CO /
9. Media and Academia Relationships with Industry and Government
13 July 2021,
Why Is This Happening?: Rashid Khalidi (The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917- 2017) (MP3)
June 2021,
Good Times, ed.: Freemasonry to QAnon: 57 Wikipedia Articles on Conspiracy Theories (1215 pp.) (PDF)
17 February 2021,
Intercept: Fossil Fuel Apologists Crafted Lies Now Heard on Fox, Blaming Wind Power for Texas Blackouts
8 June 2020,
Intercept: The NYT Admits Key Falsehoods That Drove Last Year's Coup in Bolivia: Falsehoods Peddled by the U.S., its Media, and the NYT
14 October 2019,
WP: Research group that discounted risks of red meat has ties to program partly backed by beef industry
9 August 2019,
Democracy Now: Documents Reveal Monsanto Surveilled Journalists, Activists & Even Musician Neil Young
28 June 2019,
US Court of Appeals, Second Circuit: Johnson v. CIA (Summary Order) (PDF)
15 June 2019,
Majority Report: David Courtwright (The Age of Addiction: How Bad Habits Became Big Business) (MP3)
2 March 2019,
Ralph Nader Radio Hour: Interview with Noam Chomsky (MP3)
December 2018,
DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1917-1972: Volume VII: Public Diplomacy, 1964-1968 (PDF)
12 November 2018,
Majority Report: Yochai Benkler (Network Propaganda: Manipulation, Disinformation, and Radicalization in American Politics) (MP3)
6 November 2018,
NYT: Fox News Personalities Embrace Trump at His Final Rally Before the Election
30 October 2018,
Frontline: The Facebook Dilemma: Part Two
29 October 2018,
Frontline: The Facebook Dilemma: Part One
12 October 2018,
NYT: Museums Forced to Reassess Saudi Ties Amid Uproar Over Journalist's Fate
September 2018,
DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1917-1972: Volume VIII: Public Diplomacy, 1969-1972 (PDF)
26 September 2018,
Intercepted: American Dissident: Noam Chomsky on the State of the Empire (MP3)
16 May 2018,
Intercepted: Norman Finkelstein (Gaza: An Inquest Into Its Martyrdom) (MP3)
26 April 2018,
US District Court, Southern District NY: Johnson v. CIA (Memorandum Decision and Order Granting Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment and Denying Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment (PDF)
22 April 2018,
60 Minutes: Inside MIT's "Future Factory"
19 April 2018,
Majority Report: Daniel Bessner (Democracy in Exile: Hans Speier and the Rise of the Defense Intellectual) (MP3)
3 January 2018,
Intercepted: All The News Unfit to Print: James Risen on His Battles with Bush, Obama, and the New York Times (MP3)
December 2017,
DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1917-1972: Volume VI: Public Diplomacy, 1961-1963 (PDF)
20 May 2017,
Ralph Nader Radio Hour: Interview with Noam Chomsky (Requiem for the American Dream: The 10 Principles of Concentration of Wealth & Power) (MP3)
14 May 2017,
Majority Report: Steve Keen (Can We Avoid Another Financial Crisis?) (MP3)
3 May 2017,
FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The Corporation for Public Broadcasting: Federal Funding and Issues (PDF)
24 April 2017,
University of Pennsylvania Law Review: Pozen: Freedom of Information Beyond the Freedom of Information Act (PDF)
13 April 2017,
Majority Report: Henry Heller (The Capitalist University: The Transformations of Higher Education in the United States, 1945-2016) (MP3)
15 March 2017,
US House: Committee on Armed Services: Crafting an Information Warfare and Counter-Propaganda Strategy for the Emerging Security Environment (PDF)
18 January 2017,
Democracy Now: Jeremy Scahill on Obama's Commutation of Chelsea Manning & Continued Demonization of Edward Snowden
26 December 2016,
Democracy Now: Interview with Bernie Sanders
10 November 2016,
Democracy Now: Glenn Greenwald: Bernie Sanders Would Have Been a Stronger Candidate Against Donald Trump
23 October 2016,
60 Minutes: The Influencers
8 October 2016,
Ralph Nader Radio Hour: Interview with Noam Chomsky (MP3)
September 2016,
DOJ: OIG: A Review of the FBI's Impersonation of a Journalist in a Criminal Investigation (PDF)
9 August 2016,
Majority Report: Brooke Williams: How Think Tanks Amplify Corporate America's Influence (MP3)
28 July 2016,
Reporters Without Borders: Media Oligarchs Go Shopping (PDF)
23 July 2016,
YouTube: HOPE XI: Steven Rambam: Privacy, Anonymity, and Individuality: The Final Battle Begins
June 2016,
DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1977-1980: Volume XXX: Public Diplomacy (PDF)
June 2016,
DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1977-1980: Volume XXVIII: Organization and Management of Foreign Policy (PDF)
18 May 2016,
Majority Report: Wayne Barret (Trump: The Greatest Show on Earth: The Deals, the Downfall, the Reinvention) (MP3)
16 May 2016,
Democracy Now: Chomsky: Hillary Clinton Fears BDS Because It Counters Decades of US Support for Israeli Aggression
3 May 2016,
Democracy Now: "This Isn't a War on Leaks, It's a War on Whistleblowers": Snowden Pens Foreword to New Scahill Book
26 April 2016,
New York Public Library: Yanis Varoufakis and Noam Chomsky
25 March 2016,
Vimeo: Univ. of Arizona: Edward Snowden, Noam Chomsky and Glenn Greenwald: A Conversation on Privacy
