Yemen's capital could be next target for Saudi-led ground forces
10 September 2015, Reuters: U.S., Israel weeks away from co-production deal for missile shield
10 September 2015, Reuters: Iran deal no reason to halt work on Gulf missile shield -- U.S. experts
10 September 2015, Reuters: U.S. government blocks release of new CIA torture details
9 September 2015, Daily Beast: 50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked
9 September 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS): Commercial Outlook for a New Industry (PDF)
8 September 2015, Guardian: David Cameron faces scrutiny over drone strikes against Britons in Syria
8 September 2015, NYT: Britain Says It Killed 3 ISIS Suspects in First Drone Strike in Syria
8 September 2015, NYT: U.S. Denies an Airstrike Killed 11 Afghan Narcotics Officers
7 September 2015, Guardian: First killing of Briton by UK drone signals mission creep in Syria
7 September 2015, Guardian: Right of self-defence central to legal debate over Syria drone strike
7 September 2015, NYT: U.S. Revamping Rebel Force Fighting ISIS in Syria
7 September 2015, Reuters: Afghans say police killed by coalition air strike in Helmand
7 September 2015, Yahoo News: AP: UK drone strike kills 3 Islamic State fighters in Syria
6 September 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Isis are threatening to capture a vital highway in Syria - the loss of which could push millions of refugees out of government-held areas
5 September 2015, NYT: Germany and Sweden Are Said to Help Make Afghan 'Kill Decisions'
4 September 2015, NYT: Banned Cluster Bombs Were Used in Five Countries, Report Says
4 September 2015, Democracy Now: Allan Nairn: U.S. Backers of Guatemalan Death Squads Should Be Jailed Alongside Ex-President
4 September 2015, Democracy Now: A Watershed Moment for Guatemala: Nobel Laureate Rigoberta Menchu Celebrates Jailing of Ex-President
3 September 2015, Intercept: NYT Claims U.S. Abides by Cluster Bomb Treaty: The Exact Opposite of Reality
2 September 2015, FAS: CRS: Insights: Renegotiating Arms Control Agreements: A Brief Review (PDF)
2 September 2015, FAS: CRS: Insights: Arms Control Ratification: Opportunities for Modifying Agreements (PDF)
2 September 2015, FAS: CRS: Insights: Long Range Strike Bomber Begins to Emerge (PDF)
2 September 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Coast Guard Polar Icebreaker Modernization: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
2 September 2015, Reuters: Saudi Arabia, U.S. near deal for two Lockheed warships: sources
2 September 2015, Democracy Now: With a Record Backing Coups, Secret War & Genocide, Is Kissinger an Elder Statesman or War Criminal?
2 September 2015, Democracy Now: Is Guatemala's President Going to Jail? Legislature Strips Perez Molina of Immunity After Protests
1 September 2015, Intercept: Yemen's Hidden War: How the Saudi-Led Coalition Is Killing Civilians
1 September 2015, WP: U.S. launches secret drone campaign to hunt Islamic State leaders in Syria
1 September 2015, Democracy Now: Despite Global Ban, Saudi-Led Forces Kill Dozens in Yemen Using U.S.-Made Cluster Bombs

31 August 2015, Daily Beast: Petraeus: Use Al Qaeda Fighters to Beat ISIS
30 August 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Turkey duped the US, and Isis is reaping the rewards
28 August 2015, NYT: Junaid Hussain, ISIS Recruiter, Reported Killed in Airstrike
27 August 2015, FAS: CRS: Insights: How Many UAVs for DOD? (PDF)
26 August 2015, NYT: Inquiry Weighs Whether ISIS Analysis Was Distorted
25 August 2015, PBS NewsHour: What new Turkish elections mean for the fight against extremism
24 August 2015, McClatchy: Syrian rebels: Turkey tipped al Qaida group to U.S.-trained fighters
22 August 2015, NYT: Airstrike Kills a Deputy to ISIS Leader, U.S. Says
20 August 2015, TomDispatch: Noam Chomsky: "The Iranian Threat": Who Is the Gravest Danger to World Peace?
August 2015, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1977-1980: Volume XVIII: Middle East Region; Arabian Peninsula (PDF)
August 2015, Amnesty International: 'Nowhere Safe for Civilians': Airstrikes and Ground Attacks in Yemen (PDF)
19 August 2015, NYT: Amnesty International Says All Sides in Yemen Have Committed War Crimes
18 August 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The Intelligence Community and Its Use of Contractors: Congressional Oversight Issues (PDF)
15 August 2015, NYT: U.S.-Led Air Campaign Is Linked to Civilian Deaths in Syria
10 August 2015, NYT: The Pentagon's Dangerous Views on the Wartime Press
10 August 2015, NYT: Tyler Drumheller, Ex-C.I.A. Official Who Disputed Bush, Dies at 63
9 August 2015, NYT: 29 U.S. Scientists Praise Iran Nuclear Deal in Letter to Obama
8 August 2015, NYT: Garwin et al letter to Pres. Obama re. Iran, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (PDF)
8 August 2015, WP: Expanding U.S. role in Iraq strains awkward alliance with Iran
6 August 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Iran Nuclear Agreement: Selected Issues for Congress (PDF)
6 August 2015, NYT: Turkey's Push Into War Is Seen as Erdogan's Political Strategy
August 2015, UN: Assistance Mission in Afghanistan; Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights: Afghanistan: Midyear Report 2015: Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict (PDF)
5 August 2015, WP: Civilian casualties in Afghanistan hit highest number since 2009, U.N. says
5 August 2015, NYT: ISIS or Al Qaeda? American Officials Split Over Top Terror Threat
5 August 2015, Reuters: Turkey says coalition to launch 'comprehensive battle' against Islamic State
5 August 2015, Yahoo News: AP: Turkey says 'extensive' fight against IS to start soon
4 August 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Iran Sanctions (PDF)
4 August 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Coalition Contributions to Countering the Islamic State (PDF)
4 August 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Naval Station Guantanamo Bay: History and Legal Issues Regarding Its Lease Agreements (PDF)
4 August 2015, WP: How the Obama White House runs foreign policy
4 August 2015, WP: In further blow to training program, U.S.-backed rebels abducted in Syria
August 2015, Airwars: Cause For Concern: Hundreds of civilian non-combatants credibly reported killed in first year of Coalition airstrikes against Islamic State (PDF)
3 August 2015, Intercept: Report: Hundreds of Civilians Killed by U.S.-Led Bombing of ISIS in Iraq and Syria
3 August 2015, Intercept: Duncan Campbell: GCHQ and Me: My Life Unmasking British Eavesdroppers
3 August 2015, WP: For the first time, U.S. launches armed flights over Syria from Turkish base
2 August 2015, WSJ: Spy Software Gets a Second Life on Wall Street
1 August 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Obama's deal with Turkey is a betrayal of Syrian Kurds and may not even weaken Isis
1 August 2015, WP: Al-Qaeda's Syrian branch threatens to attack all U.S.-backed rebels
1 August 2015, NYT: Rivals of ISIS Attack U.S.-Backed Syrian Rebel Group

31 July 2015, Committee to Protect Journalists: In times of war, Pentagon reserves right to treat journalists like spies
31 July 2015, NYT: Death of Mullah Omar Exposes Divisions Within Taliban
31 July 2015, NYT: Abductions Hurt U.S. Bid to Train Anti-ISIS Rebels in Syria
31 July 2015, NYT: U.S.-Taliban Fight Goes On, So Guantanamo Detainee Stays, Court Says
31 July 2015, NYT: U.S. Psychologists Urged to Curb Questioning Terror Suspects
31 July 2015, Reuters: Al Qaeda in Syria says detains U.S.-trained rebels
31 July 2015, Yahoo News: AP: Analysis: Afghan govt hopes to divide and conquer Taliban
31 July 2015, Yahoo News: AP: Al-Qaida attacks HQ of rebel group it calls US 'agents'
31 July 2015, Yahoo News: AP: NATO agrees on support package for Iraq
30 July 2015, US District Court, DC: Al Warafi v. Obama (Memorandum Opinion) (PDF)
30 July 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Syrian conflict: Al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front abduct leader of US-backed rebels dealing blow to plans to build moderate opposition to regime
30 July 2015, WP: Commander of U.S.-backed rebels captured by al-Qaeda militants in Syria
30 July 2015, NYT: Turkey Escalates Airstrikes on Kurdish Targets in Northern Iraq
30 July 2015, NYT: Taliban Leader Mullah Omar Died in 2013, Afghans Declare
29 July 2015, WP: Taliban leader Mohammad Omar is said to have died in 2013
29 July 2015, NYT: Turkey Wins NATO Support as It Steps Up ISIS Fight in Syria
29 July 2015, Reuters: Afghanistan says Taliban leader dead, urges peace talks
28 July 2015, Intercept: DOD: Performance Work Statement (PWS): Course of Instruction in Advanced Force Operations (PDF)
28 July 2015, NYT: Goals Diverge and Perils Remain as U.S. and Turkey Take on ISIS
28 July 2015, Reuters: Iraqi militia leader says U.S. not serious about fighting Islamic State
27 July 2015, NYT: Strikes on Kurd Militias Elevate Tensions in Turkey
26 July 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Turkey conflict with Kurds: Was approving air strikes against the PKK America's worst error in the Middle East since the Iraq War?
26 July 2015, WP: U.S.-Turkey deal aims to create de facto 'safe zone' in northwest Syria
26 July 2015, NYT: Turkey Attacks Kurdish Militant Camps in Northern Iraq
25 July 2015, Yahoo News: AP: Kurds fight the IS group while being bombed by Turkey
25 July 2015, Yahoo News: AP: Turkey couples IS bombing runs with striking Kurdish targets
24 July 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Egypt: Background and U.S. Relations (PDF)
24 July 2015, NYT: U.S. Jets to Use Turkish Bases in War on ISIS
24 July 2015, NYT: U.S.-Trained Iraqi Troops Deployed to Help Retake Ramadi From ISIS
23 July 2015, WP: Turkey agrees to allow U.S. military to use its base to attack Islamic State
23 July 2015, WP: U.S.-trained Syrian rebels can call in airstrikes -- they're just not allowed
23 July 2015, NYT: Afghan Security Forces Struggle Just to Maintain Stalemate
23 July 2015, Yahoo News: AP: US-trained Iraqi troops to join Ramadi counteroffensive
22 July 2015, WP: Carter vows to help Saudi Arabia contain Iran's regional ambitions
21 July 2015, NYT: ISIS Leader Is Delegating His Powers in Case He Is Killed
18 July 2015, NYT: British Pilots Have Been Conducting Airstrikes in Syria, Defense Ministry Confirms
17 July 2015, NYT: Mapping Chaos in Yemen
16 July 2015, McClatchy: First contingent of U.S.-trained fighters enters Syria
16 July 2015, WP: Despite nuclear deal, U.S. and Iran locked in regional shadow war
16 July 2015, NYT: U.S. Steps Up Airstrikes in Afghanistan, Even Targeting ISIS
16 July 2015, NYT: U.S. Offers to Help Israel Bolster Defenses, Yet Iran Nuclear Deal Leaves Ally Uneasy
15 July 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Armed Conflict in Syria: Overview and U.S. Response (PDF)
15 July 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Iran: U.S. Economic Sanctions and the Authority to Lift Restrictions (PDF)
15 July 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Cybersecurity: Legislation, Hearings, and Executive Branch Documents (PDF)
15 July 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: On front line of the war against Isis, joint action by US and Iran has never felt closer
15 July 2015, WP: Syrian rebels get their first U.S.-trained fighters
14 July 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Isis in Iraq: Thousands of Shia militiamen to join decisive battle to take back Fallujah -- but lack of experience risks heavy casualties
14 July 2015, Reuters: On edge over Iran deal, Israel looks to lobby U.S. Congress
12 July 2015, NYT: U.S. Strike Is Said to Kill Senior ISIS Militant in Afghanistan
11 July 2015, NYT: Outside Psychologists Shielded U.S. Torture Program, Report Finds
10 July 2015, NYT: ISIS Leaders Reported Killed in Drone Strike in Afghanistan
10 July 2015, NYT: Taliban Were Authorized to Talk, Afghan Envoys Say
9 July 2015, NYT: Taliban-Afghan Meeting Ends With Optimism and Plans to Hold More Talks
8 July 2015, NYT: Afghan Officials and Taliban Meet in Possible Step Toward Peace Talks
3 July 2015, Guardian: Former UK ministers urge Obama to free Shaker Aamer from Guantanamo Bay
2 July 2015, Sidley Austin LLP: Report to the Special Committee of the Board of Directors of the American Psychological Association: Independent Review Relating to APA Ethics Guidelines, National Security Interrogations, and Torture (PDF)
1 July 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Iran: Efforts to Achieve a Nuclear Accord (PDF)

30 June 2015, NYT: Turkey Uneasy as U.S. Support of Syrian Kurds Grows
29 June 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Tunisia attack: To prevent more bloodshed we must accept that containment has not worked
28 June 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Isis, a year of the caliphate: The seven wars in Muslim countries where 'Islamic State' is powerful or growing in strength
27 June 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Isis in Kobani: Why we ignore the worst of the massacres
25 June 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Isis, a year of the caliphate: Have US tactics played into Islamist hands?
25 June 2015, NYT: Documents on 2012 Drone Strike Detail How Terrorists Are Targeted
24 June 2015, Guardian: GCHQ documents raise fresh questions over UK complicity in US drone strikes
19 June 2015, NYT: Al Qaeda Denies U.S. Strike Killed Key Jihadist in Libya
17 June 2015, WP: CIA didn't know strike would hit al-Qaeda leader
17 June 2015, NYT: For U.S., Killing Terrorists Is a Means to an Elusive End
17 June 2015, WSJ: Top U.S. Officials Consider Bigger American Role in Iraq
16 June 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The Addition of Trainers to Iraq: Background for Congress (PDF)
16 June 2015, WP: Russia to increase nuclear arsenal as U.S. plans more firepower in Europe
15 June 2015, WP: Russia says it would match any U.S. military buildup in Eastern Europe
15 June 2015, NYT: U.S. Airstrike in Libya Targets Planner of 2013 Algeria Attack
14 June 2015, Internet Archive: Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown: Hawaii
14 June 2015, WP: U.S. planes target al-Qaeda veteran in Libya
14 June 2015, NYT: U.S. Is Poised to Put Heavy Weaponry in Eastern Europe
June 2015, DOD: Office of General Counsel: Law of War Manual (PDF)
12 June 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Cybersecurity and Information Sharing: Comparison of Legislative Proposals in the 114th Congress (PDF)
12 June 2015, WP: Secret CIA effort in Syria faces large funding cut
10 June 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel (PDF)
10 June 2015, WP: Obama's new plan against ISIS signals that U.S. still in for a long war in Iraq
10 June 2015, WSJ: U.S. to Add Forces in Iraq, but Move Doesn't Quell Critics
9 June 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Train and Equip Program for Syria: Authorities, Funding, and Issues for Congress (PDF)
9 June 2015, NYT: A Raid on ISIS Yields a Trove of Intelligence
7 June 2015, NYT: Inside SEAL Team 6
7 June 2015, NYT: SEAL Team 6: A Secret History of Quiet Killings and Blurred Lines
4 June 2015, Democracy Now: "These are War Crimes": Shocking Details Emerge of U.S. Resident Majid Khan's Torture by CIA
2 June 2015, Reuters: Detainee alleges CIA sexual abuse, torture beyond Senate findings
1 June 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Israel: Background and U.S. Relations (PDF)
1 June 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: A Shift in the International Security Environment: Potential Implications for Defense--Issues for Congress (PDF)
1 June 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy Irregular Warfare and Counterterrorism Operations: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
1 June 2015, NYT: Western Officials Alarmed as ISIS Expands Territory in Libya

28 May 2015, Nautilus Institute: Ball et al: Expanded Communications Satellite Surveillance and Intelligence Activities utilising Multi-beam Antenna Systems (PDF)
28 May 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Wartime Detention Provisions in Recent Defense Authorization Legislation (PDF)
27 May 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The "Islamic State" Crisis and U.S. Policy (PDF)
26 May 2015, Frontline: Obama at War
25 May 2015, NYT: Afghans Form Militias and Call on Warlords to Battle Taliban
21 May 2015, London Review of Books: Seymour Hersh: The Killing of Osama bin Laden
20 May 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Honduras: Background and U.S. Relations (PDF)
19 May 2015, Frontline: Secrets, Politics and Torture
19 May 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Iran, Gulf Security, and U.S. Policy (PDF)
19 May 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Defense Spending and the Budget Control Act Limits (PDF)
16 May 2015, WP: Senior ISIS leader killed in U.S. raid in Syria
15 May 2015, NYT: Obama Pledges More Military Aid to Reassure Persian Gulf Allies on Iran Deal
14 May 2015, YouTube: Real News: Interview with Seymour Hersh re. Osama bin Laden raid, Pakistan
13 May 2015, Cryptome: Foreign Drone Bases Series
12 May 2015, Democracy Now: Seymour Hersh Details Explosive Story on Bin Laden Killing & Responds to White House, Media Backlash
11 May 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Arms Control and Nonproliferation: A Catalog of Treaties and Agreements (PDF)
11 May 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The 2015 National Security Strategy: Authorities, Changes, Issues for Congress (PDF)
11 May 2015, Intercept: Speech Recognition is NSA's Best-Kept Open Secret
8 May 2015, NYT: Top Qaeda Figure Dies in Yemen Drone Strike
8 May 2015, NYT: U.S. Trains Syrian Rebels in Jordan to Fight ISIS
5 May 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Iran's Foreign Policy (PDF)
5 May 2015, Intercept: How the NSA Converts Spoken Words Into Searchable Text
3 May 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Isis on the run? The US portrayal is very far from the truth
1 May 2015, NYT: American Psychological Association Bolstered C.I.A. Torture Program, Report Says
1 May 2015, Reuters: U.S., allies stage 18 air strikes against Islamic State: coalition
1 May 2015, AP: AP Poll: Americans approve of drone strikes on terrorists

