Overseas Contingency Operations (War), 1969-1976

2. Overseas Contingency Operations (War), 1969-1976
2021-2024 / 2017-2020 / 2009-2016 / 2001-2008 / 1993-2000 / 1989-1992 / 1981-1988 / 1977-1980 / 1965-1968
1961-1964 / 1953-1960 / 1945-1952 / 1933-1944 / 1929-1932 / 1925-1928 / 1921-1924 / 1913-1920

1947-2021, FAS: Presidential Directives
1940-2021, FAS: Selected Executive Orders on National Security

1953-1995, CIA: What was the Missile Gap? (189 documents)
1969-1976, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1969-1976: Vols. I-XLII, Vols. E-1 - E-16

December 1976, National Security Archive: CIA: Intelligence Community Experiment in Competitive Analysis: Soviet Strategic Objectives: An Alternative View: Report of Team "B" (PDF)

30 June 1976, Intercept: DOJ: Report on Inquiry into CIA-Related Electronic Surveillance Activities (PDF)
30 June 1976, GPO: US Congress: International Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Act of 1976 (PDF)

26 April 1976, AARC: US Senate: Final Report of the Church Committee: Book I: Foreign and Military Intelligence (PDF, ZIP)
23 April 1976, AARC: US Senate: Final Report of the Church Committee: Book VI: Supplementary Reports on Intelligence Activities (PDF, ZIP)
23 April 1976, AARC: US Senate: Final Report of the Church Committee: Book IV: Supplementary Detailed Staff Reports on Foreign and Military Intelligence (PDF, ZIP)

23 March 1976, UN: General Assembly: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

July 1975, Phil Agee: Inside the Company: CIA Diary (PDF)

25 May 1975, NYT: Submarines of U.S. Stage Spy Missions Inside Soviet Waters (PDF)

June 1974, Ramparts: Noam Chomsky: Watergate and Other Crimes (PDF)
June 1974, Victor Marchetti, John Marks: The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence (PDF)

December 1972, Government Attic: CIA: Directorate of Intelligence Historical Series: National Photographic Interpretation Center: Vol. One: Antecedents and Early Years, 1952-1956 (PDF)

May 1972, The Pentagon Papers (Gravel Edition): Vol. V: Critical Essays Edited by Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn and an Index to Vols. I-IV (PDF)

March 1972, War Resisters League: WIN: The Complete Collection of Political Documents Ripped-Off from the F.B.I. Office in Media, Pa., March 8, 1971 (PDF)

1971, Journal of Contemporary Asia: Noam Chomsky: The United States and Laos

October 1971, The Pentagon Papers: The Defense Department History of United States Decisionmaking on Vietnam (Gravel Edition): Vol. IV (PDF)
October 1971, The Pentagon Papers: The Defense Department History of United States Decisionmaking on Vietnam (Gravel Edition): Vol. III (PDF)
October 1971, The Pentagon Papers: The Defense Department History of United States Decisionmaking on Vietnam (Gravel Edition): Vol. II (PDF)
October 1971, The Pentagon Papers: The Defense Department History of United States Decisionmaking on Vietnam (Gravel Edition): Vol. I (PDF)

16 June 1971, NYT: Judge, at Request of U.S., Halts Times Vietnam Series Four Days Pending Hearing on Injunction

22 April 1970, International Atomic Energy Agency: Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: Notification of the entry into force (PDF)

16 February 1970, Unterberg Poetry Center: Noam Chomsky: Government in the Future (MP3)

22 October 1969, Guardian: Sandia National Laboratories: Goldsboro Revisited, or How I Learned to Mistrust the H-Bomb (PDF)

19 July 1969, National Security Archive: WH: Memorandum for the President re. Israeli Nuclear Program (PDF)

30 May 1969, National Security Archive: DOS: Ad Hoc Group on NSSM 40: Israeli Nuclear Weapons Program -- NSSM 40 (PDF)

11 April 1969, National Security Archive: NSC: National Security Study Memorandum No. 40: Israeli Nuclear Weapons Program (NSSM 40) (PDF)

26 March 1969, National Security Archive: DOD: JCS: Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense re. Nuclear Missile Capability in Israel (PDF)

15 February 1969, National Security Archive: DOD: Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense re. Stopping the Introduction of Nuclear Weapons Into the Middle East (PDF)

15 January 1969, NARA: DOD: Vietnam Task Force: United States-Vietnam Relations 1945-1967 (Pentagon Papers)
2 January 1969, Chomsky.info: New York Review of Books: Noam Chomsky: The Menace of Liberal Scholarship (PDF)