14 February 2016,
Truthout: Why I Choose Optimism Over Despair: An Interview With Noam Chomsky
30 December 2015,
All In: The case of the billionaire and his newspapers
November 2015,
DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1977-1980: Volume XX: Eastern Europe (PDF)
20 November 2015,
Democracy Now: From Console to Trigger: How Pentagon "Exploits" Video Game Culture to Wire Youth for War
19 November 2015,
Democracy Now: Glenn Greenwald on "Submissive" Media's Drumbeat for War and "Despicable" Anti-Muslim Scapegoating
19 November 2015,
Democracy Now: Glenn Greenwald: "Shameless" U.S. Officials Exploit Paris Attacks to Defend Spying & Attack Snowden
6 November 2015,
Intercept: U.S. Journalists Who Instantly Exonerated Their Government of the Kunduz Hospital Attack, Declaring it an "Accident"
4 November 2015,
NYT: Ahmad Chalabi, Iraqi Politician Who Pushed for U.S. Invasion, Dies at 71
14 October 2015,
Democracy Now: The Rise of America's Secret Government: The Deadly Legacy of Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles Pt. 2
5 October 2015,
Intercept: CNN and the NYT Are Deliberately Obscuring Who Perpetrated the Afghan Hospital Attack
29 September 2015,
British Medical Journal: Gellad et al: Prevalence and compensation of academic leaders, professors, and trustees on publicly traded US healthcare company boards of directors: cross sectional study (PDF)
29 September 2015,
WP: Academics received $55 million to serve on health-care company boards in 2013
28 September 2015,
Environmental Education Research: Roman, Busch: Textbooks of doubt: using systemic functional analysis to explore the framing of climate change in middle-school science textbooks
28 September 2015,
NYT: Coke Spends Lavishly on Pediatricians and Dietitians
19 September 2015,
YouTube: New School: Noam Chomsky: On Power and Ideology
3 September 2015,
Intercept: NYT Claims U.S. Abides by Cluster Bomb Treaty: The Exact Opposite of Reality
20 August 2015,
TomDispatch: Noam Chomsky: "The Iranian Threat": Who Is the Gravest Danger to World Peace?
9 August 2015,
NYT: Coca-Cola Funds Scientists Who Shift Blame for Obesity Away From Bad Diets
May 2015,
Internet Archive: Andrew Morgan: The True Cost
19 May 2015,
Frontline: Secrets, Politics and Torture
14 May 2015,
YouTube: Real News: Interview with Seymour Hersh re. Osama bin Laden raid, Pakistan
April 2015,
Peter Hutchison, Kelly Nyks, Jared Scott: Requiem for the American Dream (Noam Chomsky)
24 April 2015,
NYT: David Petraeus Is Sentenced to Probation in Leak Investigation
23 April 2015,
Yahoo News: AP: Petraeus sentenced to 2 years' probation for military leak
4 March 2015,
All In: 62% now favor reinvading Iraq
26 February 2015,
Democracy Now: Exporting Torture: Former Chicago Police Detective Tied to Brutality at Guantanamo
25 February 2015,
Democracy Now: Climate Deniers Exposed: Top Scientist Got Funding from ExxonMobil, Koch Brothers, Big Coal
22 February 2015,
NYT: Funding That Climate Researcher Failed to Disclose
22 February 2015,
NYT: Deeper Ties to Corporate Cash for Doubtful Climate Researcher
13 February 2015,
Jacobin: The World of Our Grandchildren: Interview with Noam Chomsky
18 January 2015,
YouTube: Real News: The Making of Norman Finkelstein - Reality Asserts Itself (7/8)
15 January 2015,
YouTube: Real News: The Making of Norman Finkelstein - Reality Asserts Itself (6/8)
15 January 2015,
YouTube: Real News: The Making of Norman Finkelstein - Reality Asserts Itself (5/8)
11 January 2015,
Z: Noam Chomsky: We Are All -- Fill in the Blank
5 January 2015,
Democracy Now: From Drone Strikes to Black Sites, How U.S. Foreign Policy Runs Under a Cloak of Secrecy
4 January 2015,
YouTube: Real News: The Making of Norman Finkelstein - Reality Asserts Itself (4/8)
1 January 2015,
Intercept: North Korea/Sony Story Shows How Eagerly U.S. Media Still Regurgitate Government Claims
19 December 2014,
Intercept: Meet Alfreda Bikowsky, the Senior Officer at the Center of the CIA's Torture Scandals
18 December 2014,
New Yorker: The Unidentified Queen of Torture
18 December 2014,
NBC News: Bin Laden Expert Accused of Shaping CIA Deception on 'Torture' Program
11 December 2014,
Guardian: Rectal rehydration and waterboarding: the CIA torture report's grisliest findings
9 December 2014,
NYT: 7 Key Points From the C.I.A. Torture Report
5 December 2014,
US Senate: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention and Interrogation Program: Minority Views, Additional Minority Views (unclassified version) (PDF)
US Senate: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention and Interrogation Program: Additional Views (unclassified version) (PDF)
3 December 2014,
US Senate: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention and Interrogation Program: Findings and Conclusions, Executive Summary (unclassified version) (PDF)
December 2014,
DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1969-1976: Volume XXXVIII: Part 2: Organization and Management of Foreign Policy; Public Diplomacy, 1973-1976 (PDF)
15 November 2014,
YouTube: Brooklyn for Peace: Interview with Noam Chomsky: Can We Save Our Democracy and History?
