Surveillance, 2001-2008
CO /
4. Surveillance, 2001-2008
2021-2024 / 2017-2020 / 2009-2016 / 1993-2000 / 1989-1992 / 1981-1988 / 1977-1980 / 1969-1976 / 1965-1968
1961-1964 / 1953-1960 / 1945-1952 / 1933-1944 / 1929-1932 / 1925-1928 / 1921-1924 / 1913-1920
FAS: Presidential Directives
FAS: Selected Executive Orders on National Security
FAS: The State Secrets Privilege: Selected Case Files
ACLU: The NSA Archive
Spiegel: Edward Snowden NSA Germany Documents (54 files, 215 pages) (PDF, ZIP)
WikiLeaks: NSA: Global SIGINT Highlights: Tokyo's Climate Change Officials to Continue Promoting Sectoral Approach (PDF)
WikiLeaks: NSA: Global SIGINT Highlights: Japanese Leadership Working to Narrow Down Climate Change Goals for G-8 Summit (PDF)
WikiLeaks: NSA: Global SIGINT Highlights: Sarkozy Remarks on WTO Deemed Injurious to France; Rules Clarity Sought (PDF)
WikiLeaks: NSA: Global SIGINT Highlights: Sarkozy Sees Himself as Only One Who Can Resolve World Financial Crisis (PDF)
Intercept: GCHQ; NSA: Metadata Policy Conference (Draft) (excerpts) (PDF)
23 December 2008,
WP: NSA: Office of General Counsel: FISA Amendments Act of 2008 Section 702: Summary Document (PDF)
16 December 2008,
Democracy Now: "The Fed Who Blew the Whistle"
16 December 2008,
FBI: Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (PDF)
12 December 2008,
ODNI: FISC: In re Production of Tangible Things from (redacted) (Supplemental Opinion) (PDF)
12 December 2008,
Newsweek: The Whistleblower Who Exposed Warrantless Wiretaps
1 December 2008,
Spiegel: GCHQ: Jordan-Belgium (PDF)
20 November 2008,
NYT: New York Police Fight With U.S. on Surveillance
7 November 2008,
AP: NYPD: Intelligence Division: Technical Operations Unit: Surveillance Request (PDF)
23 October 2008,
Intercept: NSA: SIDtoday: Coming Soon! A Tool that Enables Non-Linguists to Analyze Foreign-TV News Programs (PDF)
16 October 2008,
NYT: AP: Britain Considers Database for Telephone and E-Mail Traffic
15 October 2008,
Spiegel: GCHQ: DTX 600 Load Sharing Carriers R.O.W. (via UK) to Iraq plus RLEs (PDF)
10 October 2008,
NYT: Panel to Study Military Eavesdropping
4 October 2008,
NYT: Justice Dept. Completes Revision of F.B.I. Guidelines for Terrorism Investigations
1 October 2008,
Cryptome: Jacob Appelbaum: NSA/CSS: ANT: Handys (PDF)
September 2008,
Public Intelligence: Harris: Surveillance products price list (PDF)
22 September 2008,
Evripidis, Royal Institute of Technology: Law Interception and Countermeasures: In the era of Internet Telephony (PDF)
18 September 2008,
EFF: US District Court, Northern District CA: Jewel et al vs. National Security Agency et al (Complaint) (PDF)
13 September 2008,
NYT: Terror Plan Would Give F.B.I. More Power
11 September 2008,
Wired: Cops Need Warrant for Cellphone Location Data, Judge Rules
21 August 2008,
NYT: New Guidelines Would Give F.B.I. Broader Powers
5 August 2008,
Cryptome: Jacob Appelbaum: NSA/CSS: ANT: USB (PDF)
5 August 2008,
Cryptome: Jacob Appelbaum: NSA/CSS: ANT: Rechner (PDF)
July 2008,
Spiegel: NSA: Center for Content Extraction (PDF)
30 July 2008,
Federal Register: WH: Executive Order 13470: Further Amendments to Executive Order 12333, United States Intelligence Activities (PDF)
25 July 2008,
Cryptome: Jacob Appelbaum: NSA/CSS: ANT: W-Lan (PDF)
24 July 2008,
Cryptome: Jacob Appelbaum: NSA/CSS: ANT: Bildschirm (PDF)
14 July 2008,
Cryptome: Jacob Appelbaum: NSA/CSS: ANT: Server (PDF)
10 July 2008,
GPO: US Congress: FISA Amendments Act of 2008 (PDF)
24 June 2008,
Cryptome: Jacob Appelbaum: NSA/CSS: ANT: Router (PDF)
24 June 2008,
Cryptome: Jacob Appelbaum: NSA/CSS: ANT: Firewalls (PDF)
