Overseas Contingency Operations (War), 2001-2008

2. Overseas Contingency Operations (War), 2001-2008
2021-2024 / 2017-2020 / 2009-2016 / 1993-2000 / 1989-1992 / 1981-1988 / 1977-1980 / 1969-1976 / 1965-1968
1961-1964 / 1953-1960 / 1945-1952 / 1933-1944 / 1929-1932 / 1925-1928 / 1921-1924 / 1913-1920

1994-2021, DOD: Contract Archive
1947-2021, FAS: Presidential Directives
1940-2021, FAS: Selected Executive Orders on National Security

19 December 2008, NYT: Tensions Rise as Afghans Say U.S. Raid Killed Civilians
11 December 2008, US Senate: Armed Services Committee: Inquiry Into the Treatment of Detainees in U.S. Custody: Executive Summary, Conclusions (PDF)
11 December 2008, NYT: U.S. Forces Kill 6 Afghan Police Officers by Mistake
9 December 2008, NYT: 5 Charged in 9/11 Attacks Seek to Plead Guilty
6 December 2008, NYT: 5 Guards Face U.S. Charges in Iraq Deaths

28 November 2008, NYT: U.N. Reports That Taliban Is Stockpiling Opium
November 2008, NYT: Monterey Institute of International Studies: Trafficking Networks for Chemical Weapons Precursors: Lessons from the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s (PDF)
26 November 2008, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Presidential Directives: Background and Overview (PDF)
19 November 2008, Public Intelligence: US Army: FM 6-02.71: Network Operations (PDF)
7 November 2008, NYT: U.S. Says Taliban Put Afghans in Line of Fire
6 November 2008, NYT: U.S. Airstrike Reported to Hit Afghan Wedding

October 2008, Washington Media Associates; National Security Archive: Torturing Democracy
17 October 2008, NYT: Afghan Officials Say Airstrike Killed Civilians
10 October 2008, NYT: Panel to Study Military Eavesdropping
8 October 2008, NYT: 30 Civilians Died in Afghan Raid, U.S. Inquiry Finds
6 October 2008, WikiLeaks: NATO: Media Operations Centre: NATO in Afghanistan: Master Narrative (PDF)
5 October 2008, NYT: Reports Link Karzai's Brother to Afghanistan Heroin Trade

15 September 2008, NYT: Reuters: 9 Afghans Are Killed by Bombs
9 September 2008, NYT: More Afghans Being Killed, Report Says
8 September 2008, Human Rights Watch: "Troops in Contact": Airstrikes and Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan (PDF) 8 September 2008, NYT: Evidence Points to Civilian Toll in Afghan Raid
4 September 2008, NYT: American Forces Attack Militants on Pakistani Soil

30 August 2008, NYT: Joint Inquiry on Deaths of Afghans Is Proposed
27 August 2008, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Iraqi Civilian Deaths Estimates (PDF)
27 August 2008, NYT: U.S. Killed 90, Including 60 Children, in Afghan Village, U.N. Finds
14 August 2008, NYT: 3 Western Aid Workers and an Afghan Driver Killed in Attack
August 2008, Public Intelligence: Joint Special Operations University: Special Operations Forces Reference Manual (PDF)
4 August 2008, NYT: Ragtag Taliban Show Tenacity in Afghanistan
2 August 2008, Counterpunch: The CIA's Secret Prison on Diego Garcia
2 August 2008, NYT: Pakistan Denies Report Its Spy Service Planned Kabul Blast
1 August 2008, NYT: Pakistanis Aided Attack in Kabul, U.S. Officials Say