November 2014,
DOS: Foreign Relations of the United States: 1917-1972: Public Diplomacy, World War I (PDF)
6 November 2014,
Daily Show: James Risen (Pay Any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War)
31 October 2014,
Democracy Now: "The GMO Deception": Sheldon Krimsky on How BigAg & the Government Is Putting Your Food at Risk
28 October 2014,
Democracy Now: Monsanto, BigAg Spend Millions Fighting Colorado, Oregon Ballot Measures to Label GMO Foods
17 October 2014,
All In: Jeremy Renner on 'Kill the Messenger'
17 October 2014,
All In: One of the most explosive pieces of journalism of our time
17 October 2014,
Intercept: What 'Democracy' Really Means in U.S. and New York Times Jargon: Latin America Edition
14 October 2014,
YouTube: UN: Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People: Noam Chomsky: Solutions to the Israel-Palestine Conflict
13 October 2014,
PBS NewsHour: Are the costs of security at 'any price' too high?
1 October 2014,
FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Iran: U.S. Concerns and Policy Responses (PDF)
September 2014,
Noam Chomsky: Masters of Mankind: Essays and Lectures, 1969-2013 (EPUB)
9 September 2014,
Democracy Now: University of Illinois Urged to Reinstate Professor Steven Salaita, Critic of Israeli War in Gaza
8 September 2014,
Democracy Now: Think Tanks as Lobbyists: Expose Shows U.S. Groups Receive Millions to Push Foreign Nations' Agendas
7 September 2014,
NYT: Foreign Government Contributions to Nine Think Tanks
7 September 2014,
NYT: Selected Documents on Think Tanks and Foreign Money
7 September 2014,
NYT: Foreign Powers Buy Influence at Think Tanks
4 September 2014,
Intercept: The CIA's Mop-Up Man: L.A. Times Reporter Cleared Stories With Agency Before Publication
14 August 2014, Noam Chomsky: Outrage
13 August 2014,
Democracy Now: Glenn Greenwald Criticizes NPR for Relying on CIA-Linked Firm in Report on Impact of Snowden Leaks
12 August 2014,
Intercept: NPR Is Laundering CIA Talking Points to Make You Scared of NSA Reporting
31 July 2014,
Guardian: American media's new pro-Israel bias: the same party line at the wrong time
29 July 2014,
C-SPAN: Red Emma's Bookstore: Norman Finkelstein (Old Wine, Broken Bottle: Ari Shavit's Promised Land)
23 July 2014,
Democracy Now: MSNBC's Sole Palestinian Voice Rula Jebreal Takes on Pro-Israeli Gov't Bias at Network & in US Media
22 July 2014,
Democracy Now: "A Place of Indescribable Loss": As Ceasefire Talks Begin, Israel Bombs Hospital, Mosques and Homes
18 July 2014,
Democracy Now: Glenn Greenwald: Why Did NBC Pull Veteran Reporter After He Witnessed Israeli Killing of Gaza Kids?