21 June 2008,
Public Intelligence: IARPA: Cyladian Technology Consulting: Catalyst Entity Extraction and Disambiguation Study Final Report (PDF)
May 2008,
Radar: The Last Roundup (PDF)
May 2008,
GAO: Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Federal Actions Needed to Ensure Safety and Expand Their Potential Uses within the National Airspace System (PDF)
May 2008,
Cryptome: CIA: Center for the Study of Intelligence: L. Britt Snider: The Agency and the Hill: CIA's Relationship with Congress (PDF)
23 May 2008,
WP: Sentence in Memo Discounted FISA
1 May 2008,
ACLU: Verizon: Law Enforcement Legal Compliance Guide (PDF)
25 April 2008,
AP: NYPD: Intelligence Division: Deputy Commissioner's Briefing (PDF)
11 April 2008,
NYT: Mukasey Distances Himself From a Memo on Searches
1 April 2008,
Democracy Now: Bush's Law: Eric Lichtblau on Exposing the NSA's Warrantless Wiretapping Program and How the White House Pressured the New York Times to Kill the Story
26 March 2008,
Administrative Office of the US Courts: Federal Judicial Center: Terrorism-Related Cases: Special Case-Management Challenges: Problems and Solutions (PDF)
March 2008,
DOJ: OIG: A Review of the FBI's Use of National Security Letters: Assessment of Corrective Actions and Examination of NSL Usage in 2006 (PDF)
25 February 2008,
Guardian: NSA: XKeyscore (PDF)
February 2008,
FAS: ODNI: FY 2009 Congressional Budget Justification: Vol. XII: Community Management Account (PDF)
21 February 2008,
Halderman et al, Princeton: Lest We Remember: Cold Boot Attacks on Encryption Keys (PDF)
February 2008,
DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1950-1955: The Intelligence Community, 1950-1955 (PDF)
27 January 2008,
Times: Tip-off thwarted nuclear spy ring probe
27 January 2008,
NYT: Officers' Arrests Put Spotlight on Police Use of Informants
20 January 2008,
Times: FBI denies file exposing nuclear secrets theft
8 January 2008,
EPIC: WH: National Security Presidential Directive/Homeland Security Presidential Directive: Cybersecurity Policy (NSPD-54/HSPD-23) (PDF)
6 January 2008,
Times: For sale: West's deadly nuclear secrets
6 January 2008,
Let Sibel Edmonds Speak: Sibel 'names names' (in pictures)
6 January 2008, Sibel Edmonds' State Secrets Privilege Gallery
WikiLeaks: NSA: Global SIGINT Highlights: Japanese to State Goal of Reducing Carbon Emissions by Half by 2050 (PDF)
Internet Archive: SBS Australia: Mathieu Verboud, Jean-Robert Viallet: Kill the Messenger (Sibel Edmonds)
December 2007,
Intercept: NSA: Intelligence Community (IC) Reach Team (excerpt) (PDF)
4 December 2007,
Cryptome: FBI: Domestic Communications Assistance Center: A Vision Statement for the DCAC (Draft) (PDF)
23 November 2007,
WP: Cellphone Tracking Powers on Request
7 November 2007,
WP: A Story of Surveillance
29 October 2007,
Wired: AT&T Invents Programming Language for Mass Surveillance
16 October 2007,
Frontline: Cheney's Law
3 October 2007,
NYT: NSA: SIGINT Mission Strategic Plan FY 2008-2013 (PDF)
27 September 2007,
Intercept: NSA: ICREACH: Sharing SIGINT Comms Metadata with the Intel Community (PDF)
10 September 2007,
Wired: Rogue Nodes Turn Tor Anonymizer Into Eavesdropper's Paradise
27 August 2007,
DOD: Directive 5240.01: DoD Intelligence Activities (PDF)
24 August 2007,
NYT: Role of Telecom Firms in Wiretaps Is Confirmed
13 August 2007,
Spiegel: NSA: SIDtoday: SINIO Seminar: Turkish Presidential and Parliamentary Elections (PDF)
3 August 2007,
US Senate: Select Committee on Intelligence: National Security Act of 1947 (Amended) (PDF)
2 August 2007,
NYT: FISC: (redacted) (Order and Memorandum Opinion) (PDF)
17 July 2007,