30 April 2015, NYT: Taliban Gains Pull U.S. Units Back Into Fight in Afghanistan
29 April 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Saudi Arabia: Background and U.S. Relations (PDF)
29 April 2015, NYT: Afghan Troops Rush to Kunduz Amid Taliban Assault
April 2015, Soldz, Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, et al: All the President's Psychologists: The American Psychological Association's Secret Complicity with the White House and US Intelligence Community in Support of the CIA's "Enhanced" Interrogation Program (PDF)
26 April 2015, 60 Minutes: The Battle Above: Part 2
26 April 2015, 60 Minutes: The Battle Above: Part 1
25 April 2015, Reuters: U.S., allies conduct 15 air strikes in Syria, Iraq: military
24 April 2015, NYT: U.S. Weighs Training Iraqis to Call in American Airstrikes in ISIS Fight
24 April 2015, NYT: Drone Strikes Reveal Uncomfortable Truth: U.S. Is Often Unsure About Who Will Die
24 April 2015, NYT: David Petraeus Is Sentenced to Probation in Leak Investigation
April 2015, DOD: The Department of Defense Cyber Strategy (PDF)
23 April 2015, Guardian: White House admits: we didn't know who drone strike was aiming to kill
23 April 2015, Guardian: The $18bn arms race helping to fuel Middle East conflict
23 April 2015, WP: For first time, Pentagon strategy addresses use of cyberweapons
23 April 2015, Yahoo News: AP: Petraeus sentenced to 2 years' probation for military leak
22 April 2015, Spiegel: A War Waged From German Soil: US Ramstein Base Key in Drone Attacks
22 April 2015, Daily Beast: Pentagon Map Hides ISIS Gains
22 April 2015, WP: Saudis launch new airstrikes as U.S. concerns grow about Yemen war
21 April 2015, Reuters: U.S., allies conduct 28 air strikes in Syria and Iraq: military
20 April 2015, WP: Syrian fighters to begin training in Turkey despite divide over mission
20 April 2015, WP: Militiamen hand over body suspected to be that of top Saddam Hussein aide
20 April 2015, Retro Report: Anatomy of an Interrogation
20 April 2015, NYT: A Singular Conviction Amid the Debate on Torture and Terrorism
20 April 2015, Reuters: U.S. begins training Ukrainian guardsmen despite Russia's concerns
20 April 2015, Yahoo News: AP: Bombs shatter houses in Yemen capital, hit near Iran Embassy
19 April 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: From Iraq to Libya and Syria: The wars that come back to haunt us
19 April 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Isis stalemate forces US into a cold assessment of Iraq government and other potential allies
19 April 2015, NYT: Sale of U.S. Arms Fuels the Wars of Arab States
18 April 2015, Spiegel: The Terror Strategist: Secret Files Reveal the Structure of Islamic State
17 April 2015, Intercept: Germany is the Tell-Tale Heart of America's Drone War
17 April 2015, WP: Thousands of Iraqis flee as Islamic State makes gains in Sunni heartland
15 April 2015, USAF: Air Force Space Command: Fact Sheet: Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program (GSSAP)
15 April 2015, NYT: U.S. Drone Kills a Top Figure in Al Qaeda's Yemen Branch
15 April 2015, NYT: Blackwater's Legacy Goes Beyond Public View
15 April 2015, NYT: Sentences in Blackwater Killings Give Iraqis a Measure of Closure
14 April 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force: Issues Concerning Its Continued Application (PDF)
14 April 2015, NYT: Drone Strikes in Yemen Said to Set a Dangerous Precedent
14 April 2015, NYT: Ex-Blackwater Guards Given Long Terms for Killing Iraqis
13 April 2015, NYT: Emails Reveal Discord Over Blackwater Charges
13 April 2015, NYT: Terrorism Case Renews Debate Over Drone Hits
10 April 2015, DOD: Iraq and Syria: ISIL's Reduced Operating Areas as of April 2015 (PDF)
10 April 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Islamic State Financing and U.S. Policy Approaches (PDF)
10 April 2015, NYT: Tensions Between Iran and Saudi Arabia Deepen Over Conflict in Yemen
9 April 2015, WP: Yemen conflict's risk for Saudis: 'Their Vietnam'
9 April 2015, NYT: U.S. Deports Salvadoran General Accused in 80s Killings
April 2015, Open Society Justice Initiative: Death by Drone: Civilian Harm Caused by U.S. Targeted Killings in Yemen (PDF)
8 April 2015, USA Today: U.S. secretly tracked billions of calls for decades
3 April 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The War Powers Resolution: Concepts and Practice (PDF)
1 April 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: War with Isis: Iraq declares victory in the battle for Tikrit - but militants make ominous advances in neighbouring Syria's capital
1 April 2015, WP: SEC says confidentiality agreements may have 'muzzled' whistleblowers at top government contractor
1 April 2015, Reuters: Islamic State seizes vast Damascus refugee camp
1 April 2015, Reuters: Israel tests U.S.-backed missile shield as Iran nuclear talks churn
1 April 2015, Yahoo News: AP: Iraq hails victory over Islamic State extremists in Tikrit

30 March 2015, NYT: Old, New and Unusual Alliances in the Middle East
29 March 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Saudi Arabia's airstrikes in Yemen are fuelling the Gulf's fire
27 March 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Cyberwarfare and Cyberterrorism: In Brief (PDF)
27 March 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The United Kingdom: Background and Relations with the United States (PDF)
27 March 2015, NYT: Egypt Says It May Send Troops to Yemen to Fight Houthis
26 March 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Yemen: Civil War and Regional Intervention (PDF)
March 2015, Human Rights Watch: After Liberation Came Destruction: Iraqi Militias and the Aftermath of Amerli (PDF)
March 2015, FBI: 9/11 Review Commission: The FBI: Protecting the Homeland in the 21st Century (PDF)
23 March 2015, NYT: Out of Yemen, U.S. Is Hobbled in Terror Fight
21 March 2015, NYT: U.S. May Stay in Afghanistan After '16
20 March 2015, Nation: It's Official: The Pentagon Finally Admitted That Israel Has Nuclear Weapons, Too
20 March 2015, NYT: More U.S. Troops Seen Staying in Afghanistan
18 March 2015, C-SPAN: Lannan Foundation: Noam Chomsky (Masters of Mankind: Essays and Lectures, 1969-2013), David Barsamian
18 March 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: U.S. Strategic Nuclear Forces: Background, Developments, and Issues (PDF)
18 March 2015, NYT: Afghan Militia Leaders, Empowered by U.S. to Fight Taliban, Inspire Fear in Villages
18 March 2015, NYT: After ISIS Retreats in Iraq, Evidence of Shiite Retaliation
18 March 2015, NYT: Iraqi Forces and Militias Said to Loot Sunni Towns
16 March 2015, Security Journal: From surveillance to torture: The evolution of US interrogation practices during the War on Terror (PDF)
16 March 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Cybersecurity and Information Sharing: Legal Challenges and Solutions (PDF)
15 March 2015, YouTube: Nation: Noam Chomsky: Democracy Is a Threat to Any Power System
15 March 2015, NYT: C.I.A. Cash Ended Up in Coffers of Al Qaeda
13 March 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Cybersecurity: Authoritative Reports and Resources, by Topic (PDF)
13 March 2015, NYT: General in El Salvador Killings in '80s Can Be Deported, Court Rules
12 March 2015, NYT: Iraqi Army Cements Hold on Tikrit, but Islamic State Sends a Message
12 March 2015, NYT: Syria After Four Years of Mayhem
11 March 2015, Reuters: U.S. may be unable to defend its Syria recruits against Assad
11 March 2015, Reuters: Reported atrocities by Iraqi forces could risk aid under U.S. law
11 March 2015, Yahoo News: AP: Iraqi forces, militias sweep into Islamic State-held Tikrit
10 March 2015, WP: Leak investigation stalls amid fears of confirming U.S.-Israel operation
7 March 2015, NYT: C.I.A. to Be Overhauled to Fight Modern Threats
6 March 2015, NYT: Iran Gains Influence in Iraq as Shiite Forces Fight ISIS
6 March 2015, NYT: U.S. Strategy in Iraq Increasingly Relies on Iran
6 March 2015, Yahoo News: AP: Iranian role in fighting IS in Iraq: Where will it lead?
4 March 2015, All In: 62% now favor reinvading Iraq
4 March 2015, NYT: Iraqi Campaign to Drive ISIS From Tikrit Reveals Tensions With U.S.
4 March 2015, Reuters: U.S. budget caps could complicate Israel's missile funding request
3 March 2015, WP: Top U.S. general says it is time to consider arming Ukrainian forces
3 March 2015, NYT: Iraqi Offensive to Retake Tikrit From ISIS Begins
3 March 2015, NYT: Figures From U.S.-Led Coalition Show Heavy 2014 Losses for Afghan Army
3 March 2015, Democracy Now: Noam Chomsky: To Deal with ISIS, U.S. Should Own Up to Chaos of Iraq War & Other Radicalizing Acts
2 March 2015, WP: Pentagon's $55 billion mystery plane is secret, but debate on cost is appearing
2 March 2015, Democracy Now: Noam Chomsky on How the Iraq War Birthed ISIS & Why U.S. Policy Undermines the Fight Against It
2 March 2015, Democracy Now: Noam Chomsky: After Dangerous Proxy War, Keeping Ukraine Neutral Offers Path to Peace with Russia
2 March 2015, Democracy Now: Noam Chomsky: Despite Iran Spat, U.S. Support for Israeli Occupation Continues Without Pause

27 February 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: U.S. Periods of War and Dates of Recent Conflicts (PDF)
26 February 2015, WP: Top U.S. intelligence official backs arming Ukraine forces against Russia
26 February 2015, Democracy Now: Who Bankrolls the Islamic State? Private Donors in Gulf Oil States Cited as Key to ISIS Success
26 February 2015, Democracy Now: Exporting Torture: Former Chicago Police Detective Tied to Brutality at Guantanamo
22 February 2015, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Private donors from Gulf oil states helping to bankroll salaries of up to 100,000 Isis fighters
22 February 2015, NYT: Battle to Retake Iraqi City Looms as Test of Obama's ISIS Strategy
20 February 2015, NYT: Iraqi Assault to Retake Mosul From Islamic State Is Planned for Spring
18 February 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: International Law and Agreements: Their Effect upon U.S. Law (PDF)
18 February 2015, Guardian: Bad lieutenant: American police brutality, exported from Chicago to Guantanamo
February 2015, Kaspersky Lab: Equation Group: Questions and Answers (PDF)
February 2015, Wong, Gerras, U.S. Army War College: Lying to Ourselves: Dishonesty in the Army Profession (PDF)
16 February 2015, NYT: C.I.A. Is Said to Have Bought and Destroyed Iraqi Chemical Weapons
15 February 2015, WP: Pro-Iran militias' success in Iraq could undermine U.S.
13 February 2015, Jacobin: The World of Our Grandchildren: Interview with Noam Chomsky
13 February 2015, Army: Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve: Army Regulation (AR) 15-6 Investigation into Allegations of Civilian Casualties (CIVCAS) Resulting from 5-6 November 2014 Airstrikes in the vicinity of (IVO) Harim, Syria (PDF)
13 February 2015, NYT: U.S. Is Escalating a Secretive War in Afghanistan
11 February 2015, WH: Authorization for Use of Military Force against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Draft Joint Resolution) (PDF)
11 February 2015, WH: Letter from the President -- Authorization for the Use of United States Armed Forces in connection with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
10 February 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Perspectives on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) "Torture Report" and Enhanced Interrogation Techniques: In Brief (PDF)
February 2015, WH: National Security Strategy (PDF)
4 February 2015, Independent: War with Isis: Jordan's pledge to fight militants on the ground is coup for US and its allies
3 February 2015, All In: ISIS executes Jordanian pilot
3 February 2015, Secrecy News: Govt Backtracks on Classifying Afghanistan Data
3 February 2015, NYT: U.S. Declassifies Some Information on Afghan Forces
3 February 2015, Reuters: Islamic State shows burning of hostage, Jordan vows 'earth-shaking' response
2 February 2015, ODNI: U.S Intelligence Community Budget: 2006-2014
2 February 2015, ODNI: DNI Releases Requested Budget Figure for FY 2016 Appropriations for the National Intelligence Program (PDF)

January 2015, CIA, DEA, DHS, DOD, DOE, DOS, DOT, FBI, NRO, NSA, ODNI, USCG: Presidential Policy Directive 28: Signals Intelligence Activities (PPD-28): Policies and Procedures (PDF, ZIP)
30 January 2015, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction: Quarterly Report to the United States Congress (PDF)
29 January 2015, Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission: Final Report (PDF)
29 January 2015, Secrecy News: DoD Classifies Data on Afghanistan Oversight
29 January 2015, NYT: U.S. Suddenly Goes Quiet on Effort to Bolster Afghan Forces
28 January 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Defense: FY2015 Authorization and Appropriations (PDF)
27 January 2015, Spiegel: Source Code Similarities: Experts Unmask 'Regin' Trojan as NSA Tool
22 January 2015, NYT: Taliban Fissures in Afghanistan Are Seen as an Opening for ISIS
(Undated), Monde: NSA/CSS: Threat Operations Center: MORECOWBELL: A Covert HTTP/DNS Monitoring System for Operations Support (excerpt) (PDF)
17 January 2015, Spiegel: The Digital Arms Race: NSA Preps America for Future Battle
15 January 2015, PBS NewsHour: Is the U.S. military faced with impossible missions?
15 January 2015, PBS NewsHour: 'An era of defeat' for the best soldiers in the world?
14 January 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Intelligence Authorization Legislation for FY2014 and FY2015: Provisions, Status, Intelligence Community Framework (PDF)
14 January 2015, Yahoo News: AP: France cracks down on hate speech, sends carrier to Mideast
13 January 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Japan-U.S. Relations: Issues for Congress (PDF)
12 January 2015, Reuters: U.S.-funded Afghan police payroll at risk of waste and abuse: watchdog
11 January 2015, Z: Noam Chomsky: We Are All -- Fill in the Blank
9 January 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: China's Mineral Industry and U.S. Access to Strategic and Critical Minerals: Issues for Congress (PDF)
8 January 2015, NYT: Terrorists Strike Charlie Hebdo Newspaper in Paris, Leaving 12 Dead
6 January 2015, Reuters: U.S.-led forces conduct 10 air strikes in Syria, two in Iraq - military
6 January 2015, Yahoo News: AP: US probing 2 airstrikes alleged to have killed civilians
5 January 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Coast Guard Cutter Procurement: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
5 January 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Cyber Operations in DOD Policy and Plans: Issues for Congress (PDF)
5 January 2015, Democracy Now: From Drone Strikes to Black Sites, How U.S. Foreign Policy Runs Under a Cloak of Secrecy
2 January 2015, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: American War and Military Operations Casualties: Lists and Statistics (PDF)
2 January 2015, NYT: Despite Thaw, American Base at Guantanamo Still Stings for Cubans
1 January 2015, WP: U.S. advisers in Iraq stay out of combat but see fighting edging closer
1 January 2015, NYT: With Schoolgirls Taken by Boko Haram Still Missing, U.S.-Nigeria Ties Falter
1 January 2015, Reuters: U.S., partners hit Islamic State in Syria, Iraq

31 December 2014, NYT: A Veteran's Chemical Burns Expanded Military Doctors' Knowledge, but His Care Faltered
30 December 2014, YouTube: Real News: The Making of Norman Finkelstein - Reality Asserts Itself (2/8)
30 December 2014, AP: Somalia says US airstrike kills al-Shabab leader
30 December 2014, Democracy Now: As American Captives Die While Others Walk Free, Is U.S. Hostage Policy Costing Citizens' Lives?
29 December 2014, NYT: In Battle to Defang ISIS, U.S. Targets Its Psychology
29 December 2014, Democracy Now: The Worst Narco-State in History? After 13-Year War, Afghanistan's Opium Trade Floods the Globe
29 December 2014, Democracy Now: The Afghan War is Not Over: U.S. Ends 13-Year Combat Mission, But 10,000+ Troops Continue the Fight
28 December 2014, Atlantic: The Tragedy of the American Military
(Undated), Spiegel: NATO: ISAF: Task Force Helmand: Dynamic Target Storyboard: RC(SW) - TFH J3 Tgts - Op STEN TAKAY: Obj DOODY - Mullah Niaz Muhammed - IS3673 (PDF)
28 December 2014, Spiegel: Obama's Lists: A Dubious History of Targeted Killings in Afghanistan
28 December 2014, Yahoo News: AP: US, NATO mark end of 13-year war in Afghanistan
26 December 2014, Intercept: The Mysterious Case of Prisoner 212
23 December 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: China Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
23 December 2014, YouTube: NYT: Brian Knappenberger: The Case Against Torture
23 December 2014, Democracy Now: "How the Iraq War Began in Panama": 1989 Invasion Set Path for Future U.S. Attacks
23 December 2014, Democracy Now: Bush & Cheney Should Be Charged with War Crimes Says Col. Wilkerson, Former Aide to Colin Powell
23 December 2014, Democracy Now: Ex-Bush Official: U.S. Tortured Prisoners to Produce False Intel that Built Case for Iraq War
December 2014, Physicians for Human Rights: Doing Harm: Health Professionals' Central Role in the CIA Torture Program (PDF)
21 December 2014, Z: Noam Chomsky: Obama's Historic Move
21 December 2014, WSJ: Iraqi Kurds Advance Against Islamic State in Sinjar
19 December 2014, Guardian: Pentagon anti-bomb force 'improperly retained' information on Americans
17 December 2014, Democracy Now: The Destabilization of Pakistan: Tariq Ali on Taliban School Massacre & U.S. Afghan War Blowback
16 December 2014, FAS: CRS: Legal Sidebar: Selected CRS Materials on Detention and Interrogation of Terrorist Suspects and Enemy Belligerents (PDF)
16 December 2014, NYT: C.I.A., on Path to Torture, Chose Haste Over Analysis
16 December 2014, Democracy Now: "Psychological Torture is Enshrined in U.S. Law": Complicity in Abuses Began Long Before Bush
16 December 2014, Democracy Now: After Duo Created CIA Torture Methods, Did World's Largest Group of Psychologists Enable Abuses?
10 December 2014, US House: Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: U.S. Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Integration, Oversight, and Competitiveness (PDF)
10 December 2014, NYT: Report Portrays a Broken C.I.A. Devoted to a Failed Approach
10 December 2014, Democracy Now: "These Are Crimes": New Calls to Prosecute Bush Admin as Senate Report Reveals Brutal CIA Torture
9 December 2014, YouTube: GRITtv: Noam Chomsky on Syria, China, Capitalism, and Ferguson
9 December 2014, ACLU: The U.S. Torture Program: A Blueprint for Accountability (PDF)
9 December 2014, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: The CIA's real failure? It pursued the wrong targets
9 December 2014, WP: 7 ways the U.S. military appears in the CIA interrogation report
9 December 2014, NYT: A History of the C.I.A.'s Secret Interrogation Program
9 December 2014, NYT: Panel Faults C.I.A. Over Brutality and Deceit in Terrorism Interrogations
8 December 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11 (PDF)
6 December 2014, WP: Hagel says U.S. to leave up to 1,000 extra troops in Afghanistan
5 December 2014, US Senate: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention and Interrogation Program: Minority Views, Additional Minority Views (unclassified version) (PDF)
5 December 2014, NYT: Examining a Rare Nerve-Agent Shell That Wounded American Troops in Iraq
(Undated), US Senate: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention and Interrogation Program: Additional Views (unclassified version) (PDF)
3 December 2014, US Senate: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention and Interrogation Program: Findings and Conclusions, Executive Summary (unclassified version) (PDF)
3 December 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Proposed Train and Equip Authorities for Syria: In Brief (PDF)
December 2014, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1969-1976: Volume XXXVIII: Part 2: Organization and Management of Foreign Policy; Public Diplomacy, 1973-1976 (PDF)
2 December 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Afghanistan: Post-Taliban Governance, Security, and U.S. Policy (PDF)
2 December 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Jordan: Background and U.S. Relations (PDF)

November 2014, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1917-1972: Public Diplomacy, World War I (PDF)
24 November 2014, Guardian: 41 men targeted but 1,147 people killed: US drone strikes -- the facts on the ground
24 November 2014, Reprieve: You Never Die Twice: Multiple Kills in the US Drone Program (PDF)
23 November 2014, NYT: Thousands of Iraq Chemical Weapons Destroyed in Open Air, Watchdog Says
22 November 2014, NYT: In a Shift, Obama Extends U.S. Role in Afghan Combat
21 November 2014, ODNI: DNI Releases Updated Budget Figure for FY 2015 Appropriations Requested for the National Intelligence Program (PDF)
19 November 2014, Corbett Report: Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia
19 November 2014, NYT: Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons: Reports of the Technical Secretariat for the Purpose of Reviewing Documentation Related to the Recovery and Destruction of Iraqi Chemical Weapons (PDF)
19 November 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Yemen: Background and U.S. Relations (PDF)
18 November 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange: Legislative History, Litigation, and Current Issues (PDF)
17 November 2014, Daily Show: Laura Poitras (Citizenfour) Extended Interview
17 November 2014, PBS NewsHour: Veterans claim contractor in charge of burn pits is responsible for lung illnesses
15 November 2014, YouTube: Brooklyn for Peace: Interview with Noam Chomsky: Can We Save Our Democracy and History?
13 November 2014, Yahoo News: AP: Pentagon says US troops' role in Iraq could expand
7 November 2014, NYT: More Than 600 Reported Chemical Exposure in Iraq, Pentagon Acknowledges
6 November 2014, Daily Show: James Risen (Pay Any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War)
6 November 2014, NYT: In Army Health Surveys, Troops Report Chemical Weapons Exposure in Iraq
6 November 2014, NYT: Exchange Between Hagel and Congress on Chemical Weapons Exposure in Iraq
4 November 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Qatar: Background and U.S. Relations (PDF)