30 July 2008, Federal Register: WH: Executive Order 13470: Further Amendments to Executive Order 12333, United States Intelligence Activities (PDF)
29 July 2008, NYT: In Detainee Trial, System Is Tested
26 July 2008, NYT: Prosecutors State Case in First Guantánamo Trial
23 July 2008, NYT: Two Sides at Guantánamo Trial Paint Starkly Different Pictures of the Defendant
17 July 2008, Houston Chronicle: AP: Al-Qaida recruits foreigners to fight war in Afghanistan
15 July 2008, NYT: Taliban Breached NATO Base in Deadly Clash
8 July 2008, NYT: Suicide Car Blast Kills 41 in Afghan Capital
7 July 2008, NYT: Afghans Say New U.S. Strike Killed Civilians
2 July 2008, NYT: China Inspired Interrogations at Guantánamo

30 June 2008, NYT: Amid U.S. Policy Disputes, Qaeda Grows in Pakistan
17 June 2008, NYT: Old-Line Taliban Commander Is Face of Rising Afghan Threat
17 June 2008, NYT: Taliban Fighters Infiltrate Area Near Southern Afghan City
14 June 2008, NYT: Taliban Free 1,200 Inmates in Attack on Afghan Prison

30 May 2008, UN: Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of a Convention on Cluster Munitions: Convention on Cluster Munitions (PDF)
May 2008, Radar: The Last Roundup (PDF)
May 2008, GAO: Defense Contracting: Post-Government Employment of Former DOD Officials Needs Greater Transparency (PDF)

April 2008, Human Rights Watch: Double Jeopardy: CIA Renditions to Jordan (PDF)
24 April 2008, YouTube: Boston Univ.: Noam Chomsky: Modern-Day American Imperialism: Middle East and Beyond
20 April 2008, NYT: U.S. Military Seeks to Widen Pakistan Raids
11 April 2008, NYT: Mukasey Distances Himself From a Memo on Searches
9 April 2008, NYT: Attack on Road Crew Kills 18 and Injures 7 in Afghanistan
3 April 2008, NYT: Memo Sheds New Light on Torture Issue
2 April 2008, NYT: '03 U.S. Memo Approved Harsh Interrogations
1 April 2008, Frontline: Bad Voodoo's War

28 March 2008, NYT: Tapes' Destruction Hovers Over Detainee Cases
25 March 2008, Frontline: Bush's War: Part Two
24 March 2008, Frontline: Bush's War: Part One
1 March 2008, Guardian: British island 'used by US for rendition'

26 February 2008, National Security Archive: "Prevent the Reemergence of a New Rival": The Making of the Cheney Regional Defense Strategy, 1991-1992

30 January 2008, WP: Bush Thumbs Nose at Congress
30 January 2008, Boston Globe: Bush asserts authority to bypass defense act
28 January 2008, WH: President Bush Signs H.R. 4986, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 into Law
17 January 2008, C-SPAN: Back Pages Books: Noam Chomsky (Interventions)
15 January 2008, NYT: Blast at Kabul Hotel Kills 6
14 January 2008, Reuters: Bush says committed to Saudi arms deal
9 January 2008, NYT: Afghan Civilians Were Killed Needlessly, Ex-Marine Testifies
3 January 2008, LOC: US Congress: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (PDF)

16 December 2007, NYT: Blast Kills Five at Headquarters of Kabul Police
5 December 2007, NYT: Afghan Bomber Hits NATO Convoy

28 November 2007, NYT: Car Bomb Attack Kills 2 in Afghan Capital
26 November 2007, Guardian: Bush commits troops to Iraq for the long term
26 November 2007, WH: Declaration of Principles for a Long-Term Relationship of Cooperation and Friendship Between the Republic of Iraq and the United States of America
20 November 2007, NYT: Suicide Attack in Afghanistan Kills 7 but Spares Governor
16 November 2007, NYT: Red Cross Monitors Barred From Guantánamo
12 November 2007, NYT: AP: Attacks in Afghanistan Kill 3 Policemen and a Soldier
8 November 2007, NYT: Death Toll in Afghan Bombing at 52
7 November 2007, NYT: Suicide Bomber Kills 26 in Northern Afghanistan
November 2007, NYT: ODNI: National Intelligence Estimate: Iran: Nuclear Intentions and Capabilities: Key Judgements (PDF)