Seattle Weekly: The Worst Internal Scandal in NSA History Was Blamed on Cold War Defectors' Homosexuality
8 June 2007,
DOD: Policy for Department of Defense (DoD) Interactive Internet Activities (PDF)
1 June 2007,
Salon: The corporate takeover of U.S. intelligence
31 May 2007,
NYT: FISC: (redacted) (Order) (PDF)
17 May 2007,
Baltimore Sun: NSA leaders pressed to explain report faulting agency culture
15 May 2007,
Intercept: NSA/CSS: Sharing Communications Metadata Across the U.S. Intelligence Community -- ICREACH (PDF)
15 May 2007,
Frontline: Spying on the Home Front
6 May 2007,
Baltimore Sun: Management shortcomings seen at NSA
16 April 2007,
Baltimore Sun: Head of NSA forces change
4 April 2007,
FISC: In re (redacted) (Order) (PDF)
3 April 2007,
FISC: In re (redacted) (Order and Memorandum Opinion) (PDF)
March 2007,
DOJ: OIG: A Review of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Use of National Security Letters (PDF)
March 2007,
DOJ: OIG: A Review of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Use of National Security Letters (unclassified version) (PDF)
21 March 2007,
Wired: AT&T, Verizon: We Obeyed FBI "Emergency" Requests -- 739 of Them
20 March 2007,
Wired: FBI Confirms Contracts with AT&T, Verizon and MCI
10 March 2007,
Baltimore Sun: Chief of NSA urges 'action'
10 March 2007
NYT: F.B.I. Head Admits Mistakes in Use of Security Act
9 March 2007,
ACLU: Analysis and Recommendations: Justice Department OIG Report on Misuse of National Security Letters
28 February 2007,
NSA: Untangling the Web: A Guide to Internet Research (PDF)
13, 20 February 2007,
Frontline: News War: Parts I & II: Secrets, Sources & Spin
6 February 2007,
DOT: FAA: Unmanned Aircraft Operations in the National Airspace System (PDF)
26 January 2007,
Baltimore Sun: NSA electricity crisis gets Senate scrutiny
17 January 2007,
Baltimore Sun: Budget falling short at NSA
17 January 2007,
NYT: DOJ: AG Gonzales letter to Sens. Leahy, Specter re. FISC, Terrorist Surveillance Program (PDF)
January 2007,
Top Level Telecommunications: NSA: United States SIGINT System Strategic Mission List (text-readable PDF)
January 2007,
NYT: NSA: United States SIGINT System Strategic Mission List (PDF)
10 January 2007,
FISC: In re (redacted) (Order) (PDF)
10 January 2007,
FISC: In re Various Known and Unknown Agents of (redacted) Presumed United States Persons (Order) (PDF)
8 January 2007,
ACLU: NSA: Business Records (BR) FISA Web-Based Training (PDF)
8 January 2007,
WP: NSA: Targeting Rationale (TAR) (PDF)
8 January 2007,
Cryptome: NSA: Learning from the Enemy: The GUNMAN Project (PDF)
2 January 2007,
FISC: In re (redacted) (Supplemental Memorandum of Law in Support of Application for Authority to Conduct Electronic Surveillance of (redacted)) (PDF)
2 January 2007,
FISC: In re (redacted) (Declaration of (redacted), NSA Program Manager for Counterterrorism Special Projects) (PDF)
WikiLeaks: NSA: Global SIGINT Highlights: French President Presses for Selection of Roed-Larsen as Deputy UNSYG (PDF)
Intercept: NSA: NSA Director Alexander: Decision Memorandum for the Director of National Intelligence re. Sharing Communications Metadata Across the Intelligence Community (PDF)
13 December 2006,
DOJ: The Attorney General's Guidelines Regarding the Use of FBI Confidential Human Sources (PDF)
12 December 2006,
FISC: In re (redacted) (Exhibit A: Memorandum of Law in Support of Application for Authority to Conduct Electronic Surveillance of (redacted)) (PDF)
16 November 2006,
YouTube: 2600: HOPE Number Six: Steven Rambam: Privacy is Dead - Get Over It (3 of 3)
16 November 2006,