30 October 2014, WP: Airstrikes against Islamic State not seen to have affected flow of fighters to Syria
30 October 2014, NYT: Troops to Be Checked for Chemical Exposure in Iraq
29 October 2014, Democracy Now: Arming the Warrior Cop: From Guns to Drones, Inside the Booming Business of Police Militarization
28 October 2014, Frontline: The Rise of ISIS
27 October 2014, NYT: Investigating Abandoned Chemical Weapons in Iraq
23 October 2014, Mother Jones: The Making of the Warrior Cop
23 October 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Intelligence Whistleblower Protections: In Brief (PDF)
23 October 2014, NYT: Taliban Are Rising Again in Afghanistan's North
23 October 2014, NYT: Blackwater Guards Found Guilty in 2007 Iraq Killings
18 October 2014, NYT: ISIS Militants in Syrian Border Town Begin to Retreat After a Monthlong Battle
18 October 2014, NYT: ISIS Keeps Up Pressure Near Baghdad as Iraqi Troops Hesitate
17 October 2014, US District Court, Eastern District VA: USA v. Landersman (Affidavit in Support of Criminal Complaint and Arrest Warrant) (PDF)
16 October 2014, Colbert Report: Abandoned WMDs in Iraq - C.J. Chivers
16 October 2014, Colbert Report: Abandoned WMDs in Iraq
16 October 2014, Intercept: Black Op Turns To Bedlam As Navy Silencer Scandal Unfolds
15 October 2014, FAS: CRS: Insights: Turkey-U.S. Cooperation Against the "Islamic State": A Unique Dynamic? (PDF)
14 October 2014, NYT: Chemical Secrets of the Iraq War
14 October 2014, NYT: The Secret Casualties of Iraq's Abandoned Chemical Weapons
13 October 2014, PBS NewsHour: Are the costs of security at 'any price' too high?
12 October 2014, WP: Probe of silencers leads to web of Pentagon secrets
11 October 2014, WP: Foreign fighters flow to Syria
10 October 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Al Qaeda-Affiliated Groups: Middle East and Africa (PDF)
(Undated), Intercept: NSA/CSS: National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) and U.S. Strategic Command Joint Functional Component Command -- Network Warfare (JFCC-NW): National Initiative Protection Program -- Sentry Eagle (Draft) (PDF)
(Undated), Intercept: NSA: NSA/CSS and JFCC-NW National Initiative Task -- Security Framework (PDF)
7 October 2014, All In: Politics of fear on the campaign trail
2 October 2014, Intercept: James Bamford: The NSA and Me
1 October 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Iran: U.S. Concerns and Policy Responses (PDF)

30 September 2014, ODNI: Office of the Director of National Intelligence Classification Guide 2.1 (ODNI CG 2.1) (PDF)
September 2014, Conflict Armament Research: Islamic State Weapons in Iraq and Syria (PDF)
September 2014, Noam Chomsky: Masters of Mankind: Essays and Lectures, 1969-2013 (EPUB)
30 September 2014, NYT: Opposition in Syria Is Skeptical of U.S. Airstrikes on ISIS
29 September 2014, Advocates for U.S. Torture Prosecutions; International Human Rights Clinic, Harvard Law School: Shadow Report to the United Nations Committee Against Torture on the Review of the Periodic Report of the United States of America (PDF)
29 September 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Background and Current Developments (PDF)
29 September 2014, Intercept: The Ghost of Ronald Reagan Authorizes Most NSA Spying
29 September 2014, ACLU: Executive Order 12333 -- FOIA Lawsuit
29 September 2014, ACLU: New Documents Shed Light on One of the NSA's Most Powerful Tools
27 September 2014, NYT: 3 Nations Offer Limited Support to Attack on ISIS
26 September 2014, YouTube: MIT: Armenian Society: Professor Noam Chomsky Lecture with MIT Armenian Society
26 September 2014, NYT: Militant in Beheading Videos Has Been Identified, F.B.I. Chief Says
26 September 2014, NYT: Warplanes Blast Militants' Refineries in Syria, Targeting a Source of Cash
25 September 2014, NYT: ISIS' Harsh Brand of Islam Is Rooted in Austere Saudi Creed
24 September 2014, NYT: U.S. Invokes Iraq's Defense in Legal Justification of Syria Strikes
24 September 2014, NYT: Startling Sight Where Blasts Are the Norm
23 September 2014, All In: America's other target: The Khorasan group
23 September 2014, NYT: Weeks of U.S. Strikes Fail to Dislodge ISIS in Iraq
23 September 2014, NYT: Airstrikes by U.S. and Allies Hit ISIS Targets in Syria
21 September 2014, NYT: U.S. Suspects More Direct Threats Beyond ISIS
19 September 2014, NYT: U.S. Faces Tough Struggle on Ground to Oust ISIS
19 September 2014, NYT: U.S. Goal Is to Make Syrian Rebels Viable
19 September 2014, NYT: Congress Gives Final Approval to Aid Rebels in Fight With ISIS
17 September 2014, NYT: House Votes to Authorize Aid to Syrian Rebels in ISIS Fight
16 September 2014, NYT: How ISIS Works
12 September 2014, National Security Archive: Israel Crosses the Threshold II: The Nixon Administration Debates the Emergence of the Israeli Nuclear Program
10 September 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The "Islamic State" Crisis and U.S. Policy (PDF)
9 September 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: U.S. Military Action Against the Islamic State: Answers to Frequently Asked Legal Questions (PDF)
9 September 2014, FAS: CRS: Insights: Considerations for Possible Authorization for Use of Military Force Against the Islamic State (PDF)
8 September 2014, Democracy Now: "U.S. Militarism Brings Chaos": As Obama Plans a War on ISIS, a Call for a Middle East-Led Response
6 September 2014, NYT: Obama Enlists 9 Allies to Help in the Battle Against ISIS
5 September 2014, Democracy Now: Ukraine Ceasefire Takes Hold, but an Expanding NATO on Russia's Borders Raises Threat of Nuclear War
3 September 2014, NYT: ISIS Says It Killed Steven Sotloff After U.S. Strikes in Northern Iraq
3 September 2014, Democracy Now: Fmr. U.S. Ambassador: To Resolve Ukraine Crisis, Address Internal Divisions & Russian Fears of NATO

29 August 2014, Democracy Now: Could U.S. Airstrikes in Syria and Iraq Weaken Islamic State -- or Win Them More Recruits?
28 August 2014, WP: Captives held by Islamic State were waterboarded
28 August 2014, NYT: Military Skill and Terrorist Technique Fuel Success of ISIS
26 August 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Conventional Prompt Global Strike and Long-Range Ballistic Missiles: Background and Issues (PDF)
25 August 2014, Democracy Now: Libya in Chaos: Vijay Prashad on Rise of Islamist Militias & Bloody Legacy of 2011 U.S. Intervention
25 August 2014, Democracy Now: Blowback: Vijay Prashad on How Islamic State Grew Out of U.S Invasion of Iraq, Destruction of Nation
23 August 2014, WP: U.S. strikes in Syria against Islamic State would be hindered by intelligence gaps
23 August 2014, WP: In deaths of civilians in Gaza, U.S. weapons sales to Israel come under scrutiny
23 August 2014, NYT: U.S. Weighs Direct Military Action Against ISIS in Syria
23 August 2014, NYT: Dozens Killed at Sunni Mosque in Iraq After Attack on Shiite Leader
22 August 2014, NYT: U.S. General Says Raiding Syria Is Key to Halting ISIS
21 August 2014, TomDispatch: Patrick Cockburn: Why Washington's War on Terror Failed
20 August 2014, FAS: CRS: Insights: The "Militarization" of Law Enforcement and the Department of Defense's "1033 Program" (PDF)
20 August 2014, Intercept: U.S. Military Bans The Intercept
20 August 2014, NYT: Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria
20 August 2014, NYT: Data on Transfer of Military Gear to Police Departments
18 August 2014, WP: Yemeni victims of U.S. military drone strike get more than $1 million in compensation
15 August 2014, Democracy Now: Cops or Soldiers? Pentagon, DHS Helped Arm Police in Ferguson with Equipment Used in War
14 August 2014, Chomsky.info: Noam Chomsky: Outrage
14 August 2014, WP: Tracking the Islamic State's rise
13 August 2014, NYT: In Increase, U.S. to Send 130 Advisers to Aid Iraqis
13 August 2014, NYT: Maliki's Bid to Keep Power in Iraq Seems to Collapse
13 August 2014, Democracy Now: Glenn Greenwald on Iraq: Is U.S. "Humanitarianism" Only Summoned to Control Oil-Rich Areas?
13 August 2014, Democracy Now: The Rise of ISIS: US Invasion of Iraq, Foreign Backing of Syrian Rebels Helped Fuel Jihadis' Advance
12 August 2014, NYT: For 2 U.S. Presidents, Iraqi Leader Proved a Source of Frustration
12 August 2014, NYT: Pentagon Says Airstrikes Have Slowed but Not Stopped Sunni Militants
12 August 2014, Reuters: U.S. could announce more troops to Iraq: officials
12 August 2014, Reuters: Islamic State carves jihadist hub in heart of Middle East
12 August 2014, Yahoo News: AP: US drone attacks Iraq militant mortar position
12 August 2014, Democracy Now: History Repeating Itself? U.S. Bombing Iraq While Jockeying to Oust Leader It Once Favored
August 2014, Amnesty International: Left In The Dark: Failures of Accountability for Civilian Casualties Caused By International Military Operations In Afghanistan (PDF)
11 August 2014, NYT: U.S. Actions in Iraq Fueled Rise of a Rebel
11 August 2014, WP: Why F/A-18F Super Hornets dropped the first U.S. bombs in Iraq
10 August 2014, NYT: Iraq Airstrikes May Continue for Months, Obama Says
9 August 2014, NYT: U.S. Jets and Drones Attack Militants in Iraq, Hoping to Stop Advance
8 August 2014, NYT: Obama Allows Limited Airstrikes on ISIS
8 August 2014, WSJ: Airstrikes Could Be Used More Broadly in Iraq, Officials Say
8 August 2014, WSJ: U.S. Launches 2nd Airstrikes on Iraq Militants
8 August 2014, WSJ: Barack Obama Approves Airstrikes on Iraq, Airdrops Aid
6 August 2014, Guardian: Noam Chomsky: As Hiroshima Day dawns, why are we still tempting nuclear fate?
6 August 2014, Democracy Now: "A Recipe for Civil War": Journalist Matthieu Aikins on U.S. Military Legacy & Afghanistan's Future
6 August 2014, Democracy Now: Killing of U.S. General by Afghan Soldier Underscores Obama's "Deep Problems" in Winding Down War
5 August 2014, WSJ: Afghanistan Base Shooting: U.S. Major General Killed in Kabul
1 August 2014, Democracy Now: Amnesty International: U.S. Should Stop Arming Israel Amid "Growing Evidence of War Crimes in Gaza"

31 July 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Israel: Background and U.S. Relations (PDF)
31 July 2014, Amnesty International: USA: Stop arms transfers to Israel amid growing evidence of war crimes in Gaza
31 July 2014, Reuters: U.S. defends supplying Israel ammunition during Gaza conflict
July 2014, USAF: America's Air Force: A Call to the Future (PDF)
31 July 2014, NYT: Air Force Plans Shift to Obtain High-Tech Weapon Systems
31 July 2014, Reuters: Iraqi Kurds, battling Islamist threat, press Washington for arms
30 July 2014, Secrecy News: Identity Intelligence and Special Operations
30 July 2014, Reuters: U.S. resupplies Israel with munitions as Gaza offensive rages
29 July 2014, Frontline: Losing Iraq
29 July 2014, Narcosphere: U.S. Military: More Counter-Narcotics Funding Will Help Stem Exodus of Children from Central America
23 July 2014, ACLU: DOD: Report on Associated Forces (PDF)
23 July 2014, Truthout: US Provides Israel the Weapons Used on Gaza
16 July 2014, FAS: DOD: JCS: Joint Publication 3-05: Special Operations (JP 3-05) (PDF)
16 July 2014, Democracy Now: "Iraq Has Already Disintegrated": ISIS Expands Stronghold as Leaks Expose US Doubts on Iraqi Forces
9 July 2014, Independent: Government needs to 'come clean' about extent of its knowledge of US activities on UK soil, campaigners say
8 July 2014, Guardian: US military studied how to influence Twitter users in Darpa-funded research

June 2014, ACLU: War Comes Home: The Excessive Militarization of American Policing (PDF)
27 June 2014, NYT: Redrawn Lines Seen as No Cure in Iraq Conflict
27 June 2014, NYT: Support for Maliki Slips Within His Own Party as Armed U.S. Drones Start Flights
27 June 2014, NYT: Obama Requests Money to Train 'Appropriately Vetted' Syrian Rebels
26 June 2014, NYT: In a U.S. Court, Iraqis Accuse Blackwater of Killings in 2007
June 2014, FAS: Army: ATP 3-34.80: Geospatial Engineering (PDF)
25 June 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy Force Structure and Shipbuilding Plans: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
25 June 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy DDG-51 and DDG-1000 Destroyer Programs: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
25 June 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Program: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
25 June 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
25 June 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy LX(R) Amphibious Ship Program: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
25 June 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy TAO(X) Oiler Shipbuilding Program: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
25 June 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy Virginia (SSN-774) Class Attack Submarine Procurement: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
25 June 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Navy Shipboard Lasers for Surface, Air, and Missile Defense: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
24 June 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: C-130 Hercules: Background, Sustainment, Modernization, Issues for Congress (PDF)
24 June 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Armed Conflict in Syria: Overview and U.S. Response (PDF)
24 June 2014, NYT: Court Releases Large Parts of Memo Approving Killing of American in Yemen
23 June 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Wartime Detention Provisions in Recent Defense Authorization Legislation (PDF)
23 June 2014, NYT: US Court of Appeals, Second Circuit: NYT, Savage, Shane, ACLU v. DOJ, DOD, CIA (PDF)
20 June 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Iraq Crisis and U.S. Policy (PDF)
18 June 2014, Spiegel: New NSA Revelations: Inside Snowden's Germany File
18 June 2014, Spiegel: Spying Together: Germany's Deep Cooperation with the NSA
17 June 2014, Real News: Chris Hedges Interviews Noam Chomsky (1/3)
16 June 2014, Reuters: Obama tells Congress U.S. deploying up to 275 troops to Iraq
16 June 2014, NYT: AP: Iran's General in Iraq, Militants Seize Key City
15 June 2014, NYT: Rebels' Fast Strike in Iraq Was Years in the Making
14 June 2014, NYT: The Lack of Major Wars May Be Hurting Economic Growth
13 June 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Taiwan: Major U.S. Arms Sales Since 1990 (PDF)
12 June 2014, Democracy Now: Iraq in Crisis: Militant Advance Sparks Mass Displacement as "Failed" U.S. Experiment Disintegrates
11 June 2014, NYT: Sunni Militants Drive Iraqi Army Out of Mosul
9 June 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Guam: U.S. Defense Deployments (PDF)
6 June 2014, WP: I'm an Army veteran, and my benefits are too generous
4 June 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: U.S. Air Force Bomber Sustainment and Modernization: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
3 June 2014, NYT: Politics Seen Undercutting Credibility of a Court

30 May 2014, YouTube: ZKM Institute for Visual Media: Noam Chomsky: Driving forces in US policy
May 2014, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1969-1976: Volume XXI: Chile, 1969-1973 (PDF)
30 May 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Cybersecurity: Authoritative Reports and Resources, by Topic (PDF)
28 May 2014, VA: OIG: Veterans Health Administration Interim Report: Review of Patient Wait Times, Scheduling Practices, and Alleged Patient Deaths at the Phoenix Health Care System (PDF)
28 May 2014, NYT: U.S. Troops to Leave Afghanistan by End of 2016
27 May 2014, WP: Obama to leave 9,800 U.S. troops in Afghanistan
23 May 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Defense Acquisition Reform: Background, Analysis, and Issues for Congress (PDF)
23 May 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Defense Acquisitions: How DOD Acquires Weapon Systems and Recent Efforts to Reform the Process (PDF)
19 May 2014, YouTube: Chatham House: Noam Chomsky: Rethinking US Foreign Policy
15 May 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The Lord's Resistance Army: The U.S. Response (PDF)
May 2014, Glenn Greenwald: Index from No Place to Hide (PDF)
May 2014, Glenn Greenwald: Notes from No Place to Hide (PDF)
May 2014, Glenn Greenwald: Documents from No Place to Hide (PDF)
May 2014, Glenn Greenwald: No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State (EPUB)
12 May 2014, AlterNet: Nobel Peace Laureates to Human Rights Watch: Close Your Revolving Door to U.S. Government
9 May 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Afghanistan: Drug Trafficking and the 2014 Transition (PDF)

24 April 2014, Cryptome: National Intelligence Priorities Framework Reconstruction v4
24 April 2014, @Paulmd199: National Intelligence Priorities Framework Reconstruction v4 (PDF)
21 April 2014, US Court of Appeals, Second Circuit: NYT, Savage, Shane, ACLU v. DOJ, DOD, CIA (Order) (PDF)
19 April 2014, Reuters: Air strike kills 10 al Qaeda militants, three civilians in Yemen: Saba
17 April 2014, Democracy Now: Former Drone Operators Reveal Air Force Plays Key Role in Secret CIA Assassination Campaign
17 April 2014, London Review of Books: Seymour Hersh: The Red Line and the Rat Line: Obama, Erdogan and the Syrian rebels
15 April 2014, YouTube: Harvard Book Store: Glenn Greenwald (No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State) and Noam Chomsky
12 April 2014, NYT: Salvadoran General Accused in Killings Should Be Deported, Miami Judge Says
11 April 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel (PDF)
8 April 2014, DOD: Instruction 3115.08: Collection of Information on Non-U.S. Persons Outside the United States at the Request of U.S. Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) (PDF)
7 April 2014, Democracy Now: Sy Hersh Reveals Potential Turkish Role in Syria Chemical Strike That Almost Sparked U.S. Bombing
7 April 2014, NYT: Thomas Polgar, C.I.A. Officer, Dies at 91; Helped Lead U.S. Evacuation of Saigon
6 April 2014, NYT: Delays in Effort to Refocus C.I.A. From Drone War
4 April 2014, Guardian: DOD: OIG: Investigation of a Hotline Allegation of a Questionable Intelligence Activity Concerning the Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) Counter-IED Operations/Intelligence Integration Center (COIC) (PDF)
2 April 2014, Z: Noam Chomsky: The Prospects for Survival
1 April 2014, MSNBC: How Pollard became Israel's spy