30 October 2007, NYT: Immunity Deals Offered to Blackwater Guards
23 October 2007, Frontline: Showdown with Iran
16 October 2007, Frontline: Cheney's Law
4 October 2007, NYT: Secret U.S. Endorsement of Severe Interrogations
3 October 2007, NYT: From Errand to Fatal Shot to Hail of Fire to 17 Deaths

18 September 2007, NYT: U.S. Contractor Banned by Iraq Over Shootings

27 August 2007, DOD: Directive 5240.01: DoD Intelligence Activities (PDF)
August 2007, Public Intelligence: Army: FM 3-05.301: Psychological Operations Process Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (PDF)
3 August 2007, US Senate: Select Committee on Intelligence: National Security Act of 1947 (Amended) (PDF)
3 August 2007, DOD: Policy for Combatant Command (COCOM) Regional Websites Tailored to Foreign Audiences (PDF)

17 July 2007, Seattle Weekly: The Worst Internal Scandal in NSA History Was Blamed on Cold War Defectors' Homosexuality

19 June 2007, Frontline: Endgame
June 2007, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, et al: Off the Record: U.S. Responsibility for Enforced Disappearances in the "War on Terror" (PDF)
8 June 2007, DOD: Policy for Department of Defense (DoD) Interactive Internet Activities (PDF)
8 June 2007, NYT: Secret Prisons in 2 Countries Held Qaeda Suspects, Report Says
7 June 2007, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe: Secret detentions and illegal transfers of detainees involving Council of Europe member states: second report (PDF, ZIP)
1 June 2007, Salon: The corporate takeover of U.S. intelligence

16 May 2007, NYT: Poppy Fields Are Now a Front Line in Afghan War
8 May 2007, WP: The Cost of War, Unnoticed

17 April 2007, Frontline: Gangs of Iraq
17 April 2007, Democracy Now: Howard Zinn Urges U.S. Soldiers to Heed Thoreau's Advice and "Resist Authority"
16 April 2007, Democracy Now: In Rare Joint Interview, Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn on Iraq, Vietnam, Activism and History

27 March 2007, Frontline: News War: Part IV: Stories from a Small Planet
14 March 2007, NYT: Pakistani Militants Hit Targets Close to Home

February 2007, Human Rights Watch: Ghost Prisoner: Two Years in Secret CIA Detention (PDF)
13, 20 February 2007, Frontline: News War: Parts I & II: Secrets, Sources & Spin

January 2007, Top Level Telecommunications: NSA: United States SIGINT System Strategic Mission List (text-readable PDF)
January 2007, NYT: NSA: United States SIGINT System Strategic Mission List (PDF)

December 2006, RAND: Jones et al: Securing Tyrants or Fostering Reform? U.S. Internal Security Assistance to Repressive and Transitioning Regimes (PDF)
27 December 2006, Z: Iraq: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: Noam Chomsky interviewed by Michael Albert
14 December 2006, Coalition for the International Criminal Court: Status of US Bilateral Immunity Agreements (BIAs) (PDF)

8 November 2006, NYT: National Security Advisor Hadley memo re. Iraq, Maliki

17 October 2006, GPO: US Congress: Military Commissions Act of 2006 (PDF)
3 October 2006, Frontline: Return of the Taliban

September 2006, Amnesty International: Pakistan: Human rights ignored in the "war on terror" (PDF)
29 September 2006, WP: Senate Approves Detainee Bill Backed by Bush
26 September 2006, NYT: Bush Makes Public Parts of Report on Terrorism
25 September 2006, NYT: Study of Iraq War and Terror Stirs Strong Political Response
24 September 2006, NYT: Report Stirs Debate on Terror Fight
24 September 2006, NYT: Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terror Threat
8 September 2006, WP: Bush Calls For Greater Wiretap Authority
8 September 2006, US Senate: Select Committee on Intelligence: Postwar Findings about Iraq's WMD Programs and Links to Terrorism and How They Compare with Prewar Assessments (PDF)

