Documentation, 1965-1968

8. Documentation, 1965-1968
2021-2024 / 2017-2020 / 2009-2016 / 2001-2008 / 1993-2000 / 1989-1992 / 1981-1988 / 1977-1980 / 1969-1976
1961-1964 / 1953-1960 / 1945-1952 / 1933-1944 / 1929-1932 / 1925-1928 / 1921-1924 / 1913-1920

1947-2021, FAS: Presidential Directives
1940-2021, FAS: Selected Executive Orders on National Security

1967-2003, Public Information Research: CIA on Campus (articles 1967-2003)

1966-1996, National Security Archive: U.S. Policy in Guatemala, 1966-1996

1953-1995, CIA: What was the Missile Gap? (189 documents)
1956-1971, FBI: COINTELPRO (Counterintelligence Program) Documents

1964-1968, DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1964-1968: Vols. I-XXXIV

19 November 1968, Cryptome: CIA: Communications Intelligence Indoctrination; Secrecy Agreement (John Ehrlichman) (PDF)

3 April, 29 October 1968, Government Attic: DOJ: Army: Compendium: Interagency Conference on the Vietnam Tunnel Problem (PDF)
15 October 1968, Public Intelligence: USAF: AF(C)-1-1 Flight Manual, Models U-2C and U-2F Aircraft (PDF)

5 August 1968, Public Information Research: CIA: UC Berkley VP Bolton memo re. Agency-Academic Relations (PDF)

5 July 1968, NameBase: FBI: COINTELPRO letter from J. Edgar Hoover to Special Agent in Charge, Albany

22 November 1967, UN: Security Council: Resolution 242 (1967) of 22 November 1967 (PDF)

30 September 1967, Cryptome: CIA: Annual Report for Fiscal Year 1967 (PDF)

8 June 1967, DOD: NSA: Report to the Director NSA: USS Liberty (AGTR-5), 23 May - 8 June 1967 (PDF)

23 February 1967, Cryptome: CIA: Coordination and Policy Approval of Covert Operations (PDF)

20 October 1966, Army: FM 33-5: Psychological Operations: Techniques and Procedures (PDF)

30 September 1965, Cryptome: CIA: Annual Report for Fiscal Year 1965 (PDF)