26 March 2014, ACLU: DOD: Report on Congressional Notification of Sensitive Military Operations and Counterterrorism Operational Briefings (PDF)
23 March 2014, NYT: What Pakistan Knew About Bin Laden
March 2014, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1969-1976: Volume XXXV: National Security Policy, 1973-1976 (PDF)
19 March 2014, All In: What next for Ukraine?
13 March 2014, US District Court, Eastern District VA: USA v. Hall, Landersman (Superseding Indictment) (PDF)
10 March 2014, WP: SEC has opened investigation into KBR, whistleblower's lawyer says
6 March 2014, ACLU: DOD: Report on Process for Determining Targets of Lethal or Capture Operations (PDF)
6 March 2014, Guardian: Nato attack kills five Afghan troops
6 March 2014, Reuters: U.S. freedom of navigation operations in 2013 targeted China, Iran
5 March 2014, McNeal, Pepperdine Univ. School of Law: Targeted Killing and Accountability (PDF)
5 March 2014, Z: Noam Chomsky: Government Security is a Public in the Dark

28 February 2014, DOJ: Miami Immigration Court: In the Matter of Garcia-Merino in Removal Proceedings (Notice Regarding Relief From Removal, Written Decision and Orders of the Immigration Judge) (PDF)
28 February 2014, NYT: U.S. Militant, Hidden, Spurs Drone Debate
19 February 2014, WP: Lawsuit brings to light secrecy statements required by KBR
14 February 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Bahrain: Reform, Security, and U.S. Policy (PDF)
13 February 2014, GAO: Civilian Intelligence Community: Additional Actions Needed to Improve Reporting on and Planning for the Use of Contract Personnel (PDF)
13 February 2014, NYT: Escaped Inmates From Iraq Fuel Syrian Insurgency
12 February 2014, FAS: Army: FM 3-38: Cyber Electromagnetic Activities (PDF)
11 February 2014, NYT: US Court of Appeals, DC: Aamer, Siddique v. Obama (PDF)
10 February 2014, Intercept: The NSA's Secret Role in the U.S. Assassination Program
5 February 2014, North American Congress on Latin America: The Hypocrisy of Human Rights Watch
5 February 2014, Guardian: US limits Pakistan drone strikes amid political battle over military moves
5 February 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Iraq: Politics, Governance, and Human Rights (PDF)
4 February 2014, US District Court, DC: Alexa O'Brien v. DOJ (Complaint) (PDF)
3 February 2014, DOD: US Court of Military Commission Review: Charges and Specifications in the case of USA v. Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi (PDF)

January 2014, DOS: Toward "Thorough, Accurate, and Reliable": A History of the Foreign Relations of the United States Series (PDF)
31 January 2014, NYT: Obama Picks a Cyber Expert to Lead N.S.A.
30 January 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Qatar: Background and U.S. Relations (PDF)
30 January 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Kuwait: Security, Reform, and U.S. Policy (PDF)
30 January 2014, US District Court, DC: Alexa O'Brien v. DOS (Complaint) (PDF)
30 January 2014, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction: Direct Assistance: USAID Has Taken Positive Action to Assess Afghan Ministries' Ability to Manage Donor Funds, but Concerns Remain (SIGAR 14-32-AR) (PDF)
27 January 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Jordan: Background and U.S. Relations (PDF)
23 January 2014, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA): Background, Legislation, and Policy Issues (PDF)
20 January 2014, CSM: Resurgent Afghanistan drug trade threatening US goals, Pentagon warns
17 January 2014, WSJ: Obama Says Government Mass Collection of U.S. Phone Data Will End
17 January 2014, WH: Presidential Policy Directive: Signals Intelligence Activities (PPD-28) (PDF)
15 January 2014, WH: Presidential Policy Directive: United States Conventional Arms Transfer Policy (PPD-27)
15 January 2014, US Senate: Intelligence Committee: Review of the Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi, Libya, September 11-12, 2012 (PDF)
15 January 2014, WP: Lawmakers seek to stymie plan to shift control of drone campaign from CIA to Pentagon
15 January 2014, NYT: N.S.A. Devises Radio Pathway Into Computers
January 2014, Harvard National Security Journal: Michael Glennon: National Security and Double Government (PDF)
10 January 2014, Guardian: US 'tried to oust Hamid Karzai by manipulating Afghan elections'
8 January 2014, Democracy Now: From COINTELPRO to Snowden, the FBI Burglars Speak Out After 43 Years of Silence (Part 2)
8 January 2014, Democracy Now: "It Was Time to Do More Than Protest": Activists Admit to 1971 FBI Burglary That Exposed COINTELPRO
7 January 2014, Retro Report: Stealing J. Edgar Hoover's Secrets
7 January 2014, NYT: Burglars Who Took On F.B.I. Abandon Shadows
4 January 2014, NYT: Iraq Fighters, Qaeda Allies, Claim Falluja as New State
3 January 2014, WP: Al-Qaeda force captures Fallujah amid rise in violence in Iraq
3 January 2014, NYT: Qaeda-Aligned Militants Threaten Key Iraqi Cities

2013, Israel Ministry of Defense: International Defense Cooperation Agency: Israel Defense Directory 2013-14 (PDF)
1982-2013, ACLU: NSA, DIA, FBI, OLC: Executive Order 12333 -- FOIA Lawsuit (32 documents) (PDF, ZIP)

December 2013, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1977-1980: Volume VI: Soviet Union (PDF)
December 2013, DOD: Unmanned Systems Integrated Roadmap FY2013-2038 (PDF)
31 December 2013, Guardian: Fewer deaths from drone strikes in 2013 after Obama policy change
(Undated), Spiegel: NSA/CSS: Texas Cryptologic Center: Tailored Access Operations (2) (PDF)
26 December 2013, NYT: U.S. Sends Arms to Aid Iraq Fight With Extremists
24 December 2013, Democracy Now: Beyond Plan Colombia: Covert CIA Program Reveals Critical U.S. Role in Killings of Rebel Leaders
21 December 2013, WP: Covert action in Colombia: U.S. intelligence, GPS bomb kits help Latin American nation cripple rebel forces
19 December 2013, London Review of Books: Seymour Hersh: Whose sarin?
16 December 2013, ODNI: U.S. Insider Threat Security Classification Guide 1.0 (PDF)
December 2013, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1964-1968: Volume XXIII: Congo, 1960-1968 (PDF)
12 December 2013, ACLU: DOD: Department of Defense Implementation of the Presidential Policy Guidance on "Procedures for Approving Direct Action Against Terrorist Targets Located Outside the United States and Areas of Active Hostilities" (PDF)
12 December 2013, WH: Liberty and Security in a Changing World: Report and Recommendations of the President's Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies (PDF)
9 December 2013, Democracy Now: Seymour Hersh: Obama "Cherry-Picked" Intelligence on Syrian Chemical Attack to Justify U.S. Strike
6 December 2013, DOD: Freedom of Information Act Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2013 (PDF)

30 November 2013, NYT: U.S. General Apologizes After Afghan Drone Strike
25 November 2013, NYT: Elders Back Security Pact That Karzai Won't Sign
24 November 2013, NYT: Karzai Insists U.S. Forces Killed Civilians in a Raid
19 November 2013, Boiling Frogs Post: Sibel Edmonds, Peter Collins on Whistleblowers, George Soros, Democracy Now (MP3)
13 November 2013, Cryptome: NSA SIGINT Strategic Mission Chart 2007
12 November 2013, Gawker: After 30 Years of Silence, the Original NSA Whistleblower Looks Back
11 November 2013, Guardian: White House considers appointing civilian NSA chief amid calls for reform
6 November 2013, NYT: U.S. Is Losing Advantage in Spying, Report Says
5 November 2013, FAS: Report of the National Commission for the Review of the Research and Development Programs of the United States Intelligence Community (Unclassified Version) (PDF)
3 November 2013, Guardian: CIA made doctors torture suspected terrorists after 9/11, taskforce finds
November 2013, Institute on Medicine as a Profession: Ethics Abandoned: Medical Professionalism and Detainee Abuse in the War on Terror (PDF)
2 November 2013, Guardian: Portrait of the NSA: no detail too small in quest for total surveillance

31 October 2013, Democracy Now: "These Drones Attack Us and the Whole World is Silent": New Film Exposes Secret U.S. War
October 2013, European Parliament: National programmes for mass surveillance of personal data in EU Member States and their compatibility with EU law (PDF)
27 October 2013, 60 Minutes: The Deputy Director: Mike Morell
25 October 2013, Democracy Now: A Drone Warrior's Torment: Ex-Air Force Pilot Brandon Bryant on His Trauma from Remote Killing
25 October 2013, Democracy Now: As U.S. Faces New Scrutiny on Drones, U.N. Report Finds Hundreds of Civilian Deaths in Pakistan
15 October 2013, PLOS Medicine: Hagopian et al: Mortality in Iraq Associated with the 2003-2011 War and Occupation: Findings from a National Cluster Sample Survey by the University Collaborative Iraq Mortality Study (PDF)
11 October 2013, Democracy Now: Worse Than Nixon? Committee to Protect Journalists Warns About Obama Crackdown on Press Freedom
10 October 2013, Committee to Protect Journalists: The Obama Administration and the Press: Leak investigations and surveillance in post-9/11 America (PDF)
8 October 2013, Truthout: Noam Chomsky On Shutdown, Waning US Influence, Syrian Showdown
6 October 2013, Truthout: Noam Chomsky: The Obama Doctrine
2 October 2013, WP: CIA ramping up covert training program for moderate Syrian rebels
1 October 2013, WP: Foreign extremists dominate Syria fight

September 2013, Public Intelligence: DOT: Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Service Demand 2015-2035: Literature Review and Projections of Future Usage (PDF)
28 September 2013, Shill Report: Interview with Noam Chomsky (MP3)
25 September 2013, WP: Largest Syrian rebel groups form Islamic alliance, in possible blow to U.S. influence
24 September 2013, WP: U.S. moves drone fleet from Camp Lemonnier to ease Djibouti's safety concerns
20 September 2013, Guardian: Goldsboro revisited: account of hydrogen bomb near-disaster over North Carolina -- declassified document
20 September 2013, Guardian: US nearly detonated atomic bomb over North Carolina -- secret document
11 September 2013, Democracy Now: Noam Chomsky: U.S. Has Been "Torturing" Iran for 60 Years, Since 1953 CIA-Led Coup
11 September 2013, Democracy Now: Chomsky on 9/11, Syria's "Bloody Partition" and Why U.S. Role Ensures Failure of Mideast Talks
11 September 2013, Democracy Now: Chomsky: Instead of "Illegal" Threat to Syria, U.S. Should Back Chemical Weapons Ban in All Nations
9 September 2013, NYT: Drone and Taliban Attacks Hit Civilians, Afghans Say
8 September 2013, AP: NATO accused of killing Afghan civilians
6 September 2013, WSJ: U.S. Strike Kills Leader of Afghan Insurgent Group
6 September 2013, Democracy Now: U.S.-Russian Tensions Heighten over Syria; Roots of Conflict Stem from NATO Bombing of Libya
5 September 2013, FAS: CRS: Intelligence Spending and Appropriations: Issues for Congress (PDF)
4 September 2013, Democracy Now: As U.S. Pushes For Syria Strike, Questions Loom over Obama Claims in Chemical Attack
2 September 2013, McClatchy: To some, US case for Syrian gas attack, strike has too many holes
2 September 2013, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: Global nuclear weapons inventories, 1945-2013 (PDF)
2 September 2013, WP: Top-secret U.S. intelligence files show new levels of distrust of Pakistan

30 August 2013, FP: U.S. Had Intel on Chemical Strike Before It Was Launched
30 August 2013, WP: U.S. spy agencies mounted 231 offensive cyber-operations in 2011, documents show
30 August 2013, NYT: Britain's Rejection of Syrian Response Reflects Fear of Rushing to Act
29 August 2013, Yahoo News: AP: AP sources: Intelligence on weapons no 'slam dunk'
29 August 2013, WP: The 'Black Budget': How intelligence agencies spend $52 billion (PDF)
29 August 2013, WP: U.S. spy network's successes, failures and objectives detailed in 'black budget' summary
29 August 2013, Democracy Now: Syria Debate: Does U.S. Have the Evidence and Authority to Hit Assad for Alleged Chemical Attack?
28 August 2013, Democracy Now: As Strikes on Syria Loom, Is U.S. Ignoring a Diplomatic Track That Could Prevent More Violence?
14 August 2013, DOD: Missile Defense Agency: Ballistic Missile Defense Overview (PDF)
12 August 2013, Spiegel: Ally and Target: US Intelligence Watches Germany Closely

25 July 2013, Democracy Now: Yemeni Reporter Who Exposed U.S. Drone Strike Freed from Prison After Jailing at Obama's Request
20 July 2013, WP: U.S. military drone surveillance is expanding to hot spots beyond declared combat zones
19 July 2013, WP: U.S. military drone network in the Middle East and Africa
15 July 2013, Crypto-Gram: NSA, Edward Snowden, surveillance, cyberwar
10 July 2013, FAS: CRS: Memorandum: The 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force: Background in Brief (PDF)
9 July 2013, C-SPAN: Mitch Weiss and Kevin Maurer (Hunting Che: How a U.S. Special Forces Team Helped Capture the World's Most Famous Revolutionary)
1 July 2013, NYT: Job Title Key to Inner Access Held by Snowden

30 June 2013, NYT: Taking Outsize Role in Syria, Qatar Funnels Arms to Rebels
27 June 2013, CIA: Comments on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Former Detention and Interrogation Program (PDF)
27 June 2013, WP: Justice Dept. targets general in leak probe
June 2013, YouTube: Left Forum: Noam Chomsky
25 June 2013, Democracy Now: Insider Threat: Government Employees Urged to Tattle On Coworkers in Effort to Stop Classified Leaks
21 June 2013, Bloomberg: Booz Allen, the World's Most Profitable Spy Organization
20 June 2013, Democracy Now: Did U.S. Gov't Lie about TWA Flight 800 Crash? Ex-Investigators Seek Probe as New Evidence Emerges
19 June 2013, NYT: Taliban Step Toward Afghan Peace Talks Is Hailed by U.S.
18 July 2013, Boiling Frogs Post: Georgia: The New CIA-NATO Arab Terrorist Training Center
17 June 2013, Boiling Frogs Post: Russ Tice (NSA whistleblower) interviewed by Sibel Edmonds, Peter Collins (MP3)
14 June 2013, NYT: U.S. Is Said to Plan to Send Weapons to Syrian Rebels
14 June 2013, Democracy Now: James Bamford on NSA Secrets, Keith Alexander's Influence & Massive Growth of Surveillance, Cyberwar
13 June 2013, Democracy Now: Chris Pyle, Whistleblower on Domestic Spying in 70s, Says Be Wary of Attacks on NSA's Critics
12 June 2013, Wired: The Secret War
11 June 2013, Democracy Now: Digital Blackwater: How the NSA Gives Private Contractors Control of the Surveillance State
7 June 2013, Guardian: Obama orders US to draw up overseas target list for cyber-attacks
7 June 2013, NYT: Electronic Surveillance Under Bush and Obama
5 June 2013, NBC News: CIA didn't always know who it was killing in drone strikes, classified documents show
4 June 2013, Democracy Now: Ralph Nader on the Federal Reserve's Gamble, Bradley Manning & Fighting the Two-Party System
4 June 2013, Democracy Now: American Fascism: Ralph Nader Decries How Big Business Has Taken Control of the U.S. Government
4 June 2013, Democracy Now: Bradley Manning Trial: WikiLeaks Lawyer Sees Spurious "Enemy" Claims & Bid to Scare Whistleblowers
4 June 2013, TomDispatch: Noam Chomsky: Humanity Imperiled: The Path to Disaster

May 2013, Intercept: DOD: ISR Task Force: ISR Support to Small Footprint CT Operations -- Somalia / Yemen: Executive Summary (PDF)
24 May 2013, NYT: New Terror Strategy Shifts C.I.A. Focus Back to Spying
23 May 2013, WH: U.S. Policy Standards and Procedures for the Use of Force in Counterterrorism Operations Outside the United States and Areas of Active Hostilities (PDF)
23 May 2013, NYT: Obama, in a Shift, to Limit Targets of Drone Strikes
23 May 2013, Democracy Now: Jeremy Scahill & Noam Chomsky on Secret U.S. Dirty Wars From Yemen to Pakistan to Laos
22 May 2013, ACLU: DOJ: Presidential Policy Guidance: Procedures for Approving Direct Action Against Terrorist Targets Located Outside the United States and Areas of Active Hostilities (PDF)
22 May 2013, NYT: Debate Aside, Number of Drone Strikes Drops Sharply
21 May 2013, C-SPAN: Jeremy Scahill (Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield)
20 May 2013, WHAT: WHAT about the future: Noam Chomsky
19 May 2013, 60 Minutes: Afghan children on a long and perilous journey
17 May 2013, Ceasefire: Why was a Sunday Times report on US government ties to al-Qaeda chief spiked?
17 May 2013, NYT: Trial on Guatemalan Civil War Carnage Leaves Out U.S. Role
9 May 2013, C-SPAN: James Zogby (Looking at Iran: The Rise & Fall of Iran in Public Opinion)
7 May 2013, Dawn: Interview with Noam Chomsky on Pakistan elections
7 May 2013, DOD: Directive 5134.10: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) (PDF)
5 May 2013, Boiling Frogs Post: Uber-Neocons: The Main Architects of Post-Assad Syria at Work
2 May 2013, Truthout: Noam Chomsky: Boston and Beyond
1 May 2013, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Nuclear Weapons R&D Organizations in Nine Nations (PDF)
1 May 2013, Boiling Frogs Post: The Backdoor Deal & Needed Face-Saving Ingredient for Russia on Syria

April 2013, Joint Force Quarterly: From Sea Power to Cyber Power: Learning from the Past to Craft a Strategy for the Future (PDF)
30 April 2013, Lew Rockwell Show: The Boston Bombing, the CIA and US Empire (interview with Sibel Edmonds) (MP3)
30 April 2013, Frontline: Top Secret America: 9/11 to the Boston Bombings
29 April 2013, NYT: With Bags of Cash, C.I.A. Seeks Influence in Afghanistan
27 April 2013, Cryptome: Graham Fuller/NY Times 1985-2011 (Ex-CIA-Tsarni) (PDF, ZIP)
April 2013, Jeremy Scahill: Dirty Wars: The World Is A Battlefield (PDF)
23 April 2013, C-SPAN: US Senate Judiciary Committee: Targeted Killing of Terrorist Suspects Overseas
22 April 2013, Corbett Report: Sibel Edmonds on the Boston Bombing: The US Roots of "Chechen" Terrorism
19 April 2013, Boiling Frogs Post: USA: The Creator & Sustainer of Chechen Terrorism
April 2013, Mark Mazzetti: The Way of the Knife: The CIA, a Secret Army, and a War at the Ends of the Earth (EPUB)
April 2013, Iran Project: Strategic Options for Iran: Balancing Pressure with Diplomacy (PDF)
12 April 2013, NYT: U.S. Justice Dept. Releases Judge's Ruling on Ex-Salvadoran General
10 April 2013, Democracy Now: The Way of the Knife: NYT's Mark Mazzetti on the CIA's Post-9/11 Move from Spying to Assassinations
9 April 2013, McClatchy: Obama's drone war kills 'others,' not just al Qaida leaders
8 April 2013, NYT: Afghan Children Reported Among Dead in U.S. Strike
April 2013, Constitution Project: Report of the Task Force on Detainee Treatment (PDF)