10 July 2014,
Postol, MIT: A Brief Assessment of the Veracity of Published Statements in the Press and Elsewhere Made by Dan Kaszeta, A Self-Described Expert on the Science and Technology of Chemical Weapons (PDF)
July 2014,
DOS; BBG: OIG: Inspection of the Office of Cuba Broadcasting (PDF)
17 June 2014,
Real News: Chris Hedges Interviews Noam Chomsky (3/3)
17 June 2014,
Real News: Chris Hedges Interviews Noam Chomsky (2/3)
17 June 2014,
Real News: Chris Hedges Interviews Noam Chomsky (1/3)
30 May 2014,
YouTube: ZKM Institute for Visual Media: Noam Chomsky: Driving forces in US policy
22 May 2014,
YouTube: Durham Univ.: Noam Chomsky: Surviving the 21st Century
19 May 2014,
NYT: Workers at N.Y.U.'s Abu Dhabi Site Faced Harsh Conditions
16 May 2014,
All In: Hating on Glenn Greenwald
2 May 2014,
FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: U.S. International Broadcasting: Background and Issues for Reform (PDF)
15 April 2014,
YouTube: Harvard Book Store: Glenn Greenwald (No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State) and Noam Chomsky
14 April 2014,
DOS: Availability of Public Diplomacy Program Material within the United States (PDF)
1 April 2014,
Daily Show: Michael Lewis (Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt) Extended Interview
31 March 2014,
Intercept: NSA Blows Its Own Top Secret Program in Order to Propagandize
21 March 2014,
Democracy Now: As Surveillance Costs Fall, Could the NSA Gain Ability to Record & Replay Every Call, Everywhere?
20 March 2014,
ODNI: Intelligence Community Directive 119: Media Contacts (ICD 119) (PDF)
19 March 2014,
FAIR: The NSA Built a 'Time Machine'--but Washington Post Won't Say Where
18 March 2014,
WP: NSA surveillance program reaches 'into the past' to retrieve, replay phone calls
13 February 2014,
WSJ: Chart: Two Decades of Cable-TV Consolidation
30 January 2014,
US District Court, DC: Alexa O'Brien v. DOS (Complaint) (PDF)
30 January 2014,
Urban Times: An Alienated Finkelstein Discusses His Writing, Being Unemployable, And Noam Chomsky
22 January 2014,
All In: Why ALEC is so effective
22 January 2014,
All In: How ALEC serves the right
15 January 2014,
NYT: N.S.A. Devises Radio Pathway Into Computers
10 January 2014,
WP: Remembering an earlier time when a theft unmasked government surveillance
8 January 2014,
Democracy Now: "It Was Time to Do More Than Protest": Activists Admit to 1971 FBI Burglary That Exposed COINTELPRO
16 December 2013,
All In: Can the NSA be reined in?
16 December 2013,
All In: Embattled NSA seeks assist from '60 Minutes'
22 November 2013,
Independent: Revealed: Arnon Milchan - the Hollywood producer behind hits Pretty Woman, Fight Club and LA Confidential who became a real-life James Bond
14 November 2013,
Guardian: Facebook and Microsoft help fund rightwing lobby network, report finds
November 2013,
Center for Media and Democracy: Exposed: The State Policy Network: The Powerful Right-Wing Network Helping to Hijack State Politics and Government (PDF)
30 October 2013,
Cryptome: Cryptome Interview by La Repubblica
28 October 2013,
Democracy Now: Glenn Greenwald: Media Venture Will Empower Adversarial Journalism to Hold the Powerful Accountable
13 October 2013,
Truthout: Syria and Our Educational System: A Discussion With Noam Chomsky, Richard Falk, Lawrence Davidson and Ilan Pappe
6 October 2013,
Truthout: Noam Chomsky: The Obama Doctrine
1 October 2013,
NYT: CNN Documentary Is Off; Filmmaker Blames Pressure From Clintons
30 September 2013,
NYT: Qaeda Plot Leak Has Undermined U.S. Intelligence
28 September 2013,
Shill Report: Interview with Noam Chomsky (MP3)
7 August 2013,
Democracy Now: How The Washington Post's New Owner Aided the CIA, Blocked WikiLeaks & Decimated the Book Industry
6 August 2013,
NYT: Qaeda Leader's Edict to Yemen Affiliate Is Said to Prompt Alert
3 August 2013,
NYT: Qaeda Messages Prompt U.S. Terror Warning
12 July 2013,
Democracy Now: Josh Fox on Gasland Part 2, the Fracking-Earthquake Link & the Natural Gas Industry's Use of PSYOPs
10 July 2013,
Guardian: Snowden: I never gave any information to Chinese or Russian governments
June 2013,
YouTube: Left Forum: Noam Chomsky
25 June 2013,
Democracy Now: Insider Threat: Government Employees Urged to Tattle On Coworkers in Effort to Stop Classified Leaks
24 June 2013,
Democracy Now: Where is Edward Snowden? Glenn Greenwald on Asylum Request, Espionage Charge; More Leaks to Come
24 June 2013,
Corbett Report: Sibel Edmonds Blows the Whistle on Government Blackmailing (MP3)
20 June 2013,
Democracy Now: Did U.S. Gov't Lie about TWA Flight 800 Crash? Ex-Investigators Seek Probe as New Evidence Emerges
20 June 2013,
Corbett Report: Russ Tice Reveals the Truth About NSA Spying (MP3)
17 June 2013,
Boiling Frogs Post: Russ Tice (NSA whistleblower) interviewed by Sibel Edmonds, Peter Collins (MP3)
13 June 2013,
Boiling Frogs Post: John Young (Cryptome) interviewed by Sibel Edmonds, Peter Collins (MP3)
23 May 2013,
Democracy Now: Jeremy Scahill & Noam Chomsky on Secret U.S. Dirty Wars From Yemen to Pakistan to Laos
17 May 2013,
Ceasefire: Why was a Sunday Times report on US government ties to al-Qaeda chief spiked?