25 August 2006, WP: AP: Israel Buys 2 Nuclear-Capable Submarines
18 August 2006, NYT: C.I.A. Contractor Guilty in Beating of Afghan

June 2006, Intercept: NSA: RT10 Overview (PDF)
9 June 2006, NYT: After Long Hunt, U.S. Bombs Al Qaeda Leader in Iraq
8 June 2006, NYT: Afghans Raise Toll of Dead From May Riots in Kabul to 17
8 June 2006, NYT: U.S. Strike Hits Insurgent at Safehouse
1 June 2006, NYT: Americans Fired Into Crowd, Afghan Says

31 May 2006, NYT: After Riots End, Kabul's Residents Begin to Point Fingers
30 May 2006, NYT: Anti-U.S. Rioting Erupts in Kabul; At Least 14 Dead
6 May 2006, NYT: Director of C.I.A. Is Stepping Down Under Pressure

28 April 2006, National Security Archive: Israel Crosses the Threshold
23 April 2006, 60 Minutes: A Spy Speaks Out
22 April 2006, NYT: Prewar Intelligence Ignored, Former C.I.A. Official Says
20 April 2006, C-SPAN: West Point: Noam Chomsky (Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy): Just War Theory
17 April 2006, New Yorker: Seymour Hersh: The Iran Plans
9 April 2006, NYT: U.S. Stepping Up Plans to Attack Iran, New Yorker Article Says
April 2006, Government Attic: ODNI: National Intelligence Estimate: Trends in Global Terrorism: Implications for the United States (PDF)
April 2006, NYT: ODNI: National Intelligence Estimate: Trends in Global Terrorism: Implications for the United States: Key Judgments (PDF)

7 March 2006, GPO: US House: Committee on Armed Forces: Requesting the President and Directing the Secretary of Defense to Transmit to the House of Representatives All Information in the Possession of the President or the Secretary of Defense Relating to the Collection of Intelligence Information Pertaining to Persons Inside the United States Without Obtaining Court-Ordered Warrants Authorizing the Collection of Such Information and Relating to the Policy of the United States with Respect to the Gathering of Counterterrorism Intelligence Within the United States (PDF)
March 2006, WH: The National Security Strategy of the United States of America (PDF)
March/April 2006, Foreign Affairs: Paul Pillar: Intelligence, Policy, and the War in Iraq

27 February 2006, NYT: German Intelligence Gave U.S. Iraqi Defense Plan, Report Says
27 February 2006, NYT: Chaos in Iraq Sends Shock Waves Across Middle East and Elevates Iran's Influence
23 February 2006, NYT: Blast at Shiite Shrine Sets Off Sectarian Fury in Iraq
21 February 2006, Frontline: The Insurgency
11 February 2006, NYT: Ex-C.I.A. Official Says Iraq Data Was Distorted
10 February 2006, WP: Libby Testified He Was Told To Leak Data About Iraq
3 February 2006, NYT: $120 Billion More Is Sought For Military in War Zones
February 2006, NARA: OSS: Records of the Office of Strategic Services 1940-1946: Record Group 226: OSS entries 210-220: Sources and Methods Files ("Previously Withdrawn Material")

8 January 2006, NYT: Appeals Court, Reversing Itself, Holds 2 Salvadoran Generals Liable in Torture Case
2 January 2006, NYT: Muslim Scholars Were Paid to Aid U.S. Propaganda

27 December 2005, Chomsky.info: Radio Netherlands: Noam Chomsky: On the Iraq Election
20 December 2005, Spiegel: NSA: Turkey and the PKK (PDF)
17 December 2005, NYT: Behind Power, One Principle as Bush Pushes Prerogatives
11 December 2005, NYT: Military's Information War Is Vast and Often Secretive
December 2005, Daniele Ganser: The British Secret Service in Neutral Switzerland: An Unfinished Debate on NATO's Cold War Stay-behind Armies (PDF)