YouTube: 2600: HOPE Number Six: Steven Rambam: Privacy is Dead - Get Over It (2 of 3)
16 November 2006,
YouTube: 2600: HOPE Number Six: Steven Rambam: Privacy is Dead - Get Over It (1 of 3)
16 November 2006,
HOPE Number Six: Steven Rambam: Privacy is Dead - Get Over It (3 of 3) (MP3)
16 November 2006,
HOPE Number Six: Steven Rambam: Privacy is Dead - Get Over It (2 of 3) (MP3)
16 November 2006,
HOPE Number Six: Steven Rambam: Privacy is Dead - Get Over It (1 of 3) (MP3)
14 November 2006,
Intercept: NSA/CSS: Cryptanalysis & Exploitation Services: Classification Guide for ECI PAWLEYS (PAW) 02-19 (PDF)
13 November 2006,
Spiegel: NSA: SIDtoday: Collaboration in Overdrive: A CNE Success (PDF)
31 October 2006,
Wired: Judges Still Can't Decide Legality of Cell Phone Tracking
8 September 2006,
Baltimore Sun: NSA has higher profile, new problems
8 September 2006,
WP: Bush Calls For Greater Wiretap Authority
5 September 2006,
ODNI: NSA: OIG: Report on the Assessment of Management Controls for Implementing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Order: Telephony Business Records (PDF)
30 August 2006,
Spiegel: NSA: SIDtoday: NCRs with Foreign Relations Missions Become 'SUSLAs' (PDF)
29 August 2006,
Intercept: NSA: SIDtoday: Dealing With a "Tsunami" of Intercept (PDF)
18 August 2006,
ACLU: FISC: In re Application of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for an Order Requiring the Production of Tangible Things from (redacted) (Order) (PDF)
18 August 2006,
NYT: Judge Finds Wiretap Actions Violate the Law
7 August 2006,
Intercept: NSA: SIDtoday: For Media Mining, the Future Is Now! (conclusion) (PDF)
6 August 2006,
Baltimore Sun: NSA risking electrical overload
1 August 2006,
Intercept: NSA: SIDtoday: For Media Mining, the Future Is Now! (PDF)
23 July 2006,
Baltimore Sun: NSA strives to plug leaks
June 2006,
Intercept: NSA: RT10 Overview (PDF)
23 June 2006,
NYT: Bank Data Is Sifted by U.S. in Secret to Block Terror
20 June 2006,
NYT: NSA: Memo re. Recommended Requirements for cryptanalysts at CCs at Texas, Georgia and Hawaii to access NSA and FBI FISA material (PDF)
8 June 2006,
EFF: US District Court, Northern District CA: Hepting v. AT&T: Declaration of Mark Klein (PDF)
31 May 2006,
Baltimore Sun: Second-ranking NSA official forced out of job by director
24 May 2006,
ODNI: FISC: In re Application of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for an Order Requiring the Production of Tangible Things from (redacted) (Order) (PDF)
23 May 2006,
ACLU: FISC: (redacted, BR 06-05): Exhibit C: Memorandum of Law in Support of Application for Certain Tangible Things for Investigations to Protect Against International Terrorism (PDF)
19 May 2006,
Cryptome: NSA Documents
18 May 2006,
Spiegel: NSA: SINIO Seminar: Turkey and the Kurds (PDF)
15 May 2006,
AP: NYPD: Intelligence Strategy Report: US-Iran Conflict: The Threat to New York City (PDF)
11 May 2006,
USA Today: NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls
7 March 2006,
GPO: US House: Committee on Armed Forces: Requesting the President and Directing the Secretary of Defense to Transmit to the House of Representatives All Information in the Possession of the President or the Secretary of Defense Relating to the Collection of Intelligence Information Pertaining to Persons Inside the United States Without Obtaining Court-Ordered Warrants Authorizing the Collection of Such Information and Relating to the Policy of the United States with Respect to the Gathering of Counterterrorism Intelligence Within the United States (PDF)
3 March 2006,
WP: Paper Said to Show NSA Spying Given to Post Reporter in 2004
2 March 2006,