March 2013, Intercept: National Counterterrorism Center: Watchlisting Guidance (PDF)
29 March 2013, Cryptome: John Stanton: Obama's Cyber Nuke Dream, Petraeus' Love Child: Plus Message for US Congressman Hunter (PDF)
28 March 2013, Rolling Stone: The Spy Who Cracked Up in the Cold
22 March 2013, US Senate: Report of the Select Committee on Intelligence covering the period January 5, 2011 to January 3, 2013 (PDF)
22 March 2013, Democracy Now: BBC-Guardian Expose Uses WikiLeaks to Link Iraq Torture Centers to U.S. Col. Steele & Gen. Petraeus
20 March 2013, Democracy Now: Ten Years Later, U.S. Has Left Iraq with Mass Displacement & Epidemic of Birth Defects, Cancers
20 March 2013, Democracy Now: Dahr Jamail Returns to Iraq to Find Rampant Torture and a Failed State Living in "Utter Devastation"
20 March 2013, C-SPAN: NARA: Ira Katznelson (Fear Itself: The New Deal and the Origins of Our Time)
18 March 2013, Guardian: David Frum, the Iraq war and oil
18 March 2013, Guardian: MI6 and CIA were told before invasion that Iraq had no active WMD
17 March 2013, Reuters: U.S. soldier accused of Afghan killings faces "sanity" review
15 March 2013, Cryptome: DOD: Army Sec. McHugh letter to Rep. Hunter re. Human Terrain System (PDF)
14 March 2013, Corbett Report: Sibel Edmonds Explains Who's at the Top of the Pyramid
13 March 2013, Democracy Now: As Gitmo Prisoners Revolt, Obama Admin Challenged on Indefinite Detention at OAS Hearing
13 March 2013, Democracy Now: Over 100 Guantanamo Prisoners on Hunger Strike, Citing Threat of Return to "Darkest Days Under Bush"
12 March 2013, David Pozen, Columbia Law School: The Leaky Leviathan: Why the Government Condemns and Condones Unlawful Disclosures of Information (PDF)
10 March 2013, NYT: How a U.S. Citizen Came to Be in America's Cross Hairs
9 March 2013, NYT: U.S. Cancels Transfer of Bagram Prison to Afghans
9 March 2013, NYT: The Drone Question Obama Hasn't Answered
7 March 2013, Guardian: Reconciliation in Iraq is impossible without US truth about its dirty war
7 March 2013, Guardian: Pentagon investigating link between US military and torture centres in Iraq
6 March 2013, Guardian: Revealed: Pentagon's link to Iraqi torture centres
6 March 2013, Guardian: James Steele: America's mystery man in Iraq
5 March 2013, Guardian: Britain and US asked to release secret torture reports
5 March 2013, Democracy Now: Glenn Greenwald on Bradley Manning: Prosecutor Overreach Could Turn All Whistleblowing into Treason

February 2013, Intercept: DOD: ISR Task Force: ISR Support to Small Footprint CT Operations -- Somalia / Yemen (PDF)
28 February 2013, Freedom of the Press Foundation: Audio of Bradley Manning's Statement (MP3)
28 February 2013, Law Office of David Coombs: Statement in Support of Providence Inquiry -- US v. Private First Class (PFC) Bradley E. Manning (PDF)
28 February 2013, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Comparison of Rights in Military Commission Trials and Trials in Federal Criminal Court (PDF)
22 February 2013, Corbett Report: Sibel Edmonds on Gladio Protected Drug Running and Money Laundering
22 February 2013, Corbett Report: Sibel Edmonds on Gladio Protected Drug Running and Money Laundering (MP3)
22 February 2013, Democracy Now: "The Terror Courts": An Inside Look at Rough Justice, Torture at Guantanamo Bay
22 February 2013, Democracy Now: Torture at Guantanamo: Lt. Col. Stuart Couch on His Refusal to Prosecute Abused Prisoner
21 February 2013, Consortium News: How Reagan Promoted Genocide
21 February 2013, Democracy Now: An Interrogation Center at Yale? Proposed Pentagon Special Ops Training Facility Sparks Protests
15 February 2013, GAO: Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Continued Coordination, Operational Data, and Performance Standards Needed to Guide Research and Development (PDF)
15 February 2013, Corbett Report: Sibel Edmonds on Turkey, the Hood Event, Israel and Gladio B
15 February 2013, Corbett Report: Sibel Edmonds on Turkey, the Hood Event, Israel and Gladio B (MP3)
13 February 2013, Democracy Now: Despite Planned Troop Withdrawal, Special Ops & Private Forces Prepare to Continue Afghan War
11 February 2013, Time: Drone Home
8 February 2013, Democracy Now: Jeremy Scahill: Assassinations of U.S. Citizens Largely Ignored at Brennan CIA Hearing
7 February 2013, Guardian: Obama praised for releasing kill list memo but rights groups call for more
7 February 2013, Guardian: Code Pink activists shown the red card at John Brennan Senate hearing
7 February 2013, NYT: The Questions Brennan Can't Dodge
7 February 2013, NYT: Congress to See Memo Backing Drone Attacks on Americans
6 February 2013, Guardian: John Brennan: the drone apologist with the president's ear
6 February 2013, Guardian: White House to release legal rationale for killing of US citizens with drones
6 February 2013, NYT: Drone Strikes' Dangers to Get Rare Moment in Public Eye
6 February 2013, Reuters: Some 54 countries helped CIA detention efforts: report
5 February 2013, DOD: JCS: Joint Publication 3-12 (R): Cyberspace Operations (JP 3-12) (PDF)
5 February 2013, NYT: Report Says 54 Countries Helped C.I.A. After 9/11
5 February 2013, AP: CIA conducts lethal drone strikes in Yemen from base in Saudi Arabia
5 February 2013, Reuters: Memo justifies drone kills even with patchy intelligence
5 February 2013, WP: AP: Justice Dep't memo sets rationale for policy, says when it's OK to kill US citizens abroad
5 February 2013, WP: Brennan nomination exposes criticism on targeted killings and secret Saudi base
5 February 2013, NYT: Memo Cites Legal Basis for Killing U.S. Citizens in Al Qaeda
5 February 2013, Guardian: CIA rendition: more than a quarter of countries 'offered covert support'
February 2013, Open Society Justice Initiative: Globalizing Torture: CIA Secret Detention and Extraordinary Rendition (PDF)
5 February 2013, Democracy Now: Kill List Exposed: Leaked Obama Memo Shows Assassination of U.S. Citizens "Has No Geographic Limit"
(Undated), NBC News: DOJ: White Paper: Lawfulness of a Lethal Operation Directed Against a U.S. Citizen Who Is a Senior Operational Leader of Al-Qa'ida or An Associated Force (PDF)
4 February 2013, NBC News: Justice Department memo reveals legal case for drone strikes on Americans
1 February 2013, Survival: James Doyle: Why Eliminate Nuclear Weapons? (PDF)

31 January 2013, NYT: US Naval Criminal Investigative Service: Report of Investigation: Final Disposition of Alleged Misconduct Involving SEAL Team Two Members (PDF)
January 2013, Al Jazeera: Abbottabad Commission Report (PDF)
January 2013, DOD: Defense Science Board: Resilient Military Systems and the Advanced Cyber Threat (PDF)
January 2013, Council on Foreign Relations: Micah Zenko: Reforming U.S. Drone Strike Policies (PDF)
30 January 2013, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS): Manufacturing Trends (PDF)
28 January 2013, Reuters: Pentagon to boost cybersecurity force
26 January 2013, WP: FBI is increasing pressure on suspects in Stuxnet inquiry
25 January 2013, NYT: Simple, Low-Cost Surveillance Drones Provide Advantage for U.S. Military
25 January 2013, NYT: U.N. Panel to Investigate Rise in Drone Strikes
24 January 2013, Guardian: UN inquiry into US drone strikes prompts cautious optimism
24 January 2013, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia: Political Developments and Implications for U.S. Interests (PDF)
23 January 2013, NOVA: Rise of the Drones
22 January 2013, Democracy Now: Dirty Wars: Jeremy Scahill and Rick Rowley's New Film Exposes Hidden Truths of Covert U.S. Warfare
19 January 2013, WP: CIA drone strikes will get pass in counterterrorism 'playbook,' officials say
18 January 2013, YouTube: Bogazici Univ.: Noam Chomsky: Turkey and the Emerging World Order
18 January 2013, Reuters: U.S. expands limited support for French mission in Mali
15 January 2013, Frontline: Inside Obama's Presidency
13 January 2013, WP: AP: Obama says US forces provided technical support during failed rescue in Somalia
11 January 2013, YouTube: NYT: Laura Poitras: Death of a Prisoner
10 January 2013, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The Protection of Classified Information: The Legal Framework (PDF)
9 January 2013, Democracy Now: Part 2: Al Jazeera's Sami al-Hajj on His 438-Day Hunger Strike in U.S. Detention at Gitmo Prison
8 January 2013, Guardian: Bradley Manning ensured leaks would not harm US, lawyer insists
8 January 2013, Yahoo News: AP: GI's hearing in WikiLeaks case focuses on motive
8 January 2013, NYT: U.S. Legal Officials Split Over How to Prosecute Terrorism Detainees
8 January 2013, Democracy Now: As Gitmo Turns 11, Al Jazeera's Sami al-Hajj on 6-Year Ordeal of U.S. Detention, Torture
8 January 2013, Democracy Now: 4 Years After Vow to Close Gitmo, Why Has Obama Signed NDAA Bill Barring Transfer of Its Prisoners?
7 January 2013, WP: AP: Obama's choice of Chuck Hagel for new US secretary of defense causes jitters in Israel
7 January 2013, WP: Obama's nominations of Hagel and Brennan signal course adjustments at Pentagon and CIA
7 January 2013, Democracy Now: Chuck Hagel Faces Tough Confirmation from Senate Hawks for Rejecting Party Line on Israel, Iran
3 January 2013, US District Court, Southern District NY: NYT, Savage, Shane v. DOJ; ACLU v. DOJ, DOD, CIA (Corrected Opinion Granting the Government's Motion for Summary Judgment and Denying Plaintiffs' Cross Motion for Summary Judgment) (PDF)
3 January 2013, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF): Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
3 January 2013, Bureau of Investigative Journalism: Yemen: reported US covert actions 2013
2 January 2013, US District Court, Southern District NY: NYT, Savage, Shane v. DOJ; ACLU v. DOJ, DOD, CIA (Opinion, Order) (PDF)
1 January 2013, Reuters: Analysis: U.S. arms sales to Asia set to boom on Pacific "pivot"

2012, Army: Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School: International and Operational Law Department: Law of Armed Conflict Deskbook (PDF)

31 December 2012, Yahoo News: AP: Al-Qaida carves out own country in Mali
29 December 2012, Reuters: Lockheed gets up to $4.9 billion in further F-35 funding
December 2012, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1969-1976: Volume XXVII: Iran; Iraq, 1973-1976 (PDF)
28 December 2012, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: U.S. Periods of War and Dates of Current Conflicts (PDF)
28 December 2012, Democracy Now: Outgoing Rep. Dennis Kucinich: With 2 Parties Failing U.S., It's on Us to Build a "Culture of Peace"
28 December 2012, Democracy Now: Dennis Kucinich on the "Fiscal Cliff": Why Are We Sacrificing American Jobs for Corporate Profits?
26 December 2012, Cryptome: US Military Influence Operations
25 December 2012, Reuters: U.S. moves to sell advanced spy drones to South Korea
18 December 2012, NYT: Lockheed Profit on F-35 Jets Will Rise With New Contract
14 December 2012, Democracy Now: As Admin Preps "Enduring Presence" in Afghanistan, U.S. Peace Activists Build Ties to War's Victims
13 December 2012, Reuters: Lockheed well-placed amid global insecurities, CEO says
13 December 2012, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Intelligence Identities Protection Act (PDF)
12 December 2012, CSM: X-37B: US launches super-secret, orbiting, robotic plane
12 December 2012, Counterpunch: "Nothing Can Justify Torture": An Interview With Noam Chomsky on Obama's Human Rights Record
7 December 2012, Voice of Russia: Noam Chomsky: 'Assad is facing assassination no matter what happens' (MP3)
6 December 2012, WSJ: Terror Fight Shifts to Africa
3 December 2012, Bureau of Investigative Journalism: The Reaper Presidency: Obama's 300th drone strike in Pakistan
1 December 2012, WP: DIA sending hundreds more spies overseas

November 2012, NARA: Organization of the Office of Strategic Services
November 2012, NARA: Timeline of the Office of Strategic Services
30 November 2012, Guardian: US heading for point when 'military pursuit of al-Qaida should end'
30 November 2012, WP: Drone crashes mount at civilian airports
29 November 2012, NYT: Costliest Jet, Years in Making, Sees the Enemy: Budget Cuts
28 November 2012, Guardian: Offshore company directors' links to military and intelligence revealed
28 November 2012, NYT: Reuters: Pentagon Says 'Lot of Money' Still to Be Made in Arms Business
28 November 2012, NYT: The Price of Delay for the Military's Biggest Program
25 November 2012, NYT: U.S. Election Speeded Move to Codify Policy on Drones
November 2012, NARA: Public Interest Declassification Board: Transforming the Security Classification System (PDF)
November 2012, GAO: Guantanamo Bay Detainess: Facilities and Factors for Consideration If Detainees Were Brought to the United States (PDF)
21 November 2012, DOD: Directive 3000.09: Autonomy in Weapon Systems (PDF)
21 November 2012, NYT: Obama, in Cambodia, Sidesteps Ghosts of American Wartime Past
November 2012, Center for Strategic & International Studies; Center for Strategic Research: U.S.-Turkish Relations: A Review at the Beginning of the Third Decade of the Post-Cold War Era (PDF)
20 November 2012, Democracy Now: Killer Robots: HRW and Nobel Laureate Jody Williams Urge Ban on Modern Warfare's Next Frontier
19 November 2012, Homeland Security News Wire: DARPA seeking surveillance technology to predict future behavior
November 2012, Human Rights Watch; International Human Rights Clinic, Harvard Law School: Losing Humanity: The Case against Killer Robots (PDF)
14 November 2012, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Government Transparency and Secrecy: An Examination of Meaning and Its Use in the Executive Branch (PDF)
11 November 2012, YouTube: Coalition for Peace Action: Noam Chomsky: Media, Objectivity and Reality of US Foreign Policy on Terrorism and the Middle East
7 November 2012, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Israel: Background and U.S. Relations (PDF)
6 November 2012, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Bahrain: Reform, Security and U.S. Policy (PDF)
4 November 2012, NYT: The Permanent Militarization of America
1 November 2012, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Yemen: Background and U.S. Relations (PDF)
1 November 2012, Guardian: Afghanistan security forces report raises fears over long-term stability
1 November 2012, NYT: Reuters: Netanyahu Rival Blasts His 'Obsession' With Iran
1 November 2012, Independent: Waziristan? No, it's west Wales...

31 October 2012, Guardian: US warns Israel off pre-emptive strike on Iran
31 October 2012, Independent: Britain accused of war crimes over man held by US for eight years without trial
30 October 2012, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction: Afghan National Security Forces Facilities: Concerns with Funding, Oversight and Sustainability for Operation and Maintenance (PDF)
30 October 2012, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction: Quarterly Report to the United States Congress (PDF)
30 October 2012, Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction: Quarterly Report to the United States Congress (PDF)
29 October 2012, Forbes: U.S. Army Sponsored Artificial Intelligence Surveillance System Attempts to Predict The Future
25 October 2012, WP: Remote U.S. base at core of secret operations
23 October 2012, WP: Plan for hunting terrorists signals U.S. intends to keep adding names to kill lists
October 2012, FAS: DOD, Army: 2013 Weapons Systems Handbook (PDF)
18 October 2012, C-SPAN: Book Discussion on Patriots Debate
16 October 2012, Guardian: WH: Presidential Policy Directive: U.S. Cyber Operations Policy (PPD-20) (PDF)
(Undated), Cryptome: US Budget for Fiscal Year 2013: National Intelligence Program (PDF)
October 2012, Columbia Law School, Human Rights Clinic: Counting Drone Strike Deaths (PDF)
15 October 2012, Guardian: Noam Chomsky: Cuban missile crisis: how the US played Russian roulette with nuclear war
14 October 2012, 60 Minutes: Coming Home: Justice for our veterans
10 October 2012, Project Censored: Top 25 Censored Stories
7 October 2012, NYT: Fear Factor: '500 Days,' by Kurt Eichenwald
6 October 2012, C-SPAN: Norman Finkelstein (Knowing Too Much: Why the American Jewish Romance with Israel Is Coming to an End)
5 October 2012, Democracy Now: On Afghan War 11th Anniversary, Vets Confront Mental Health Crisis, Soldier Suicides and Violence
3 October 2012, Corbett Report: Iran Is Already Under Attack
2 October 2012, Guardian: The true reason US fears Iranian nukes: they can deter US attacks
2 October 2012, Democracy Now: As U.S. Death Toll in Afghanistan Passes 2,000 Mark, Phyllis Bennis on America's Longest War
October 2012, WSJ: U.S. and Coalition Casualties in Iraq, Afghanistan

September 2012, Human Rights Watch: Delivered Into Enemy Hands: US-Led Abuse and Rendition of Opponents to Gaddafi's Libya (PDF)
September 2012, Government Attic: DOS: Department of State Declassification Guide for Exemption from Automatic Declassification at 25 Years Under Section 3.3(b) of E.O. 13526 & Exemption from Automatic Declassification at 50 Years Under Section 3.3(h) of E.O. 13526 (PDF)
September 2012, Center for Strategic and International Studies: U.S. Department of Defense Contract Spending and the Supporting Industrial Base (PDF)
30 September 2012, WSJ: U.S. and Afghans Exchange Gunfire
28 September 2012, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Israel: Possible Military Strike Against Iran's Nuclear Facilities (PDF)
27 September 2012, Vimeo: Univ. of Massachusetts at Amherst: Noam Chomsky: Who Owns the World? Resistance and Ways Forward
September 2012, Center for Civilians in Conflict; Columbia Law School, Human Rights Clinic: The Civilian Impact of Drones: Unexamined Costs, Unanswered Questions (PDF)
26 September 2012, Democracy Now: Study Finds U.S. Drone Strikes in Pakistan Miss Militant Targets and "Terrorize" Civilians
22 September 2012, NYT: Troop 'Surge' in Afghanistan Ends With Mixed Results
September 2012, Stanford Law School: International Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Clinic; NYU School of Law: Global Justice Clinic: Living Under Drones: Death, Injury and Trauma to Civilians from US Drone Practices in Pakistan (PDF)
21 September 2012, Democracy Now: Alfred McCoy: "Torture and Impunity: The U.S. Doctrine of Coercive Interrogation" (Pt. 2)
21 September 2012, Democracy Now: As Italy Sentences 23 CIA Agents in Rendition Case, Obama Refuses to Prosecute Anyone for Torture
19 September 2012, NYT: Suicide Bomber in Afghanistan Strikes Minibus, Killing Mostly Foreign Workers
19 September 2012, NYT: Coalition Sharply Reduces Joint Operations With Afghan Troops
17 September 2012, YouTube: SISSA: Noam Chomsky: "The Emerging World Order: its roots, our legacy"
17 September 2012, NYT: Audacious Raid on NATO Base Shows Taliban's Reach
17 September 2012, NYT: Karzai Denounces Coalition Over Airstrikes
14 September 2012, US District Court, DC: Judicial Watch v. DOD, CIA (Declaration of Martha M. Lutz, Information Review Officer, Director's Area, CIA) (PDF)
14 September 2012, US District Court, DC: Judicial Watch v. DOD, CIA (Declaration of Mark H. Herrington) (PDF)
14 September 2012, NYT: In Libya, Chaos Was Followed by Organized Ambush, Official Says
13 September 2012, NYT: Libya Attack Brings Challenges for U.S.