17 November 2005, Democracy Now: Pentagon Reverses Position and Admits U.S. Troops Used White Phosphorus Against Iraqis in Fallujah
8 November 2005, Democracy Now: A Debate: Did the U.S. Military Attack Iraqi Civilians With White Phosphorus Bombs in Violation of the Geneva Conventions?
8 November 2005, Democracy Now: "Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre" on the U.S. Use of Napalm-Like White Phosphorus Bombs
8 November 2005, Rai News: Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre (MPEG)
4 November 2005, NYT: Source of Forged Niger-Iraq Uranium Documents Identified
2 November 2005, WP: CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons

25 October 2005, NYT: White House Seeks Exception in Abuse Ban
23 October 2005, NYT: C.I.A. to Avoid Charges in Most Prisoner Deaths
21 October 2005, NYT: Former Powell Aide Says Bush Policy Is Run by 'Cabal'
18 October 2005, Frontline: The Torture Question
October 2005, FAS: Army: FM 3-05.302: Tactical Psychological Operations: Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (PDF)

30 September 2005, NYT: Ex-Pentagon Analyst Is Said To Agree to a Guilty Plea

31 August 2005, Boston Globe: AP: Bush gives new reason for Iraq war; Says US must prevent oil fields from falling into hands of terrorists
6 August 2005, Independent: Noam Chomsky: We must act now to prevent another Hiroshima - or worse

30 July 2005, WP: U.S. Evicted From Air Base In Uzbekistan
16 July 2005, Tehelka: Noam Chomsky: The Manipulation of Fear
4 July 2005, Khaleej Times: Noam Chomsky: It's imperialism, stupid

May 2005, Gregory Hooker: Shaping the Plan for Operation Iraqi Freedom: The Role of Military Intelligence Assessments (PDF)
May 2005, Human Rights Watch: Black Hole: The Fate of Islamists Rendered to Egypt (PDF)
1 May 2005, Times: Blair planned Iraq war from start

April 2005, Human Rights Watch: Still at Risk: Diplomatic Assurances No Safeguard Against Torture (PDF)

31 March 2005, NYT: Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction: Report to the President of the United States (PDF)
1 March 2005, Frontline: The Soldier's Heart

February 2005, Daniele Ganser: NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe (PDF)

2004, William Blum: Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II: Ch. 41: Angola, 1975 to 1980s: The Great Powers Poker Game

17 December 2004, GPO: US Congress: Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (PDF)

30 November 2004, NYT: Red Cross Finds Detainee Abuse in Guantánamo
8 November 2004, NYT: G.I.'s Open Attack to Take Falluja From Iraq Rebels
8 November 2004, NYT: Early Target of Offensive Is a Hospital

24 October 2004, WP: Memo Lets CIA Take Detainees Out of Iraq
19 October 2004, NYT: How Many Iraqis Are Dying? By One Count, 208 in a Week
19 October 2004, NYT: The Strategy to Secure Iraq Did Not Foresee a 2nd War
October 2004, Human Rights Watch: The United States' "Disappeared": The CIA's Long-Term "Ghost Detainees" (PDF)
3 October 2004, NYT: How the White House Embraced Disputed Arms Intelligence
2 October 2004, NYT: Ex-Pentagon Official Gets 9 Months for Conspiring to Favor Boeing
2 October 2004, NYT: Inquiry Stymied on Company With Air Force Ties
1 October 2004, NYT: U.S.-Led Force Says It Took Half of Iraqi City Held by Insurgents
1 October 2004, NYT: 2 Car Bombings in Iraq Kill 41, Many Children