GPO: US House: Committee on the Judiciary: Requesting the President and Directing the Attorney General to Transmit to the House of Representatives Not Later than 14 Days After the Date of the Adoption of This Resolution Documents in the Possession of Those Officials Relating to the Authorization of Electronic Surveillance of Citizens of the United States Without Court Approved Warrants (PDF)
2 March 2006,
GPO: US House: Committee on the Judiciary: Directing the Attorney General to Submit to the House of Representatives All Documents in the Possession of the Attorney General Relating to Warrantless Electronic Surveillance of Telephone Conversations and Electronic Communications of Persons in the United States Conducted by the National Security Agency (PDF)
March 2006,
Cryptome: USPS: US Postal Inspection Service: USPS Procedures: Mail Cover Requests (PDF)
26 February 2006,
Baltimore Sun: Computer ills hinder NSA
22 February 2006,
Intercept: NSA: Point Paper: CRISSCROSS/PROTON (PDF)
8 February 2006,
NYT: Republican Who Oversees N.S.A. Calls for Wiretap Inquiry
29 January 2006,
Baltimore Sun: System Error (re. NSA, Trailblazer)
17 January 2006,
NYT: Spy Agency Data After Sept. 11 Led F.B.I. to Dead Ends
5 January 2006,
FAS: CRS: Memorandum: Presidential Authority to Conduct Warrantless Electronic Surveillance to Gather Foreign Intelligence Information (PDF)
3 January 2006,
GPO: US Congress: USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 (PDF)
3 January 2006,
Democracy Now: National Security Agency Whistleblower Warns Domestic Spying Program Is Sign the U.S. is Decaying Into a "Police State"
24 December 2005,
NYT: Spy Agency Mined Vast Data Trove, Officials Report
20 December 2005,
Spiegel: NSA: Turkey and the PKK (PDF)
19 December 2005,
Intercept: NSA: Signals Intelligence Directorate: Memo re. CI-030-05 Close Out for "Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers without Courts" (PDF)
18 December 2005,
NYT: In Speech, Bush Says He Ordered Domestic Spying
17 December 2005,
WP: At the Times, a Scoop Deferred
17 December 2005,
NYT: Behind Power, One Principle as Bush Pushes Prerogatives
16 December 2005,
NYT: Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts
28 October 2005,
WP: FBI Dealt Setback on Cellular Surveillance
13 September 2005,
Guardian: NSA/CSS: Classification Guide for Cryptanalysis, 2-12 (PDF)
September 2005,
Vanity Fair: An Inconvenient Patriot
26 August 2005,
NYT: F.B.I., Using Patriot Act, Demands Library's Records
15 August 2005,
WP: In-Q-Tel, CIA's Venture Arm, Invests in Secrets
9 August 2005,
ACLU: US District Court, CT: ACLU v. Gonzales (Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief) (PDF)
August 2005,
Cryptome: USPS: US Postal Inspection Service: External Law Enforcement Agency Request for Mail Cover (PDF)
7 August 2005,
Cryptome: Lynn Cisco Demand by ISS
4 August 2005,
Cryptocomb: DOD: Unmanned Aircraft Systems Roadmap, 2005-2030 (PDF)
30 July 2005,
Cryptome: Comments on the Lynn Cisco Presentation
July 2005,
Cryptome: Michael Lynn, ISS: Cisco IOS Shellcode And Exploitation Techniques (PDF)
19 July 2005,
Intercept: NSA: SIDtoday: Back in Time: The ECHELON Story (PDF)
10 July 2005,
Spiegel: NSA: NSA's Oldest Third Party SIGINT Partnership (PDF)
6 July 2005,
Intercept: NSA: Memorandum of Understanding re. Sharing of Metadata Across the IC -- Dissemination of SIGINT Metadata Beyond NSA (PDF)
May 2005,
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing: Kohno et al, UC San Diego: Remote physical device fingerprinting (PDF)
7 May 2005,
WP: AP: Court Dismisses FBI Contractor's Suit Against U.S.