31 August 2012, Cryptome: Army: ARDP 2-0: Intelligence (PDF)
28 August 2012, Judicial Watch: Judicial Watch Obtains Stack of 'Overlooked' CIA Records Detailing Meetings with bin Laden Filmmakers
21 August 2012, FAS: DOD: DIA: Identity Intelligence: From Reactionary Support to Sustained Enabler (PDF)
August 2012, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1969-1976: Volume XXXVIII: Part 1: Foundations of Foreign Policy, 1973-1976 (PDF)
5 August 2012, DOD: DIA: Information Report: Iraq (PDF)
2 August 2012, Truthout: Noam Chomsky: In Hiroshima's Shadow

27 July 2012, CRS: Direct Overt U.S. Aid Appropriations and Military Reimbursements to Pakistan, FY2002-FY2013 (PDF)
23 July 2012, NYT: Top Afghans Tied to '90s Carnage, Researchers Say
18 July 2012, ACLU: US District Court, DC: Al-Aulaqi, Khan v. Panetta, McRaven, Votel, Petraeus (Complaint re. targeted killing) (PDF)
July 2012, GAO: Nonproliferation: Agencies Could Improve Information Sharing and End-Use Monitoring on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Exports (PDF)
12 July 2012, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Afghanistan Casualties: Military Forces and Civilians (PDF)
8 July 2012, NYT: U.S. Grants Special Ally Status to Afghanistan
7 July 2012, NYT: Afghan Conflict Losing Air Power as U.S. Pulls Out
5 July 2012, WSJ: Pentagon Digs In on Cyberwar Front

21 June 2012, NYT: C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition
13 June 2012, WP: AP: Pew survey finds US drone program unpopular around the world
13 June 2012, WP: The African network
13 June 2012, WP: U.S. expands secret intelligence operations in Africa
12 June 2012, WSJ: Delays Imperil Mining Riches Afghans Need After Pullout
12 June 2012, WSJ: U.S.-Pakistan Talks Hit Snag
11 June 2012, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Detention of U.S. Persons as Enemy Belligerents (PDF)
8 June 2012, WSJ: Commander Offers Apology for Deaths in U.S. Airstrike
5 June 2012, WSJ: CIA Prepares Iraq Pullback
(Undated, declassified 4 June 2012), Cryptome: NSA: Cryptologic Almanac: The First "Think Tank" (PDF)
1 June 2012, NYT: How a Secret Cyberwar Program Worked
1 June 2012, NYT: Obama Order Sped Up Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran

29 May 2012, NYT: Secret 'Kill List' Proves a Test of Obama's Principles and Will
22 May 2012, Judicial Watch: Judicial Watch Obtains DOD and CIA Records Detailing Meetings with bin Laden Raid Filmmakers
18 May 2012, DOD: Atty. Connell: US Court of Military Commission Review: USA v. Khalid Shaikh Mohammad et al (Joint Defense Response to Government Motion to Protect Against Disclosure of National Security Information) (PDF)
May 2012, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1969-1976: Volume: XVI: Soviet Union, August 1974-December 1976 (PDF)
14 May 2012, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Proliferation of Precision Strike: Issues for Congress (PDF)
13 May 2012, 60 Minutes: Hank Crumpton: Life as a spy
6 May 2012, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Isolated, delusional, ridiculed by his men -- the last months of Osama bin Laden

April 2012, Public Intelligence: DOD: Report to Congress on Future Unmanned Aircraft Systems Training, Operations, and Sustainability (PDF)
27 April 2012, Democracy Now: As Obama Expands Drone War, Activists & Victims' Advocates Join D.C. Summit on Growing Civilian Toll
26 April 2012, Rolling Stone: The Rise of the Killer Drones: How America Goes to War in Secret
26 April 2012, Democracy Now: Targeted Hacker Jacob Appelbaum on CISPA, Surveillance and the "Militarization of Cyberspace"
25 April 2012, Intercept: NSA/CSS: Target Exploitation Program: Classification Guide for the NSA/CSS Target Exploitation (TAREX) Program, 2-52 (PDF)
6 April 2012, New Yorker: Our Men in Iran?

March 2012, Sibel Edmonds: Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir (EPUB)
24 March 2012, WP: Leader of Mali military coup trained in U.S.
24 March 2012, WP: At CIA, a convert to Islam leads the terrorism hunt
22 March 2012, Cryptome: US Central Command: AR 15-6 Investigation, 21 February 2010 CIVCAS incident in Uruzgan Province (extracts) (PDF, ZIP)
10 March 2012, NYT: U.S. and Afghanistan Agree on Prisoner Transfer as Part of Long-Term Agreement
10 March 2012, WSJ: U.S., Afghans Set Six-Month Hand-Over of Prison
8 March 2012, WSJ: Annan Warns Against Syria Intervention
6 March 2012, NYT: U.S. Law May Allow Killings, Holder Says
6 March 2012, Democracy Now: Attorney General Eric Holder Defends Legality of Targeted Killings of U.S. Citizens Overseas
5 March 2012, DOJ: Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at Northwestern University School of Law
3 March 2012, NYT: Reuters: Afghan Army Says Taliban Infiltration Very Sophisticated
3 March 2012, NYT: Obama Says Iran Strike Is an Option, but Warns Israel
2 March 2012, Atlantic: Obama to Iran and Israel: 'As President of the United States, I Don't Bluff'
2 March 2012, NYT: For Obama and Netanyahu, Wariness on Iran Will Dominate Talks
2 March 2012, NYT: Israel Plans Interceptor Missile Test and Gives Neighbors Early Notice
1 March 2012, Guardian: Menwith Hill eavesdropping base undergoes massive expansion
1 March 2012, WSJ: NATO Calls for Key Role in Afghanistan After 2014
March 2012, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons: Don't Bank on the Bomb: A Global Report on the Financing of Nuclear Weapons Producers (PDF)
March 2012, Yorkshire CND: Lifting the Lid on Menwith Hill: The Strategic Roles & Economic Impact of the US Spy Base in Yorkshire (PDF)

February 2012, FAS: NRO: ODNI: FY 2013 Congressional Budget Justification: Vol. IV: National Reconnaissance Program (PDF)
February 2012, Intercept: ODNI: FY 2013 Congressional Budget Justification: Vol. I: National Intelligence Program Summary: Research & Technology: Human Language Technology Research: Project Description (PDF)
February 2012, WP: ODNI: FY 2013 Congressional Budget Justification: Vol. I: National Intelligence Program Summary (extracts) (PDF)
29 February 2012, NYT: U.S. Sees Iran Attacks as Likely if Israel Strikes
29 February 2012, US Senate: Committee on the Judiciary: The Due Process Guarantee Act: Banning Indefinite Detention of Americans (PDF)
27 February 2012, AP: AP Source: Israel Won't Warn US Before Iran Strike
26 February 2012, NYT: 2 U.S. Officers Slain; Advisers to Exit Kabul Ministries
24 February 2012, NYT: Salvadoran May Face Deportation for Murders
23 February 2012, NYT: Reading Into the 'State of the Taliban'
22 Februrary 2012, NYT: In Din Over Iran, Rattling Sabers Echo
22 Februrary 2012, NYT: Pentagon Says U.S. Citizens With Terrorism Ties Can Be Targeted in Strikes
February 2012, Public Intelligence: DOD: Preserving Stability Operations Capabilities to Meet Future Challenges (PDF)
February 2012, WLstorage.net: WikiLeaks archive
17 February 2012, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: War Powers Litigation Initiated by Members of Congress Since the Enactment of the War Powers Resolution (PDF)
16 February 2012, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program (PDF)
15 February 2012, Democracy Now: Army Whistleblower Lt. Col. Daniel Davis Says Pentagon Deceiving Public on Afghan War
14 February 2012, Guardian: Noam Chomsky: 'Losing' the world: American decline in perspective, part 1
13 February 2012, DOD: DOD Releases Military Intelligence Program Requested Top Line Budget for Fiscal 2013
13 February 2012, WH: Budget of the U.S. Government, Fiscal Year 2013: Overseas Contingency Operations (PDF)
10 February 2012, Rolling Stone: The Afghanistan Report the Pentagon Doesn't Want You to Read
7 February 2012, FP: Former U.S. base opened to Iranian terrorist group
6 February 2012, In These Times: Noam Chomsky: Anniversaries From 'Unhistory'
6 February 2012, Democracy Now: U.S. Accused of Using Drones to Target Rescue Workers and Funerals in Pakistan
6 February 2012, NYT: In Afghan War, Officer Becomes a Whistle-Blower
5 February 2012, Armed Forces Journal: Truth, lies and Afghanistan
5 February 2012, NYT: U.S. Plans Shift to Elite Units as It Winds Down in Afghanistan
5 February 2012, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: The death of the American dream in Afghanistan
4 February 2012, Bureau of Investigative Journalism: Obama terror drones: CIA tactics in Pakistan include targeting rescuers and funerals
2 February 2012, NYT: U.S. to End Combat Role in Afghanistan as Early as Next Year, Panetta Says
1 February 2012, NYT: Taliban Captives Dispute U.S. View on Afghanistan War

30 January 2012, Democracy Now: The Invisible War: New Film Exposes Rape, Sexual Assault Epidemic in U.S. Military
27 January 2012, AP: Special operations expanding as wars recede
27 January 2012, Rolling Stone: Army Lt. Col. Daniel David: Dereliction of Duty II: Senior Military Leaders' Loss of Integrity Wounds Afghan War Effort (PDF)
26 January 2012, Democracy Now: Iraqis Voice Outrage as Haditha Massacre Trial Ends in No Jail Time for Accused U.S. Marines
January 2012, Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, Arab Organization for Human Rights, Intl. Legal Assistance Consortium: Report of the Independent Civil Society Fact-Finding Mission to Libya (PDF)
20 January 2012, Democracy Now: Tariq Ali: Obama's Expansion of Af-Pak War "Has Blown Up in His Face"
19 January 2012, FP: Stop the Madness
13 January 2012, CIA: Center for the Study of Intelligence: Operations Subject Index
11 January 2012, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The National Defense Authorization Act for FY2012: Detainee Matters (PDF)
10 January 2012, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: F-35 Alternate Engine Program: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF)
January 2012, WP: Iraq Bombings Interactive Map (2006-2012)
9 January 2012, Democracy Now: Drones, Asia and Cyber War: Pentagon Shifts Priorities in New Review; Budget Still Exceeds Bush Era
8 January 2012, NYT: Lull in Strikes by U.S. Drones Aids Militants
7 January 2012, WSJ: AP: Afghan Commission Accuses U.S. of Detainee Abuse
6 January 2012, NYT: NATO: State of the Taliban: Detainee Perspectives (PDF)
6 January 2012, NYT: Obama Puts His Stamp on Strategy for a Leaner Military
5 January 2012, WP: AP: Israeli and US troops gear up for major missile defense drill after Iran maneuvers
5 January 2012, WP: As currency crisis and feud with West deepen, Iranians brace for war
5 January 2012, NYT: Reuters: New Pentagon Strategy Stresses Asia, Cyber, Drones
5 January 2012, NYT: AP: Obama Launches Reshaping, Shrinking of US Military
5 January 2012, DOD: Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense (PDF)
3 January 2012, NYT: Panetta to Offer Strategy for Cutting Military Budget
3 January 2012, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: U.S. Unmanned Aerial Systems (PDF)
3 January 2012, Frontline: Opium Brides
3 January 2012, Frontline: The Secret War
2 January 2012, NYT: The Future Military: Your Budget Strategy (Interactive)
1 January 2012, NYT: After Struggle on Detainees, Obama Signs Defense Bill

2011, US House: Office of the Law Revision Counsel: US Code: Title 50: War and National Defense (PDF)
2011, US House: Office of the Law Revision Counsel: US Code: Title 22: Foreign Relations and Intercourse (PDF)
2011, US House: Office of the Law Revision Counsel: US Code: Title 10: Armed Forces (PDF)

31 December 2011, WH: Statement by the President on H.R. 1540
27 December 2011, WP: Clandestine drones: Obama administration's critical tool
25 December 2011, NYT: Pentagon Finds No Fault in Ties to TV Analysts
23 December 2011, WP: The growing U.S. drone fleet
22 December 2011, WP: Rise of the drone: From Calif. garage to multibillion-dollar defense industry
22 December 2011, Democracy Now: U.S. Admits Fault in Fatal Bombing that Killed 24 Pakistani Troops
22 December 2011, Democracy Now: NATO Forced to Admit Air Strikes Killed Dozens of Libyan Civilians, Contradicting Initial Denials
22 December 2011, Global Research: America's Drone Wars in Africa: A Constellation of Secret Airstrips and Drone Bases
21 December 2011, Z: TomDispatch: What a Busted Robot Airplane Tells Us About the American Empire in 2012 and Beyond
21 December 2011, Corbett Report: The Manas Question: Drugs, Revolution, and Terrorism
20 December 2011, US District Court, Southern District NY: NYT, Savage, Shane v. DOJ (Complaint) (PDF)
19 December 2011, Guardian: The 'Arab spring' and the west: seven lessons from history
19 December 2011, WP: The legalities of the U.S. drone program
19 December 2011, NYT: Last Convoy of American Troops Leaves Iraq
16 December 2011, NYT: American Military Report Finds Abuses by Afghan Local Police Forces
16 December 2011, Democracy Now: Bradley Manning: Famed Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg on Alleged WikiLeaks Soldier's 1st Day in Court
13 December 2011, WP: Under Obama, an emerging global apparatus for drone killing
12 December 2011, WP: Ex-Blackwater firm gets a name change, again
12 December 2011, NYT: C.I.A. Leaves Base in Pakistan Used for Drone Strikes
8 December 2011, NYT: Drone Crash in Iran Reveals Secret U.S. Surveillance Effort
7 December 2011, EurasiaNet: Afghanistan: The Pressure is Now on Central Asian Supply Route
7 December 2011, Flightglobal: Satellite images reveal secret Nevada UAV site
7 December 2011, NYT: Rare Attacks on Shiites Kill Scores in Afghanistan
6 December 2011, Peter Collins Show: FBI Whistleblower Coleen Rowley and Patriot Act Victim Susan Lindauer (MP3)
6 December 2011, NYT: AP: Recent Major Attacks in the Afghan Capital
6 December 2011, NYT: AP: Nearly 60 Killed in Rare Attacks on Afghan Shiites
6 December 2011, NYT: AP: Pakistan Pulls Out of Liaison Posts; US Concerned
6 December 2011, Independent: Revealed: Karzai's secret plans to cling on to power in Afghanistan
5 December 2011, CSM: How often do US military drones 'disappear'?
5 December 2011, WSJ: Iran Makes New Claim It Downed U.S. Drone
4 December 2011, Z: Noam Chomsky, Anthony Arnove: In Honor of Howard Zinn
4 December 2011, WarIsACrime.org: 70 Years of Lying About Pearl Harbor
2 December 2011, NYT: For Afghan Woman, Justice Runs Into Unforgiving Wall of Custom
2 December 2011, Democracy Now: "Hancock 38" Defendants Found Guilty for Bold Army Base Protest Against U.S. Drone Attacks Abroad
1 December 2011, NYT: AP: Israeli Defense Chief: Iran Strike May Be Needed

30 November 2011, NYT: Reuters: U.S. Uncertain Israel Would Advise Before Iran Strike
30 November 2011, Democracy Now: State Dept. Veteran Peter Van Buren Defies U.S. Censors to Recount Failed Reconstruction in Iraq
29 November 2011, NYT: Militants Turn to Death Squads in Afghanistan
29 November 2011, Democracy Now: Battlefield America: U.S. Citizens Face Indefinite Military Detention in Defense Bill Before Senate
28 November 2011, Cryptome: U. S. Central Command: Investigation into the Incident in Vicinity of the Salala Checkpoint on the Night of 25-26 November 2011 (PDF)
28 November 2011, Democracy Now: Glenn Greenwald: Is Obama Fulfilling the Neocon Dream of Mass Regime Change in Muslim World?
22 November 2011, Boiling Frogs Post: US-NATO-Chechen Militia Joint Operations Base
21 November 2011, Democracy Now: Seymour Hersh: Propaganda Used Ahead of Iraq War Is Now Being Reused over Iran's Nuke Program
15 November 2011, NYT: Taliban Spokesman Denies Being Captured
14 November 2011, WP: Fleet of U.S. drones now based in Turkey
8 November 2011, VICE News: DOJ: White Paper: Lawfulness of a Lethal Operation Directed Against a U.S. Citizen Who Is a Senior Operational Leader of Al-Qa'ida or An Associated Force (Draft) (PDF)
4 November 2011, WSJ: U.S. Tightens Drone Rules

October 2011, DOD: Unmanned Systems Integrated Roadmap FY2011-2036 (PDF)
31 October 2011, NYT: U.S. Seeks Aid From Pakistan in Peace Effort
31 October 2011, NYT: Attacks on Foreigners in Capital Get Afghan Faction's Message Across
31 October 2011, NYT: NATO Concludes Libya Mission After Seven Months
31 October 2011, NYT: AP: Pentagon: US Soldier Killed by Pakistani in 2007
31 October 2011, WSJ: Taliban Hit Challenges Gains
31 October 2011, WSJ: U.S. Agency Says Iraq Will Need Oversight
30 October 2011, Guardian: Former US chief prosecutor condemns 'law-free zone' of Guantanamo
30 October 2011, NYT: U.S. Planning Troop Buildup in Gulf After Exit From Iraq
30 October 2011, WSJ: Afghan Insurgents Kill 13 Americans in Car Bomb
29 October 2011, C-SPAN: Harvard Book Store: Glenn Greenwald (With Liberty and Justice for Some), Noam Chomsky
29 October 2011, WP: Taliban strike in Kabul shows insurgency's growing reliance on high-profile attacks in Afghan capital
28 October 2011, WP: Secrecy defines Obama's drone war
27 October 2011, NYT: Libya's Interim Leader Asks NATO to Stay Through the End of 2011
26 October 2011, WSJ: Signs of Executions Mar Libya Peace
26 October 2011, NYT: AP: Official: Gadhafi's Intelligence Chief in Niger
25 October 2011, WP: U.S. modules used to trigger IEDs in Iraq, officials say
25 October 2011, Independent: Bodies of 53 'executed' Gaddafi loyalists discovered
25 October 2011, NYT: In Libya, Massacre Site Is Cleaned Up, Not Investigated
25 October 2011, NYT: Reuters: Turkish Forces Target PKK Iraq Camp: Sources
24 October 2011, NYT: Panetta's Pentagon, Without the Blank Check
24 October 2011, NYT: U.S. to Sustain Military Power in the Pacific, Panetta Says
24 October 2011, WP: After setbacks, U.S. military tries to rebuild ties with Pakistani military
23 October 2011, NYT: U.S. Scales Back Diplomacy in Iraq Amid Fiscal and Security Concerns
22 October 2011, AFP: Kurd-Turkey conflict turns Iraq town into 'prison'
22 October 2011, CSM: Unmanned drone attacks and shape-shifting robots: War's remote-control future
22 October 2011, NYT: U.S. and U.N. Demand Details From Libyan Leaders on How Qaddafi Died
22 October 2011, WSJ: Maliki Takes Hard Line on American Withdrawal
22 October 2011, NYT: Seeing Limits of 'New' War
22 October 2011, NYT: U.S. Troops to Leave Iraq by Year's End, Obama Says
21 October 2011, Independent: Turkey sends 10,000 troops to Iraq border
21 October 2011, WP: U.S. had advance warning of abuse at Afghan prisons, officials say
21 October 2011, WP: Clinton confirms U.S. contact with Haqqani network
21 October 2011, NYT: U.S. Officials Deliver Warning in Pakistan Over Extremists
20 October 2011, WP: State Department's police training program in Iraq lacks planning, report says
19 October 2011, Reuters: As U.S. withdraws, Baghdad eyes checkpoints
18 October 2011, Reuters: The rise and rise of western covert ops
18 October 2011, Democracy Now: The New Libya: Challenges Facing a Nation Emerging from Gaddafi's 42-Year Rule
17 October 2011, C-SPAN: Housing Works Thrift Store: Fred Wilcox (Scorched Earth: Legacies of Chemical Warfare in Vietnam), Noam Chomsky
17 October 2011, Z: TomDispatch: America's Secret Empire of Drone Bases
14 October 2011, WH: Letter from President Obama to House, Senate Re. Lord's Resistance Army
14 October 2011, NYT: Drone Attack Kills a Senior Militant Leader in Pakistan
13 October 2011, WP: U.S. launches campaign to track down Libyan missiles
13 October 2011, WP: AP: Twin explosions in eastern Baghdad kill 17 people, officials say
12 October 2011, WP: Smuggled Libyan weapons flood into Egypt
11 October 2011, NYT: U.N. Finds 'Systematic' Torture in Afghanistan
10 October 2011, UN: Treatment of Conflict-Related Detainees in Afghan Custody (PDF)
9 October 2011, NYT: Coming Soon: The Drone Arms Race
9 October 2011, NYT: Secret U.S. Memo Made Legal Case to Kill a Citizen
7 October 2011, WP: AP: In foreign policy speech, GOP hopeful Romney calls for century of American dominance
7 October 2011, NYT: NATO Is Not Yet Willing to Halt Its Libya Operations
5 October 2011, Intrinsic Canada: Malalai Joya's Message on the Tenth Anniversary of NATO's War and the Occupation of Afghanistan
1 October 2011, NYT: Judging a Long, Deadly Reach