September 2004, DOD: Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Strategic Communication (PDF)
30 September 2004, GPO: Iraq Survey Group: Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq's WMD (Duelfer Report): Vol. III (PDF)
27 September 2004, YouTube: Bunker Hill Community College; Homeless Empowerment Project: Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn: Is There Hope in This Desperate Time?
16 September 2004, TomDispatch: Noam Chomsky: The Resort to Force
6 September 2004, NYT: Spy Case Renews Debate Over Pro-Israel Lobby's Ties to Pentagon

August 2004, ACLU: DOD: DIA: Defense HUMINT Service: Intelligence Law Handbook (PDF)
27 August 2004, Federal Register: WH: Executive Order 13355: Strengthened Management of the Intelligence Community (PDF)

31 July 2004, NYT: High Qaeda Aide Retracted Claim of Link with Iraq
16 July 2004, WP: DOJ: OLC: Memorandum for the Attorney General re. STELLAR WIND -- Implications of Hamdi v. Rumsfeld (PDF)
14 July 2004, NYT: White House and C.I.A. Withhold Document on Prewar Intelligence Given to Bush
12 July 2004, NYT: Final 9/11 Report Is Said to Dismiss Iraq-Qaeda Alliance
11 July 2004, NYT: Tenet's Leadership, His Pride, Faces Attack From Senate Panel as He Leaves C.I.A.
11 July 2004, NYT: Despite Terror Risk, Washington Is Unlikely to Press Reform of C.I.A. This Year
11 July 2004, NYT: Iraq's Rebellion Develops Signs of Internal Rift
11 July 2004, NYT: Panel Describes Long Weakening of Hussein Army
10 July 2004, NYT: British Opponents of Iraq War Look to U.S. Report as Evidence
10 July 2004, NYT: Senators Assail C.I.A. Judgments on Iraq's Arms as Deeply Flawed
10 July 2004, NYT: Senate Report Does Little to Still Debate on C.I.A.'s Prewar Data
9 July 2004, GPO: US Senate: Select Committee on Intelligence: U.S. Intelligence Community's Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq (PDF)

27 June 2004, NYT: Aides Say Memo Backed Coercion for Qaeda Cases
26 June 2004, NYT: Army Used Speed and Might, Plus Cash, Against Shiite Rebel
26 June 2004, NYT: U.S. Attacks Falluja as Iraqis Renew Hint of Martial Law
25 June 2004, WP: 100 Iraqis Killed in Wave of Attacks
25 June 2004, WP: Adversary's Tactics Leave Troops Surprised, Exhausted
24 June 2004, WP: U.S. Immunity in Iraq Will Go Beyond June 30
22 June 2004, WP: AP: Records Examine Guantanamo Suicide Bids
21 June 2004, NYT: Iraq Government Considers Using Emergency Rule
21 June 2004, NYT: U.S. Is Quietly Spending $2.5 Billion From Iraqi Oil Revenues to Pay for Iraqi Projects
21 June 2004, NYT: 9/11 Panel Members Debate Qaeda-Iraq 'Tie'
17 June 2004, NYT: No Evidence of Meeting With Iraqi

26 May 2004, NYT: The Times and Iraq
May 2004, ACLU: Army: AR 15-6 Investigation of the 800th Military Police Brigade (PDF)
11 May 2004, Cryptocomb: DOD: International Armament and Technology Trade Directorate: Preliminary Findings: Report to the Inspector General into Mobile Telecommunications Licenses in Iraq (PDF)
11 May 2004, WP: Secret World of U.S. Interrogation
10 May 2004, WP: As Insurgency Grew, So Did Prison Abuse
9 May 2004, WP: A Prison on the Brink
8 May 2004, Government Attic: FBI: Dick Cheney Interview on Leak of Valerie Plame's Identity (PDF)
6 May 2004, WP: DOJ: OLC: Memorandum for the Attorney General re. Review of the Legality of the STELLAR WIND Program (PDF)

29 April 2004, Democracy Now: Whistleblowers From Vietnam to 9/11: A Conversation with Daniel Ellsberg and Sibel Edmonds (at 31:45) (MP3)
15 April 2004, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Foreign Aid: An Introductory Overview of U.S. Programs and Policy (PDF)