21 April 2005,
WP: Whistle-Blower Argument Closed; Court Gives No Reason for Move in Case of Fired FBI Translator
2 April 2005,
Cryptome: Black Hat Briefings: Hacking PGP (PGP)
31 March 2005,
NYT: Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction: Report to the President of the United States (PDF)
16 February 2005,
Spiegel: NSA/CSS: Special U.S. Liaison Activity Germany (SUSLAG)/ Joint SIGINT Activity (JSA)/ Defense Communications Interoperability Group (DCIG), Classification Guide (10-03) (PDF)
15 January 2005,
WP: Official Faults FBI Probe Of Translator's Complaint
WikiLeaks: NSA: Global SIGINT Highlights: French Envoy Plans to Release List of U.S. Firms Who Allegedly Profited from OFF (PDF)
Frontline: FBI: National Security Letter to Nick Merrill re. Calyx records (PDF)
December 2004,
Vanity Fair: The Net's Master Data-miner
19 December 2004,
Narcosphere: DOJ: Narcotic and Dangerous Drugs Section: Atty. Thomas Kent memo to NDDS Chief Avergun (PDF)
17 December 2004,
GPO: US Congress: Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (PDF)
23 November 2004,
Frontline: Secret History of the Credit Card
28 September 2004,
WP: FBI Backlogged in Translation of Counterterrorism Wiretaps
28 September 2004,
NYT: F.B.I. Said to Lag on Translating Terror Tapes
7 September 2004,
Narco News: DEA Agent's Whistleblower Case Exposes the "War on Drugs" as a "War of Pretense"
August 2004,
ACLU: DOD: DIA: Defense HUMINT Service: Intelligence Law Handbook (PDF)
August 2004,
ACLU: The Surveillance-Industrial Complex: How the American Government Is Conscripting Businesses and Individuals in the Construction of a Surveillance Society (PDF)
30 July 2004,
WP: Justice IG Supports FBI Whistle-Blower
29 July 2004,
NYT: Whistle-Blowing Said to Be Factor in an F.B.I. Firing
16 July 2004,
WP: DOJ: OLC: Memorandum for the Attorney General re. STELLAR WIND -- Implications of Hamdi v. Rumsfeld (PDF)
July 2004,
DOJ: OIG: The Federal Bureau of Investigation's Foreign Language Program: Translation of Counterterrorism and Counterintelligence Foreign Language Material: Executive Summary (unclassified version) (PDF)
10 July 2004, 2600: The Fifth HOPE: Steve Rambam: Privacy: Not What It Used To Be
26 June 2004,
NYT: F.B.I. Sees Delay in New Network to Oversee Cases
21 May 2004,
Intercept: NSA/CSS: Special Source Operations: Classification Guide for ECI WHIPGENIE 02-05 (PDF)
6 May 2004,
WP: DOJ: OLC: Memorandum for the Attorney General re. Review of the Legality of the STELLAR WIND Program (PDF)
20 April 2004,
Intercept: NSA: SIDtoday: DEA: The "Other" Warfighter (PDF)
19 March 2004,
National Security Archive: CIA: DCI Report: The Rise of UBL and Al-Qa'ida and the Intelligence Community Response (Draft) (PDF)
11 March 2004,
Cryptome: NSA/CSS: Policy 1-23: Procedures Governing NSA/CSS Activities That Affect U.S. Persons (PDF)
3 February 2004,
US House: Everything Secret Degenerates: The FBI's Use of Murderers as Informants: Volume 2 (PDF)
3 February 2004,
US House: Everything Secret Degenerates: The FBI's Use of Murderers as Informants: Volume 1 (PDF)
3 February 2004,
C-SPAN: UNCA: Noam Chomsky: Hegemony or Survival
16 January 2004,
FBI: National Security Letter to Nicholas Merrill re. Calyx records (PDF)
Cryptome: AT&T: Frost & Sullivan: U.S. CALEA Market Insight (PDF)
March-December 2003,
Intercept: NSA: SIDtoday: 166 newsletter articles (PDF, ZIP)
31 December 2003,
FAS: Army: FM 3-05.301: Psychological Operations Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (PDF)