September 2011, Human Rights Watch: "Just Don't Call It a Militia": Impunity, Militias, and the "Afghan Local Police" (PDF)
September 2011, Dana Priest, William Arkin: Top Secret America: The Rise of the New American Security State (EPUB)
September 2011, Alston, NYU School of Law: The CIA and Targeted Killings Beyond Borders (PDF)
28 September 2011, WP: Taliban stalks outskirts of calm Afghan city
27 September 2011, NYT: C.I.A. Employee Is Killed in Attack on Kabul Compound
27 September 2011, WSJ: Iraq Buys F-16s, Strengthening Its Air Force
26 September 2011, EurasiaNet: Uzbekistan: US Senate Wants Pentagon to be More Transparent on NDN Contracts
26 September 2011, CSM: US Embassy shooting in Kabul heightens concerns about Afghan security
26 September 2011, Independent: AP: American killed in attack on Kabul CIA office
26 September 2011, NYT: Libyans Say Qaddafi Loyalists Mounted Raid From Algeria
26 September 2011, NYT: Former Rebels' Rivalries Hold Up Governing in Libya
26 September 2011, AFP: US citizen killed by Afghan at Kabul 'CIA compound'
26 September 2011, Reuters: Afghan employee kills U.S. citizen at Kabul CIA base
26 September 2011, WSJ: Gunman Kills American at Kabul CIA Office
25 September 2011, NYT: Brutal Haqqani Crime Clan Bedevils U.S. in Afghanistan
23 September 2011, NYT: Pakistan's Spy Agency Is Tied to Attack on U.S. Embassy
22 September 2011, FAS: US House: Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities: The Future of U.S. Special Operations Forces: Ten Years After 9/11 and Twenty-Five Years After Goldwater-Nichols (PDF)
22 September 2011, NYT: Pessimism Fills Kabul During Mourning for Slain Peace Council Chief
21 September 2011, NYT: Assassination Deals Blow to Peace Process in Afghanistan
21 September 2011, NYT: After Disclosures by WikiLeaks, Al Jazeera Replaces Its Top News Director
21 September 2011, WSJ: U.S. Expands Drone Flights to Take Aim at East Africa
20 September 2011, WP: U.S. sharpens warning to Pakistan
20 September 2011, WP: Key Afghan leader Rabbani killed in Kabul bombing
20 September 2011, WP: U.S. assembling secret drone bases in Africa, Arabian Peninsula, officials say
20 September 2011, NYT: Taliban Claim Attack on Pakistani Police
19 September 2011, Democracy Now: Noam Chomsky on the Legality of NATO's Bombing of Libya and the Scramble for Oil
19 September 2011, WP: Bomb targeting top Karachi police investigator kills 8
17 September 2011, WSJ: Gadhafi Loyalists Prolong Endgame
15 September 2011, WP: A future for drones: Automated killing
15 September 2011, WP: Bombing at funeral kills at least 25 in northwestern Pakistan
15 September 2011, WP: Turkey agrees to host U.S. radar site, a key piece of Europe missile shield
15 September 2011, Yahoo News: AP: Official: US dollars ending up in Taliban hands
14 September 2011, NYT: American Military Team Visits Libya to Assess Risks of Reopening U.S. Embassy
14 September 2011, NYT: U.S. Embassy and NATO Headquarters Attacked in Kabul
13 September 2011, NYT: Brutality by Afghan Local Police Is Reported
13 September 2011, WP: Afghan militants dressed as women to smuggle weapons for Kabul attack
13 September 2011, WP: Gunmen attack Shiite pilgrims in western Iraq, kill 22
13 September 2011, CSM: Libyan rebels tarnished by human rights report
13 September 2011, EurasiaNet: Turkmenistan: WikiLeaks Cables Provide Details on US-Turkmen Cooperation
13 September 2011, Democracy Now: Noam Chomsky on the U.S. Economic Crisis: Joblessness, Excessive Military Spending and Healthcare
13 September 2011, Democracy Now: Noam Chomsky on the 9/11 Decade and the Assassination of Osama Bin Laden: Was There an Alternative?
12 September 2011, iWatch News: Windfalls of war: Pentagon's no-bid contracts triple in 10 years of war
12 September 2011, NYT: Blast Hits NATO Outpost in Afghanistan
11 September 2011, Al Jazeera: The 9/11 Decade - The Clash of Civilizations?
10 September 2011, WP: U.S. State Department cables about Turkey
9 September 2011, NYT: G.I. Killed Afghan Journalist, NATO Says
8 September 2011, WP: Afghan journalist was mistakenly killed by U.S. soldier, NATO investigation concludes
7 September 2011, Reuters: Some lawmakers want to keep 10,000 troops in Iraq
6 September 2011, Intercept: NSA: SIDtoday: How Is Human Language Technology (HLT) Progressing? (PDF)
3 September 2011, Cryptome: CB Megadeath Horrors From Dugway Proving Ground
2 September 2011, Democracy Now: U.S. Wasting Billions While Tripling No-Bid Contracts After Decade of War in Iraq, Afghanistan

30 August 2011, WP: CIA shifts focus to killing targets
30 August 2011, Cryptome: DOD: U.S. Forces - Afgahnistan: Findings and Recommendations of AR 15-6 Investigation for the Civilian Death of Ahmad Omid Khpalwak on 28 July 2011 (PDF)
August 2011, Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan: Transforming Wartime Contracting (PDF)
30 August 2011, WSJ: As Gadhafi Kin Flee, Rebels Try to Secure Oil
30 August 2011, NYT: Qaddafi's Wife and 3 of His Children Flee to Algeria
29 August 2011, Deutsche Welle: Libyan power vacuum could lead to nightmare scenarios
29 August 2011, NYT: 28 Are Killed in Bombing at a Mosque in Baghdad
29 August 2011, WSJ: AP: Turkey Says Attacks Kill 160 Kurdish Rebels
26 August 2011, NYT: Inside a Libyan Hospital, Proof of a Revolt's Costs
26 August 2011, NYT: U.N. Releases $1.5 Billion in Frozen Qaddafi Assets to Aid Rebuilding of Libya
25 August 2011, NYT: Libyan Rebels Reportedly Used Tiny Canadian Surveillance Drone
25 August 2011, Guardian: Gaddafi's desperate bid to save regime revealed
24 August 2011, WP: Afghan DJs deliver news from U.S. perspective (Photos)
24 August 2011, WP: Libyan rebels, allies implement plans to prevent anarchy in Tripoli
23 August 2011, Aeryon Labs: Aeryon Scout Micro UAV Helps Libyan Rebels in March to Tripoli
23 August 2011, Democracy Now: As Fighting Continues in Tripoli, A Look at Role of the U.S., NATO and Oil Firms in Libya Uprising
22 August 2011, WP: Libyan rebels come under attack near center of Tripoli
22 August 2011, WP: Battle for Tripoli not yet over as Gaddafi loyalists strike back
22 August 2011, WP: Allies guided rebel 'pincer' assault on Tripoli
22 August 2011, Aeryon Labs: Aeryon Scout UAV in use with the Libyan Rebels
21 August 2011, Cryptome: DON: The Future of Undersea Warfare - The Shape of Things to Come? (PDF)
21 August 2011, Cryptome: DON: Above-Water Imaging and Electronic Warfare Sensors (PDF)
21 August 2011, Cryptome: DON: Integrated Undersea Surveillance System Test (PDF)
20 August 2011, Cryptome: Navy Undersea Surveillance Processing Facilities Eyeball
16 August 2011, NYT: Wave of Attacks in Iraq Leaves at Least 57 Dead
15 August 2011, NYT: Libya's Security Chief Arrives in Cairo
15 August 2011, Reuters: Gaddafi defiant as rebels poised to strangle capital
14 August 2011, NYT: Tribal Rifts Threaten to Undermine Libya Uprising
6 August 2011, WP: 22 Navy SEALs among 30 U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan as NATO helicopter is shot down
3 August 2011, NYT: Afghanistan Seeks to Disband Some Armed Militias
2 August 2011, Long War Journal: Charting the data for US air strikes in Yemen, 2002 - 2011

July 2011, Human Rights Watch: Getting Away with Torture: The Bush Administration and Mistreatment of Detainees (PDF)
July 2011, Thomas Bruneau: Patriots for Profit: Contractors and the Military in U.S. National Security (PDF)
June-July 2011, Judicial Watch: DOD: FOIA documents re. Kathryn Bigelow, Mark Boal, Osama bin Laden movie (PDF)
July 2011, DOD: DIA: National Intelligence Univ.: Gary Ross: Who Watches the Watchmen? The Conflict Between National Security and Freedom of the Press (PDF)
July 2011, Army FM 3-11: Multi-Service Doctrine for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Operations (PDF)
30 July 2011, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction: Quarterly Report to US Congress (PDF)
29 July 2011, WP: AP: Roadside bombs kill 19 civilians, 2 NATO service members in Afghanistan
29 July 2011, NYT: Death of Rebel Leader Stirs Fears of Tribal Conflict
28 July 2011, Brookings: Iraq Index: Tracking Reconstruction and Security in Post-Saddam Iraq
28 July 2011, WP: At least 19 killed as insurgents launch attacks in southern Afghanistan
28 July 2011, Reuters: Libyan rebels say military chief killed
28 July 2011, WP: AP: Libyan rebel leadership council says its military commander has been killed
27 July 2011, CSM: Kandahar mayor killed by suicide bomber, latest in wave of assassinations
26 July 2011, NYT: Counting Qaddafi's Heat-Seeking Missiles, and Tracking Them Back to their Sources (Photos)
24 July 2011, WP: Lifting the curtain
24 July 2011, WP: How U.S. money ends up in Taliban hands
22 July 2011, Wired: U.S. Blocks Oversight of Its Mercenary Army in Iraq
22 July 2011, WP: U.S. trucking funds reach Taliban, military-led investigation concludes
22 July 2011, Reuters: US military weighs more Predator drones for Libya
20 July 2011, Independent: CIA trains covert units of Afghans to continue the fight against Taliban
20 July 2011, WP: Iraq probably will miss deadline on U.S. troop decision, officials say
19 July 2011, Al Jazeera English: The US and the new Middle East: Libya
18 July 2011, Long War Journal: Video of brutal Taliban execution of Pakistani policemen emerges
18 July 2011, Reuters: Iraq eyes U.S. trainers, not troops, after 2011
16 July 2011, Independent: Bodyguard who killed Karzai's brother was trusted CIA contact
15 July 2011, NYT: Hackers Gained Access to Sensitive Military Files
14 July 2011, CSM: Suicide attack at Karzai memorial service underscores deteriorating security
14 July 2011, Guardian: Kandahar mosque hit by bomber during service for Ahmed Wali Karzai
14 July 2011, WP: Classified document about U.S. detention criteria inadvertently given to ACLU
14 July 2011, WP: Suicide bomber kills 4 at Karzai memorial service
13 July 2011, NYT: Half Brother of Afghan President Is Killed in Kandahar
12 July 2011, Human Rights Watch: Getting Away with Torture: The Bush Administration and Mistreatment of Detainees (PDF)
12 July 2011, CSM: Bush should face criminal probe over post-9/11 'torture,' report urges
12 July 2011, Guardian: Gaddafi regime 'ready for talks' on transition of power to rebels
12 July 2011, Guardian: Ahmed Wali Karzai killing sparks fears of turmoil in Kandahar
12 July 2011, Guardian: Ahmed Wali Karzai, the corrupt and lawless face of modern Afghanistan
12 July 2011, WP: Ahmed Wali Karzai had rebuilt relationship with U.S.
12 July 2011, WP: Ahmed Wali Karzai, half brother of Afghan president, killed by trusted confidant
11 July 2011, CSM: US cuts aid to Pakistan: Six key questions
11 July 2011, CSM: Pakistan says it doesn't need US military aid
11 July 2011, WSJ: Panetta Airs Frustration Over Iraq
10 July 2011, Andy Worthington: Torture Whitewash: Probe of Two CIA Murders Ends Obama Administration's Investigation of Bush's Global Torture Program
10 July 2011, WP: Tensions rise along Afghan-Pakistan border
10 July 2011, Guardian: US suspends Pakistan military aid as diplomatic relations worsen
10 July 2011, NYT: U.S. Is Deferring Millions in Pakistani Military Aid
9 July 2011, NYT: Night Raids Curbing Taliban, but Afghans Cite Civilian Toll
8 July 2011, NYT: NATO Says Airstrike in Afghan Province Killed Women and Children
8 July 2011, NYT: House Sends Conflicting Signals on Libya
8 July 2011, Reuters: U.S. House approves $649 bln for defense in 2012
7 July 2011, Long War Journal: Taliban step up cross-border attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan
6 July 2011, WP: In Somali terror suspect's case, administration blends military, civilian systems
(Undated), NYT: US District Court, Southern District NY: US v. Warsame (Sealed Indictment) (PDF)
6 July 2011, NYT: U.S. to Prosecute a Somali Suspect in Civilian Court
5 July 2011, WP: U.S. indicts Somali on terrorism charges
4 July 2011, Australian: US special forces to hit Afghanistan
4 July 2011, WP: New wave of attacks targets Iraqi police, soldiers
2 July 2011, WP: U.S. envoy: Troop extension in Iraq is possible
2 July 2011, WP: Afghans infuriated by shelling from Pakistan

30 June 2011, Public Intelligence: DOD: Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate: Non-Lethal Weapons Reference Book (PDF)
June 2011, Congressional Budget Office: Policy Options for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (PDF)
30 June 2011, US Trade & Aid Monitor: U.S. to Ramp Up Afghan Infowar with 'Aggressive Actions' -- Contractor to Bring About 'Desired Effects' in Global Media
30 June 2011, WP: Justice Department to investigate deaths of two detainees in CIA custody
30 June 2011, WP: Global race on to match U.S. drone capabilities
30 June 2011, WP: U.S. turns to other routes to supply Afghan war as relations with Pakistan fray
29 June 2011, Reuters: Highlights of "Costs of War" research
29 June 2011, Reuters: Cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting
28 June 2011, WH: National Strategy for Counterterrorism (PDF)
26 June 2011, NYT: Taking a Risk With Taliban Negotiations, Even if the Talks Are Real This Time
26 June 2011, NYT: Bitter Feud Between Top Iraqi Leaders Stalls Government
26 June 2011, Independent: Patrick Cockburn: Don't believe everything you see and read about Gaddafi
25 June 2011, NYT: House Spurns Obama on Libya, but Does Not Cut Funds
22 June 2011, NYT: American Forces in Afghanistan and Iraq
21 June 2011, NYT: Obama to Announce Plans for Afghan Surge Pullout
20 June 2011, NYT: Delay Is Likely for a New U.S. Air Base on Okinawa, Japanese Official Says
20 June 2011, NYT: Gates Acknowledges Talks with Taliban
20 June 2011, NYT: House May Vote This Week on Money for Libya Strikes
20 June 2011, NYT: NATO Admits Missile Hit a Civilian Home in Tripoli
19 June 2011, NYT: Gunfight Shatters Calm Spell in Kabul
19 June 2011, NYT: Qaeda Woes Fuel Talk of Speeding Afghan Pullback
19 June 2011, NYT: NATO Says It Mistakenly Hit Libyan Rebels Again
19 June 2011, NYT: Lashing Out, Karzai Says U.S. Is Talking to the Taliban
18 June 2011, Guardian: Reuters: US in talks with Taliban, says Karzai
18 June 2011, WP: Anger ramps up in Congress over Obama's legal defense of Libya operation
18 June 2011, NYT: 2 Top Lawyers Lost to Obama in Libya War Policy Debate
16 June 2011, NYT: White House Defends Continuing U.S. Role in Libya Operation
15 June 2011, Public Intelligence: Kucinich et al. v. Obama, Gates Complaint (PDF)
15 June 2011, DOS-DOD: United States Activities in Libya (PDF)
15 June 2011, CSM: White House: 'Limited' Libya operation didn't require approval of Congress
15 June 2011, WP: AP: Gates: Pakistan arrests of people for aiding CIA in bin Laden raid represent 'real world'
February-June 2011, NYT: The Battle for Libya: Photographs
9 June 2011, WP: Pakistan's Kayani: Divert U.S. aid to civilians
8 June 2011, WP: Pentagon Papers to be declassified at last
8 June 2011, Yahoo News: AP: Pakistan reduces US military trainers
7 June 2011, WSJ: U.S. Plans Private Guard Force for Iraq
6 June 2011, New Yorker: Seymour Hersh: Iran and the Bomb
3 June 2011, New America Media: Pentagon Using Drug Wars as Excuse to Build Bases in Latin America
3 June 2011, Democracy Now: Seymour Hersh on the Arab Spring, "Disaster" U.S. Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the Looming Crisis in Iraq
3 June 2011, Democracy Now: Seymour Hersh: Despite Intelligence Rejecting Iran as Nuclear Threat, U.S. Could Be Headed for Iraq Redux
2 June 2011, WP: Boehner introduces alternative resolution on Libya
2 June 2011, NYT: Taliban Aim to Derail Afghan Security Transfer
1 June 2011, NYT: Karzai Gives 'Last' Warning to NATO on Airstrikes
1 June 2011, Cryptome: DOT: OFAC: Taliban Emergency Sanctions Removed