30 April 2013,
Lew Rockwell Show: The Boston Bombing, the CIA and US Empire (interview with Sibel Edmonds) (MP3)
22 April 2013,
Corbett Report: Sibel Edmonds on the Boston Bombing: The US Roots of "Chechen" Terrorism
10 April 2013,
Democracy Now: The Way of the Knife: NYT's Mark Mazzetti on the CIA's Post-9/11 Move from Spying to Assassinations
2 April 2013,
YouTube: Univ. College Dublin: Noam Chomsky: Can civilization survive really existing capitalism?
29 March 2013,
Cryptome: Alfreda Frances Bikowsky Head of CIA Darkside?
23 March 2013,
Guardian: How Noam Chomsky is discussed
22 April 2013,
Corbett Report: Sibel Edmonds on the Boston Bombing: The US Roots of "Chechen" Terrorism
18 March 2013,
Guardian: David Frum, the Iraq war and oil
14 March 2013,
Corbett Report: Sibel Edmonds Explains Who's at the Top of the Pyramid
12 March 2013,
David Pozen, Columbia Law School: The Leaky Leviathan: Why the Government Condemns and Condones Unlawful Disclosures of Information (PDF)
5 March 2013,
Democracy Now: Glenn Greenwald on Bradley Manning: Prosecutor Overreach Could Turn All Whistleblowing into Treason
28 February 2013,
Corbett Report: Sibel Edmonds Answers Your Questions on Gladio B
26 February 2013,
Democracy Now: Billionaires for Austerity: With Cuts Looming, Wall Street Roots of "Fix the Debt" Campaign Exposed
22 February 2013,
Corbett Report: Sibel Edmonds on Gladio Protected Drug Running and Money Laundering
22 February 2013,
Corbett Report: Sibel Edmonds on Gladio Protected Drug Running and Money Laundering (MP3)
21 February 2013,
Consortium News: How Reagan Promoted Genocide
21 February 2013,
Democracy Now: An Interrogation Center at Yale? Proposed Pentagon Special Ops Training Facility Sparks Protests
19 February 2013,
Democracy Now: The ATM for Climate Denial: Secretive Donors Trust Funds Vast Network of Global Warming Skeptics
19 February 2013,
Democracy Now: Donors Trust: Little-Known Group Helps Wealthy Backers Fund Right-Wing Agenda in Secret
19 February 2013,
Guardian: MSNBC boldly moves to plug its one remaining hole
16 February 2013,
Traces of Reality Radio: Interview with Sibel Edmonds (MP3)
15 February 2013,
FT: BB interviews...Noam Chomsky
15 February 2013,
GAO: Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Continued Coordination, Operational Data, and Performance Standards Needed to Guide Research and Development (PDF)
15 February 2013,
Corbett Report: Sibel Edmonds on Turkey, the Hood Event, Israel and Gladio B
15 February 2013,
Corbett Report: Sibel Edmonds on Turkey, the Hood Event, Israel and Gladio B (MP3)
14 February 2013,
Center for Public Integrity: Donors use charity to push free-market policies in states
12 February 2013,
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Prisoner X: The Australian Connection
12 February 2013,
NYT: Australian Report on Israel's 'Prisoner X' Suggests Melbourne Man Was Mossad Agent
8 February 2013,
Democracy Now: Jeremy Scahill: Assassinations of U.S. Citizens Largely Ignored at Brennan CIA Hearing
8 February 2013,
Corbett Report: Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B, Protected Terrorists and Stifled Investigations
8 February 2013,
Corbett Report: Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B, Protected Terrorists and Stifled Investigations (MP3)
7 February 2013,
Guardian: US media yet again conceals newsworthy government secrets
6 February 2013,
Guardian: US newspapers accused of complicity as drone report reopens security debate
6 February 2013,
Guardian: White House to release legal rationale for killing of US citizens with drones
6 February 2013,
Gawker: The 'Secret' Saudi Drone Base Revealed By The Times Today Was Actually Reported Months Ago
5 February 2013,
AP: CIA conducts lethal drone strikes in Yemen from base in Saudi Arabia
30 January 2013,
YouTube: Young Turks: Noam Chomsky: Rightward Shift of US Politics
30 January 2013,
Democracy Now: Whistleblower John Kiriakou: For Embracing Torture, John Brennan a "Terrible Choice to Lead the CIA"
30 January 2013,
Democracy Now: Ex-CIA Agent, Whistleblower John Kiriakou Sentenced to Prison While Torturers He Exposed Walk Free
28 January 2013,
WSJ: Media Firms Probed on Data Release
25 January 2013,
Independent: Top climate scientist denounces billionaires over funding for climate-sceptic organisations
24 January 2013,
Independent: Billionaires secretly fund attacks on climate science
22 January 2013,
C-SPAN: Taylor Branch (The King Years: Historic Moments in the Civil Rights Movement)