19 March 2004, National Security Archive: CIA: DCI Report: The Rise of UBL and Al-Qa'ida and the Intelligence Community Response (Draft) (PDF)
15 March 2004, McClatchy: Iraqi exile group fed false information to news media
12 March 2004, NYT: 10 Bombs Shatter Trains in Madrid, Killing 192
6 March 2004, NYT: U.S., Certain That Iraq Had Illicit Arms, Reportedly Ignored Contrary Reports

16 February 2004, New Yorker: Contract Sport: What did the Vice-President do for Halliburton?
7 February 2004, NYT: Agency Alert About Iraqi Not Heeded, Officials Say
3 February 2004, C-SPAN: UNCA: Noam Chomsky: Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance

March-December 2003, Intercept: NSA: SIDtoday: 166 newsletter articles (PDF, ZIP)
31 December 2003, FAS: Army: FM 3-05.301: Psychological Operations Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (PDF)
September-December 2003, Cryptome: 9/11 Commission: Interviews with Mark Steinitz, John Kingston, Amb. Phillip Wilcox, Donald Camp, Walter Slocombe re. Usama Bin Laden (PDF, ZIP)

20 November 2003, Guardian: War critics astonished as US hawk admits invasion was illegal

30 October 2003, FAS: DOD: Information Operations Roadmap (PDF)

September 2003, Internet Archive: Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott, Joel Bakan: The Corporation
29 September 2003, NYT: New Criticism On Prewar Use Of Intelligence

6 July 2003, NYT: Joseph Wilson: What I Didn't Find in Africa

26 June 2003, NYT: Agency Disputes C.I.A. View On Trailers as Weapons Labs
12 June 2003, WP: CIA Did Not Share Doubt on Iraq Data (PDF)
10 June 2003, Spiegel: NSA: SIDtoday: SINIO Summer 2003 Series of Strategic Intelligence Issues Begins with Tough Times for Turkey (PDF)
5 June 2003, CIA: Director of Central Intelligence Directive 7/3: Information Operations and Intelligence Community Related Activities (DCID 7/3) (PDF)
June 2003, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1969-1976: Volume I: Foundations of Foreign Policy, 1969-1972

23 May 2003, Coalition Provisional Authority: Order No. 2: Dissolution of Entities (PDF)
16 May 2003, Coalition Provisional Authority: Order No. 1: De-Ba'athification of Iraqi Society (PDF)
14 May 2003, NYT: New Policy in Iraq to Authorize G.I.'s to Shoot Looters

April 2003, CIA: History Staff: Eagle and Swastika: CIA and Nazi War Criminals and Collaborators (PDF)

28 March 2003, DOD: JTF-GTMO: Camp Delta Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) (PDF)
14 March 2003, NYT: DOJ: OLC: Deputy Asst. AG Yoo: Memorandum for William J. Haynes II, General Counsel, DOD re. Military Interrogation of Alien Unlawful Combatants Held Outside the United States (PDF, ZIP)
14 March 2003, NYT: A Tyrant 40 Years in the Making
12 March 2003, NYT: World Court for Crimes of War Opens in The Hague

20 February 2003, Frontline: The War Behind Closed Doors

27 January 2003, FAS: DOJ: OLC: Deputy Asst. AG Yoo: Memorandum for Alberto R. Gonzales, Counsel to the President re. Presidential Authority to Protect National Security Information (PDF)
January 2003, Government Attic: National Intelligence Council: Intelligence Community Assessment: Regional Consequences of Regime Change in Iraq (PDF)

2002, Jack Silberman: Bombies (re. US cluster munitions in Laos)
2002, Internet Archive: Eugene Jarecki, Alex Gibney: The Trials of Henry Kissinger
2002, Noam Chomsky: Pirates and Emperors, Old and New: International Terrorism in the Real World (PDF)