31 May 2011, Democracy Now: Exclusive Interview with Manuel Zelaya on the U.S. Role in Honduran Coup, WikiLeaks and Why He Was Ousted
30 May 2011, NYT: Civilians Are Killed in Airstrike by NATO
29 May 2011, NYT: Taliban Bomber Infiltrates Afghan-NATO Meeting, Killing Police Official and Others
27 May 2011, NYT: U.S. Has Held Meetings With Aide to Taliban Leader, Officials Say
26 May 2011, WSJ: The $1 Trillion Fighter-Jet Fleet
25 May 2011, Intercept: NSA: SIDtoday: Finding Nuggets -- Quickly -- in a Heap of Voice Collection, From Mexico to Afghanistan (PDF)
17 May 2011, WP: CIA flew stealth drones into Pakistan to monitor bin Laden house
17 May 2011, WSJ: Robo-Copters Eye Enemies
16 May 2011, WP: U.S. speeds up direct talks with Taliban
13 May 2011, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Department of Defense Contractors in Afghanistan and Iraq: Background and Analysis (PDF)
13 May 2011, WP: Obama administration is divided over future of U.S.-Pakistan relationship
12 May 2011, US Army: A Crisis of Trust and Cultural Incompatibility: A Red Team Study of Mutual Perceptions of ANSF Personnel and U.S. Soldiers in Understanding and Mitigating the Phenomena of ANSF-Committed Fratricide-Murders (PDF)
11 May 2011, Afghanistan Analysts Network: The Takhar attack: Targeted killings and the parallel worlds of US intelligence and Afghanistan (PDF)
11 May 2011, Frontline: Kill/Capture
11 May 2011, WP: NATO steps up bombing in Libya; rebels report gains
11 May 2011, NYT: Murky Identities and Ties Hinder NATO's Hunt for Afghan Insurgents, Report Says
11 May 2011, NYT: After Bin Laden, U.S. Reassesses Afghan Strategy
11 May 2011, NYT: Bin Laden Sons Say U.S. Violated International Law
10 May 2011, Human Rights First: Detained and Denied in Afghanistan: How to Make U.S. Detention Comply with the Law (PDF)
10 May 2011, CSM: Is Anwar al-Awlaki's importance to Al Qaeda overstated?
9 May 2011, PBS: Did a controversial U.S. airstrike kill the wrong man?
9 May 2011, CSM: The future of Al Qaeda and its likely leader
5 May 2011, WP: U.S. drone strike in Yemen is first since 2002
4 May 2011, Atlantic: The Goal Was Never to Capture bin Laden
4 May 2011, Wired: Two More Merc Firms Get Big Iraq Contracts
Spring 2011, SIPRI Arms Transfers Database
4 May 2011, WSJ: Debate Rekindled on Guantanamo
3 May 2011, NYT: Killing Adds to Debate About U.S. Strategy and Timetable in Afghanistan
3 May 2011, WSJ: Pressure Rises on U.S. to Trim Troop Numbers in Afghanistan
1 May 2011, NYT: Costly Afghanistan Road Project Is Marred by Unsavory Alliances

30 April 2011, NYT: U.S. Moves Cautiously Against Syrian Leaders
30 April 2011, WSJ: Pentagon Claims Progress Against Afghan Taliban
29 April 2011, NYT: Map of the Rebellion in Libya, Day by Day
27 April 2011, NYT: Panetta and Petraeus in Line for Top Security Posts
26 April 2011, NYT: NATO Strikes Qaddafi Compound
24 April 2011, NYT: Libyan, Once a Detainee, Is Now a U.S. Ally of Sorts
24 April 2011, WikiLeaks: The Guantanamo Files
23 April 2011, NYT: Ex-Blackwater Guards Face Renewed Charges
23 April 2011, Reuters: Libya says army may halt fighting in Misrata
22 April 2011, WSJ: Iraq Troop Talks Falter
22 April 2011, WSJ: U.S. Launches Drone Strikes in Libya
21 April 2011, NYT: Libyan Rebels Advance; U.S. Will Deploy Drones
21 April 2011, NYT: War in Libya Could Drag On, Military Analysts Say
20 April 2011, WP: U.S., Europeans step up efforts to aid Libyan rebels
19 April 2011, WP: Are drones a technological tipping point in warfare?
19 April 2011, WP: U.S. is losing a savvy leader in Afghan war efforts
4 April 2011, WP: Guantanamo Bay Timeline (PDF)
3 April 2011, In These Times: Noam Chomsky: Libya and the World of Oil
1 April 2011, WP: Libyan rebels prepared to accept cease-fire if Gaddafi lifts sieges, allows protests

26 March 2011, CommonDreams.org: The Least Reported Unarmed Revolution in the Middle East
21 March 2011, CSM: Libya intervention: Tea party and liberal Democrats make unusual allies
17 March 2011, Guardian: Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media
13 March 2011, NYT: Afghan Leader Questions U.S. Military Operations
12 March 2011, WP: Karzai again condemns NATO operations
11 March 2011, NYT: Insurgents Kill Most Civilians, Military Says
11 March 2011, NYT: Cousin of Afghan President Is Killed in NATO Raid
11 March 2011, NYT: Suicide Bomber Kills an Afghan Police Chief
10 March 2011, FAS: US Senate: Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Information Sharing in the Era of WikiLeaks: Balancing Security and Collaboration (PDF)
10 March 2011, NYT: Taliban Causes Most Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan, U.N. Says
7 March 2011, NYT: Afghan Leader Calls Apology in Boys' Deaths Insufficient
3 March 2011, NYT: Nine Afghan Boys Collecting Firewood Killed by NATO Helicopters
3 March 2011, NYT: Gates Warns of Risks of a No-Flight Zone

28 February 2011, NYT: Afghan Team Says NATO Killed Civilians in Strikes
25 February 2011, NYT: Demonstrations Turn Violent in Iraq
21 February 2011, NYT: NATO Airstrike Is Said to Kill Afghan Civilians
20 February 2011, Long War Journal: Video: Pakistani Taliban execute Colonel Imam
20 February 2011, Guardian: US 'begins talks' with the Taliban
20 February 2011, NYT: Attackers Wearing Army Uniforms Make Deadly Assault on Bank in Afghanistan
19 February 2011, NYT: Attacks Across Afghanistan Leave Over a Dozen Dead
18 February 2011, New Yorker: U.S.-Taliban Talks
15 February 2011, Guardian: Curveball: How US was duped by Iraqi fantasist looking to topple Saddam
15 February 2011, WSJ: White House Advisor: Use of Term Cyberwar "Terrible"
14 February 2011, WH: OMB: Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2012: Overseas Contingency Operations (PDF)
13 February 2011, NYT: Police Headquarters Is Hit in Afghan South
8 February 2011, DOD: The National Military Strategy of the United States of America (PDF)

29 January 2011, NYT: Deadly Attack by Taliban in Kabul Sought to Kill Head of Blackwater
13 January 2011, NYT: Suicide Bomber Strikes Bus in Afghan Capital
11 January 2011, Wired: Despite Denials, Blackwater Still Working for U.S.
5 January 2011, NYT: Afghan Police Officer Killed by Blast in Downtown Kabul

21 December 2010, NYT: U.S. Military Seeks to Expand Raids in Pakistan
20 December 2010, NYT: Militants Kill Afghan Soldiers in 2 Attacks
16 December 2010, NYT: Blackwater Founder in Deal to Sell Company
16 December 2010, NYT: U.S. Tries to Build Case for Conspiracy by WikiLeaks
7 December 2010, WP: Pakistani anti-Taliban militias offer lessons for U.S. in Afghanistan
4 December 2010, NYT: Yemen Sets Terms of a War on Al Qaeda

30 November 2010, CSM: X-37B Space Plane: What's it for, exactly?
29 November 2010, International Criminal Court: Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (PDF)
23 November 2010, NYT: Taliban Leader in Secret Talks Was an Impostor
16 November 2010, C-SPAN: Rice Univ.: Nir Rosen (Aftermath: Following the Bloodshed of America's Wars in the Muslim World)
7 November 2010, WP: U.S. deploying drones in Yemen to hunt for Al-Qaeda, has yet to fire missiles
7 November 2010, WP: Mosque bomb kills at least 60 in Pakistan

30 October 2010, WP: In Pakistan, religious shrines step up security against attacks
15 October 2010, WP: NATO near adoption of U.S. missile shield
7 October 2010, WP: Pakistan keeps Afghan border crossing closed to NATO convoys
6 October 2010, WP: U.S.-Pakistan relations further strained after airstrike
5 October 2010, Wired: You Can Shoot People, Run Guns, and Still Win Big Gov't Contracts
4 October 2010, WP: NATO convoys attacked in separate strikes in Pakistan
3 October 2010, WP: Military drones aid CIA's mission
2 October 2010, WP: Stuxnet malware is blueprint for computer attacks on U.S.
2 October 2010, WP: AP: No end in sight to Pakistan-NATO supply standoff
1 October 2010, Wired: Blackwater Wins Piece of $10 Billion Mercenary Deal

30 September 2010, WP: AP: Pakistan cuts NATO supply line after border firing
28 September 2010, NYT: Brother of Afghan Leader Is Subject of Wiretapping
27 September 2010, WP: Iran struggling to contain 'foreign-made' 'Stuxnet' computer virus
25 September 2010, WP: Obama invokes 'state secrets' claim to dismiss suit against targeting of U.S. citizen al-Aulaqi
22 September 2010, ABC News: US Official Confirms CIA's 3,000 Man Army in Afghanistan
15 September 2010, RAND: How Insurgencies End (PDF)
9 September 2010, NYT: Court Dismisses a Case Asserting Torture by C.I.A.

August 2010, Spiegel: NATO: ISAF: Joint Prioritized Effects List (JPEL) (PDF)
31 August 2010, International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence: "Spytainment": The Real Influence of Fake Spies (PDF)
30 August 2010, ACLU: Rights Groups File Challenge To Targeted Killing By U.S.
8 August 2010, Cryptome: DOS: Secretary Clinton to Embassy Tel Aviv: Twin Threats: Coordinating Regime Change in Iran and Venezuela
1 August 2010, WP: U.S. nears key step in European defense shield against Iranian missiles

16 July 2010, NYT: DOJ: OLC: Memorandum for the Attorney General re. Applicability of Federal Criminal Laws and the Constitution to Contemplated Lethal Operations Against Shaykh Anwar al-Aulaqi (PDF)

22 June 2010, US Rep. Tierney, Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs: Warlord, Inc.: Extortion and Corruption Along the U.S. Supply Chain in Afghanistan (PDF)
19 June 2010, WP: Pakistan, Afghanistan begin talks about dealing with insurgents
18 June 2010, Salon: The strange and consequential case of Bradley Manning, Adrian Lamo and WikiLeaks
15 June 2010, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: U.S. Foreign Assistance to the Middle East: Historical Background, Recent Trends, and the FY2011 Request (PDF)
15 June 2010, NYT: Setbacks Cloud U.S. Plans to Get Out of Afghanistan
14 June 2010, NYT: U.S. Identifies Vast Mineral Riches in Afghanistan
13 June 2010, WP: Ahmed Wali Karzai, an ally and obstacle to the U.S. military in Afghanistan
12 June 2010, NYT: Karzai Is Said to Doubt West Can Defeat Taliban
8 June 2010, NYT: Army Leak Suspect Is Turned In, by Ex-Hacker
7 June 2010, Telegraph: US cluster bombs 'killed 35 women and children'
7 June 2010, ProPublica: Brain Injuries Remain Undiagnosed in Thousands of Soldiers
4 June 2010, WSJ: U.S. Backs Talks on Cyber Warfare

28 May 2010, NYT: U.N. Official to Ask U.S. to End C.I.A. Drone Strikes
May 2010, WH: National Security Strategy (PDF)
22 May 2010, NYT: Detainees Barred From Access to U.S. Courts
21 May 2010, US Court of Appeals, DC Circuit: Al Maqaleh v. DOD Sec. Gates et al (PDF)
19 May 2010, Space.com: Air Force's New X-37B Space Plane Likely an Orbital Spy

7 April 2010, NYT: U.S. Approves Targeted Killing of American Cleric
5 April 2010, NYT: U.S. Admits Role in February Killing of Afghan Women
5 April 2010, WSJ: U.S. Defends Legality of Killing With Drones
April 2010, Institute for the Study of War: Politics and Power in Kandahar (PDF)

24 March 2010, WikiLeaks: NSA: Global SIGINT Highlights: Sensitive Issues on the Agenda When French, U.S. Presidents Meet Next Week in Washington (PDF)
16 March 2010, US Senate: Armed Services Committee: Statement of General David H. Petraeus, U.S. Army Commander, U.S. Central Command before the Senate Armed Services Committee on the posture of U.S. Central Command (PDF)
13 March 2010, FP: The Petraeus briefing: Biden's embarrassment is not the whole story
8 March 2010, Princeton Univ.: Noam Chomsky: 'I Am Kinda': Reflections on the Culture of Imperialism

27 February 2010, Mother Jones: Daniel Ellsberg on the Limits of Knowledge
27 February 2010, NYT: Guesthouses Used by Foreigners in Kabul Hit in Deadly Attacks
22 February 2010, Administrative Office of the US Courts: Federal Judicial Center: National Security Case Studies: Special Case-Management Challenges (PDF)
20 February 2010, NYT: Drones Are Playing a Growing Role in Afghanistan
13 February 2010, NYT: Coalition Troops Storm a Taliban Haven

29 January 2010, Democracy Now: Blackwater's Youngest Victim: Father of 9-Year-Old Killed in Nisoor Square Gives Most Detailed Account of Massacre to Date
28 January 2010, Nation: Blackwater's Youngest Victim
26 January 2010, NYT: U.S. Envoy's Cables Show Worries on Afghan Plans
4 January 2010, Democracy Now: Judge Dismisses All Charges Against Blackwater Guards in Nisoor Square Massacre
2 January 2010, NYT: Iraqis Angered as Blackwater Charges Are Dropped
1 January 2010, NYT: Judge Drops Charges From Blackwater Deaths in Iraq
1 January 2010, NYT: C.I.A. Takes On Bigger and Riskier Role on Front Lines

2009, International Commission of Jurists: Assessing Damage, Urging Action: Report of the Eminent Jurists Panel on Terrorism, Counter-terrorism and Human Rights (PDF)
2009, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press: Federal Open Government Guide, 10th ed. (PDF)

Fall 2009, Carnegie Results: The Truth Behind Suicide Terrorism (PDF)

31 December 2009, NYT: Suicide Bomber Killed C.I.A. Operatives
29 December 2009, NARA: Federal Register: Executive Order 13526: Classified National Security Information (PDF)
27 December 2009, NYT: Elite U.S. Force Expanding Hunt in Afghanistan
8 December 2009, Cryptome: DOD: Instruction S-5200.42: Defense Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and Related Intelligence Activities (PDF)
6 December 2009, Spiegel: NSA: SIDtoday: To Nab Afghan Nemesis, German Forces Launch Rare Take-Down Operation; U.S. SIGINT Provides Key Support (PDF)
4 December 2009, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel (PDF)
1 December 2009, NYT: The State of the War in Afghanistan

12 November 2009, NYT: U.S. Envoy Urges Caution on Forces for Afghanistan
10 November 2009, WP: Hasan e-mails to cleric didn't result in inquiry
9 November 2009, NYT: DOS: Amb. Eikenberry memo to Sec. of State Clinton re. Looking Beyond Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan (PDF)
6 November 2009, NYT: DOS: Amb. Eikenberry memo to Sec. of State Clinton re. COIN Strategy: Civilian Concerns (PDF)
2 November 2009, DOD: Defense Personnel Security Research Center: Espionage and Other Compromises of National Security: Case Summaries from 1975 to 2008 (PDF)

30 October 2009, Noam Chomsky: Hopes And Prospects (Amnesty International Lecture)
29 October 2009, CSM: Ahmed Wali Karzai and the CIA: America's conundrum in Afghanistan
28 October 2009, NYT: Brother of Afghan Leader Said to Be Paid by C.I.A.
27 October 2009, WP: U.S. official resigns over Afghan war
26 October 2009, New Yorker: The Predator War
9 October 2009, NYT: 17 Die in Kabul Bomb Attack

21 September 2009, NYT: General Calls for More U.S. Troops to Avoid Afghan Failure
10 September 2009, WP: DOS: Senior Civilian Representative Hoh resignation letter to Foreign Service Director General Amb. Powell (PDF)

30 August 2009, Noam Chomsky: Militarizing Latin America
30 August 2009, WP: NATO International Security Assistance Force, Afghanistan: Gen. McChrystal: Commander's Initial Assessment (PDF)
12 August 2009, NYT: 2 U.S. Architects of Harsh Tactics in 9/11's Wake

29 July 2009, DOJ: Office of Professional Responsibility: Investigation into the Office of Legal Counsel's Memoranda Concerning Issues Relating to the Central Intelligence Agency's Use of "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques" on Suspected Terrorists (PDF)
13 July 2009, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: U.S.-Iraq Withdrawal/Status of Forces Agreement: Issues for Congressional Oversight (PDF)
10 July 2009, NYT: DOD, DOJ, CIA, NSA, ODNI: OIGs: Report on the President's Surveillance Program: Vols. I-III (fewer redactions) (PDF)
10 July 2009, NYT: DOD, DOJ, CIA, NSA, ODNI: OIGs: Report on the President's Surveillance Program: Vols. I-III (PDF)
10 July 2009, FAS: DOD, DOJ, CIA, NSA, ODNI: OIGs: Unclassified Report on the President's Surveillance Program (PDF)
7 July 2009, WikiLeaks: CIA: Best Practices in Counterinsurgency: Making High-Value Targeting Operations an Effective Counterinsurgency Tool (PDF)

16 June 2009, WP: CIA Says It Misjudged Role of High-Value Detainee Abu Zubaida, Transcript Shows

29 May 2009, Toronto Star: Was Bush on a mission from God?
8 May 2009, NYT: U.S. Admits Civilians Died in Afghan Raids
7 May 2009, NYT: Civilian Deaths Imperil Support for Afghan War
6 May 2009, Washington Times: Secret U.S.-Israel nuclear accord in jeopardy
1 May 2009, Democracy Now: Historian Alfred McCoy: Obama Reluctance on Bush Prosecutions Affirms Culture of Impunity

17 April 2009, NYT: Explaining and Authorizing Specific Interrogation Techniques
17 April 2009, NYT: Interrogation Memos Detail Harsh Tactics by the C.I.A.
11 April 2009, WP: Obama Team Mulls Aims Of Somali Extremists
10 April 2009, Electric Politics: The Poppy Palace (Interview with Sibel Edmonds) (MP3)

29 March 2009, NYT: Spanish Court Weighs Inquiry on Torture for 6 Bush-Era Officials
28 March 2009, NYT: White House Debate Led to Plan to Widen Afghan Effort
16 March 2009, NYT: Drones Are Weapons of Choice in Fighting Qaeda
14 March 2009, Center for Strategic and International Studies: Study on a Possible Israeli Strike on Iran's Nuclear Development Facilities (PDF)
7 March 2009, NYT: Judge Weighs Dismissing Case Involving Torture Memorandums
2 March 2009, Spiegel: NSA: SIDtoday: SIGINT Helps Hobble the Taleban by Cutting Off Their Livelihood (PDF)

23 February 2009, NYT: U.S. Unit Secretly in Pakistan Lends Ally Support
22 February 2009, NYT: Obama Upholds Detainee Policy in Afghanistan
19 February 2009, NYT: Afghan Civilian Deaths Rose 40 Percent in 2008
18 February 2009, NYT: Putting Stamp on Afghan War, Obama Will Send 17,000 Troops
18 February 2009, NYT: Obama's War on Terror May Resemble Bush's in Some Areas
14 February 2009, NYT: AP: Blackwater Changes Its Name to Xe
13 February 2009, WH: Presidential Policy Directive 1: Organization of the National Security Council System (PPD-1) (PDF)

27 January 2009, NYT: Afghan Prison Poses Problem in Overhaul of Detainee Policy
26 January 2009, NYT: From Hospital, Afghans Rebut U.S. Account
20 January 2009, arXiv: Gsponer, Hurni, Independent Scientific Research Institute: The physical principles of thermonuclear explosives, inertial confinement fusion, and the quest for fourth generation nuclear weapons (PDF)
20 January 2009, NYT: Three Attacks Hit Eastern Afghan Town
8 January 2009, Inter Press Service: U.S. Weaponry Facilitates Killings in Gaza
6 January 2009, Rep. Kucinich: Israel May Be in Violation of Arms Export Control Act
6 January 2009, NYT: An Ex-Detainee of the U.S. Describes a 6-Year Ordeal