15 December 2003,
History Commons: 9/11 Commission: Interview of Barbara McNamara, NSA, SUSLOL 2000-2003; Deputy Director 1997-2000; DDO 1994-1997 (PDF)
19 November 2003,
ProPublica: NSA: SIDtoday: FAIRVIEW and STORMBREW: 'Live' - On the Net (PDF)
7 November 2003,
History Commons: 9/11 Commission: Interview of William Crumm, NSA, NCEUR (DIRNSA's representative to EUCOM); former Chief, Data Acquisition (Collection), Signals Intelligence Directorate (PDF)
6 November 2003,
History Commons: 9/11 Commission: Interview of J. Chris Inglis, NSA, Special US Liaison Officer London (SUSLOL) (PDF)
30 October 2003,
FAS: DOD: Information Operations Roadmap (PDF)
16 October 2003,
Cryptome: 9/11 Commission: Briefing by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) (PDF)
12 September 2003,
Intercept: NSA/CSS: Exceptionally Controlled Information (ECI) (PDF)
13 August 2003,
St. Petersburg Times: Troubled business may lose contract with state
6 August 2003,
WP: U.S. Backs Florida's New Counterterrorism Database
3 August 2003,
Naples Daily News: AP: State contracts with company founded by man linked to smuggling
July 2003,
Public Intelligence: AntiSec: (Unattributed) Civil Disturbance and Criminal Tactics of Protest Extremists (PDF)
10 June 2003,
Spiegel: NSA: SIDtoday: SINIO Summer 2003 Series of Strategic Intelligence Issues Begins with Tough Times for Turkey (PDF)
Internet Archive: Eugene Jarecki: The Trials of Henry Kissinger
23 December 2002,
NYT: Many Tools Of Big Brother Are Now Up And Running
18 November 2002,
FAS: US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review: In re Sealed Case No. 02-001 (On Motions for Review of Orders of the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court) (PDF)
27 October 2002,
60 Minutes: Lost in Translation (Sibel Edmonds)
25 October 2002,
CBS News: Lost In Translation (Sibel Edmonds)
20 August 2002,
NYT: Office of the Attorney General: Procedures for the Dissemination by NSA to Foreign Governments of Information from FISA Electronic Surveillance or Physical Search Conducted by the FBI (PDF)
13 July 2002, 2600: H2K2: Steve Rambam: Databases and Privacy
30 May 2002,
NYT: Government Will Ease Limits On Domestic Spying by F.B.I.
17 May 2002,
DOJ: OLC: Depty. Asst. AG Yoo letter to Presiding FISC Judge Kollar-Kotelly re. warrantless searches, electronic surveillance techniques (PDF)
17 May 2002,
FAS: FISC: In re All Matters Submitted to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (Memorandum Opinion, Orders) (PDF)
February 2002,
Peter Mitchell, John Schoeffel, eds: The Footnotes for Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky (PDF)
October 2001,
WP: NSA: NSA/CSS Mission: Provide and Protect Vital Information for the Nation (excerpts) (PDF)
26 October 2001,
GPO: US Congress: Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT ACT) Act of 2001 (PDF)
26 October 2001,
NYT: Antiterrorism Bill Passes; U.S. Gets Expanded Powers
25 September 2001,
NYT: DOJ: OLC: Memorandum for David S. Kris, Associate Deputy Attorney General re. Constitutionality of Amending Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to Change the "Purpose" Standard for Searches (PDF)
7 August 2001,
Guardian: James Bamford: Body of Secrets: The cover-up (Extract re. USS Liberty, Israel)
11 July 2001,
European Parliament: Report on the existence of a global system for the interception of private and commercial communications (ECHELON interception system) (PDF)