12 January 2013,
Al Jazeera: Noam Chomsky: The responsibility of privilege
10 January 2013,
FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: The Protection of Classified Information: The Legal Framework (PDF)
Gawker: CIA: Office of Public Affairs: Memo re. Mark Boal, Bin Ladin movie screenplay (PDF)
26 December 2012,
Cryptome: US Military Influence Operations
20 December 2012,
Guardian: Why the US media ignored Murdoch's brazen bid to hijack the presidency
14 December 2012,
Democracy Now: Ex-Commissioner Michael Copps on the FCC's Unrelenting Anti-Diversity Push for Media Consolidation
13 December 2012,
Truthout: Noam Chomsky Post-Election: We Need More Organization, Education, Activism
13 December 2012,
FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Intelligence Identities Protection Act (PDF)
3 December 2012,
WP: Transcript: Kathleen T. McFarland talks with Gen. David H. Petraeus
3 December 2012,
WP: Fox News chief's failed attempt to enlist Petraeus as presidential candidate
23 November 2012,
American Conservative: Sibel Edmonds's Secrets
14 November 2012,
WP: Obama campaign took unorthodox approach to ad buying
14 November 2012,
YouTube: BBC Persian: Interview with Noam Chomsky
14 November 2012,
YouTube: We Are Change: Jeremy Scahill on Obama's War Machine, American Assassinations & Journalism
14 November 2012,
Democracy Now: Glenn Greenwald: While Petraeus Had Affair with Biographer, Corporate Media Had Affair with Petraeus
11 November 2012,
YouTube: Coalition for Peace Action: Noam Chomsky: Media, Objectivity and Reality of US Foreign Policy on Terrorism and the Middle East
23 October 2012,
Frontline: Climate of Doubt
October 2012,
Columbia Law School, Human Rights Clinic: Counting Drone Strike Deaths (PDF)
27 September 2012,
Vimeo: Center for Popular Economics: Noam Chomsky: People Before Profits Award Acceptance Speech
14 September 2012,
US District Court, DC: Judicial Watch v. DOD, CIA (Declaration of Martha M. Lutz, Information Review Officer, Director's Area, CIA) (PDF)
14 September 2012,
US District Court, DC: Judicial Watch v. DOD, CIA (Declaration of Mark H. Herrington) (PDF)
September 2012,
Center for Civilians in Conflict; Columbia Law School, Human Rights Clinic: The Civilian Impact of Drones: Unexamined Costs, Unanswered Questions (PDF)
September 2012,
Stanford Law School: International Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Clinic; NYU School of Law: Global Justice Clinic: Living Under Drones: Death, Injury and Trauma to Civilians from US Drone Practices in Pakistan (PDF)
March-August 2012,
Intercept: CIA: Office of Public Affairs: Media Spokesperson email exchanges with AP, WP, NYT, WSJ, LAT, et al (PDF)
29 August 2012,
NYT: Pre-Publication Disclosure of Dowd Column: A Breach of Two Boundaries
29 August 2012,
Guardian: Correspondence and collusion between the New York Times and the CIA
28 August 2012,
Judicial Watch: Judicial Watch Obtains Stack of 'Overlooked' CIA Records Detailing Meetings with bin Laden Filmmakers
24 August 2012,
Guardian: MSNBC host mimics Fox News' bullying jingoism
24 August 2012,
AP: McRaven tells troops to pipe down
21 August 2012,
Lew Rockwell Show: The U.S. of Terrorism (interview with Sibel Edmonds, Classified Woman) (MP3)
21 August 2012,
NYT: The Wrong Reasons to Back Pussy Riot
22 July 2012,
TomDispatch: Noam Chomsky: Destroying the Commons: How the Magna Carta Became a Minor Carta
13 July 2012,
YouTube: HOPE Number 9: ACLU: WikiLeaks, Whistleblowers and the War on the First Amendment
1 July 2012,
Open Society Foundations: Criminal Penalties for Disclosing Classified Information to the Press in the United States (PDF)
(Undated, declassified 4 June 2012),
Cryptome: NSA: Cryptologic Almanac: The First "Think Tank" (PDF)
22 May 2012,
Judicial Watch: Judicial Watch Obtains DOD and CIA Records Detailing Meetings with bin Laden Raid Filmmakers
3 May 2012,
Democracy Now: U.S. Media Giants Reel as FCC Orders Disclosure of Rates for Billion-Dollar TV Campaign Advertising
24 April 2012,
GritTV: Noam Chomsky: Suicidal Policies vs OWS and Life
March 2012,
Sibel Edmonds: Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir (EPUB)
27 March 2012,
Frontline: Murdoch's Scandal
27 February 2012,
WikiLeaks: The Global Intelligence Files
22 Februrary 2012,
NYT: In Din Over Iran, Rattling Sabers Echo
22 Februrary 2012,
WP: 'Act of Valor' with real-life SEALs: new breed of war movie or propaganda?