26 December 2002, WP: U.S. Decries Abuse but Defends Interrogations
23 December 2002, NYT: Many Tools Of Big Brother Are Now Up And Running
10 December 2002, National Security Archive: USAF Lt. Col. Moss: JTF-GTMO SERE Interrogation Standard Operating Procedure (PDF)

27 November 2002, National Security Archive: DOD: General Counsel Haynes II Action Memo to Sec. of Defense Rumsfeld re. Counter-Resistance Techniques (PDF)

October 2002, National Security Archive: CIA: National Intelligence Estimate: Iraq's Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction (PDF)
16 October 2002, GPO: US Congress: Joint Resolution 114: Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 (PDF)
8 October 2002, Philadelphia Inquirer: Officials' private doubts on Iraq war

17 September 2002, WH: The National Security Strategy of the United States of America (PDF)

1 August 2002, DOJ: OLC: Memorandum for (redacted) re. Interrogation of (redacted) (PDF)
1 August 2002, FindLaw: DOJ: OLC: Memorandum for Alberto R. Gonzales, Counsel to the President re. Standards of Conduct for Interrogation under 18 USC 2340-2340A (PDF)

24 July 2002, NYT: Torture Victims In El Salvador Are Awarded $54 Million
23 July 2002, Times: 10 Downing St: Private Secretary Rycroft memo to Foreign Policy Advisor Manning re. Iraq: Prime Minister's Meeting, 23 July (Downing Street Memo) (PDF)

16 May 2002, MSNBC: U.S. sought attack on al-Qaida

February 2002, Peter Mitchell, John Schoeffel, eds: The Footnotes for Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky (PDF)
February 2002, Peter Mitchell, John Schoeffel, eds: Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky (EPUB)

22 January 2002, C-SPAN: Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting: Noam Chomsky: 9-11
19 January 2002, DOD: Sec. of Defense Rumsfeld: Memorandum for Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff re. Status of Taliban and Al Qaida (PDF)
4 January 2002, FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Assassination Ban and E.O. 12333: A Brief Summary (PDF)
1 January 2002, NYT: U.S. Might Send Ground Troops To Assist in the Search for Omar

18 December 2001, NYT: Taliban Leader Is Hiding in Mountain Province Near Kandahar, Afghan Official Says
8 December 2001, C-SPAN: American Friends Service Committee: Noam Chomsky: The World After September 11

13 November 2001, Federal Register: WH: Military Order: Detention, Treatment, and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War Against Terrorism (PDF)

October 2001, WP: NSA: NSA/CSS Mission: Provide and Protect Vital Information for the Nation (excerpts) (PDF)
23 October 2001, DOJ: OLC: Memorandum for Alberto R. Gonzales, Counsel to the President, William J. Haynes II, General Counsel, Department of Defense re. Authority for Use of Military Force To Combat Terrorist Activities Within the United States (PDF)
18 October 2001, MIT: Noam Chomsky: The New War Against Terror
3 October 2001, Cryptome: DOD: Campaign Against Terrorism: Strategic Guidance (PDF)

25 September 2001, DOJ: OLC: Memorandum Opinion for the Deputy Counsel to the President re. The President's Constitutional Authority to Conduct Military Operations Against Terrorists and Nations Supporting Them (PDF)
18 September 2001, US Senate: Joint Resolution 23: Authorization for Use of Military Force (PDF)
14 September 2001, Federal Register: WH: Declaration of National Emergency by Reason of Certain Terrorist Attacks (PDF)

7 August 2001, Guardian: James Bamford: Body of Secrets: The cover-up (Extract re. USS Liberty, Israel)

11 July 2001, European Parliament: Report on the existence of a global system for the interception of private and commercial communications (ECHELON interception system) (PDF)

April-May 2001, Z: Noam Chomsky: A Review of NATO's War over Kosovo

10 April 2001, MIT: Noam Chomsky: Institutions vs. People: Will the Species Self-Destruct?