9 February 2012,
Cryptome: Broadcasting Board of Governors: FY 2013 Budget Request (PDF)
27 January 2012,
Rolling Stone: Army Lt. Col. Daniel David: Dereliction of Duty II: Senior Military Leaders' Loss of Integrity Wounds Afghan War Effort (PDF)
19 January 2012,
Boiling Frogs Post: Empire, Power and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall: Episode 2: Power, Propaganda and Purpose in American Democracy (MP3)
17 January 2012,
Guardian: Most Syrians back President Assad, but you'd never know from western media
5 January 2012,
NYT: AP: Probing What Hollywood Told About Bin Laden Raid
US House: Office of the Law Revision Counsel: US Code: Title 50: War and National Defense (PDF)
December 2011,
Cryptome: Broadcasting Board of Governors: FY 2012 Budget Request (PDF)
29 December 2011,
Boiling Frogs Post: Syria Update: US Government Gives Green Light to MSM
25 December 2011,
NYT: Pentagon Finds No Fault in Ties to TV Analysts
23 December 2011,
Boiling Frogs Post: Sibel Edmonds RT Interview on the Arab League in Syria & More
22 December 2011,
Boiling Frogs Post: Payoff for Jordan's Syria-Front Generosity, AntiWar.Com Status
21 December 2011,
Salon: The media consensus on Israel is collapsing
19 December 2011,
Boiling Frogs Post: For the Supposed 'Islamic' Turkish Government US-NATO Come Before Islam: Turkey's Sudden 180 Degree Turn on Syria
15 December 2011,
RT: YouTube: US and NATO troops train on the Syrian border (Sibel Edmonds)
10 December 2011,
Boiling Frogs Post: Syria: The Not So Long Ago Cherished US Partner in Intelligence, Rendition & Torture Operations
9 December 2011,
Boiling Frogs Post: War on Syria Cover-Up Update: Who is Breaking the Blackout?
4 December 2011,
Z: Noam Chomsky, Anthony Arnove: In Honor of Howard Zinn
4 December 2011, 70 Years of Lying About Pearl Harbor
3 December 2011,
Boiling Frogs Post: The Continued Blackout on West's Secret Training & Support Camp in Turkey for War on Syria
2 December 2011,
Corbett Report: Interview with Sibel Edmonds re. "US-NATO-Chechen Militia Joint Operations Base" (MP3)
21 November 2011,
Boiling Frogs Post: Syria: Secret US-NATO Training & Support Camp to Oust Current Syrian President
15 November 2011,
Storify: Ben Doerberg: Press Suppression at Occupy Wall Street Raid
15 November 2011,
WP: Zuccotti Park's OWS cleared out while the media is blacked out
November 2011,
Z: The CIA Returns to Campus and Resistance Begins Again
29 October 2011,
C-SPAN: Harvard Book Store: Glenn Greenwald (With Liberty and Justice for Some), Noam Chomsky
October 2011,
NYTimes eXaminer
12 October 2011,
Pew Research Center: Wall Street Protests Receive Limited Attention
8 October 2011,
Boiling Frogs Post: Peter Collins, Sibel Edmonds on Media (MP3)
30 September 2011,
Boiling Frogs Post: CIA in the News Media: A Brief History of Media Manipulation by U.S. Intelligence
29 September 2011,
Independent: Microsoft, Red Cross and UN sucked into global news fixing row
29 September 2011,
Boiling Frogs Post: Washington Post Takes Editorial Direction from the CIA & the White House
21 September 2011,
NYT: After Disclosures by WikiLeaks, Al Jazeera Replaces Its Top News Director
20 September 2011,
WP: AP: Al-Jazeera: Director of Qatar-based satellite TV channel stepping down
15 September 2011,
American Conservative: Tapping the Israeli Embassy
10 September 2011,
Al Jazeera: The Media & The 9/11 Decade
24 August 2011,
WP: Afghan DJs deliver news from U.S. perspective (Photos)
7 August 2011,
Cryptome: Funding Nicholas Schmidle
3 August 2011,
Cryptome: Getting Access to the Secrets of the OBL Kill
June-July 2011,
Judicial Watch: DOD: FOIA documents re. Kathryn Bigelow, Mark Boal, Osama bin Laden movie (PDF)
July 2011,
FCC: The Information Needs of Communities: The changing media landscape in a broadband age (PDF)
July 2011,
DOD: DIA: National Intelligence Univ.: Gary Ross: Who Watches the Watchmen? The Conflict Between National Security and Freedom of the Press (PDF)
19 July 2011,
UK Parliament: House of Commons: Unauthorised tapping into or hacking of mobile communications (PDF)
18 July 2011,
Democracy Now: A British Spring? Phone-Hacking Scandal Threatens Murdoch Media Empire and British Government
17 July 2011,
Cryptome: FRU Computer Hacking Claims Linked to Murdoch
16 July 2011,
NYT: Four With Links Between Scotland Yard and News International
June 2011,
Z: Edward Herman: Reflections on the U.S. Counterrevolution
30 June 2011,
US Trade & Aid Monitor: U.S. to Ramp Up Afghan Infowar with 'Aggressive Actions' -- Contractor to Bring About 'Desired Effects' in Global Media
10 June 2011,
Public Intelligence: 2011 Bilderberg Meeting Participant List
25 May 2011,
Rolling Stone: How Roger Ailes Built the Fox News Fear Factory
8 May 2011,
WP:Al-Jazeera TV network draws criticism, praise for coverage of Arab revolutions
24 February 2011,
Al Jazeera: US media coverage of Al Jazeera
31 August 2010,
International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence: "Spytainment": The Real Influence of Fake Spies (PDF)
18 June 2010,
Salon: The strange and consequential case of Bradley Manning, Adrian Lamo and WikiLeaks
12 June 2010,
NYT: Obama Takes a Hard Line Against Leaks to Press
8 March 2010,
Princeton Univ.: Noam Chomsky: 'I Am Kinda': Reflections on the Culture of Imperialism
March 2010,
Hustler: Sibel Edmonds: The Traitors Among Us
February 2010,
Internet Archive: David Ridgen, Nicolas Rossier: American Radical: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein
8 December 2009,
Cryptome: DOD: Instruction S-5200.42: Defense Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and Related Intelligence Activities (PDF)
1 November 2009,
American Conservative: Who's Afraid of Sibel Edmonds?
11 June 2009,
Brad Blog: DEA Special Agent Sandalio Gonzalez on Time Magazine's blackout of four whistleblowers 'exclusive' on U.S. agents drug-trafficking in Colombia
April 2009,
Intercept: ODNI: Quadrennial Intelligence Community Review: Final Report (PDF)
May 2008,
Cryptome: CIA: Center for the Study of Intelligence: L. Britt Snider: The Agency and the Hill: CIA's Relationship with Congress (PDF)
20 April 2008,
NYT: How the Pentagon Spread Its Message
1 April 2008,
Democracy Now: Bush's Law: Eric Lichtblau on Exposing the NSA's Warrantless Wiretapping Program and How the White House Pressured the New York Times to Kill the Story
24 March 2008,
Frontline: Bush's War: Part One
6 February 2008,
International Analyst Network: Treason at the State Department? A Whistleblower's Story
30 January 2008,
WP: Bush Thumbs Nose at Congress
22 January 2008,
Guardian: US journalists ignore Sunday Times scoop on FBI nuclear scandal
20 January 2008,
Brad Blog: Covering Up the Coverage: The American Media's Complicit Failure to Investigate and Report on the Sibel Edmonds Case
17 January 2008,
C-SPAN: Back Pages Books: Noam Chomsky (Interventions)
17 January 2008,
NYT: AP: C.I.A. Case E-Mail May Be Lost
Internet Archive: SBS Australia: Mathieu Verboud, Jean-Robert Viallet: Kill the Messenger (Sibel Edmonds)
August 2007,
Public Intelligence: Army: FM 3-05.301: Psychological Operations Process Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (PDF)
3 August 2007,
DOD: Policy for Combatant Command (COCOM) Regional Websites Tailored to Foreign Audiences (PDF)
11 June 2007,
NYT: Outspoken Political Scientist Denied Tenure at DePaul
8 June 2007,
DOD: Policy for Department of Defense (DoD) Interactive Internet Activities (PDF)
24 April 2007,
Frontline: Hot Politics
17 April 2007,
Democracy Now: Howard Zinn Urges U.S. Soldiers to Heed Thoreau's Advice and "Resist Authority"
17 April 2007,
Democracy Now: Noam Chomsky Accuses Alan Dershowitz of Launching a "Jihad" to Block Norman Finkelstein From Getting Tenure at Depaul University
27 March 2007,
Frontline: News War: Part IV: Stories from a Small Planet
27 February 2007,
Frontline: News War: Part III: What's Happening to the News
13, 20 February 2007,
Frontline: News War: Parts I & II: Secrets, Sources & Spin
10 February 2006,
WP: Libby Testified He Was Told To Leak Data About Iraq
3 January 2006,
Democracy Now: National Security Agency Whistleblower Warns Domestic Spying Program Is Sign the U.S. is Decaying Into a "Police State"
2 January 2006,
NYT: Muslim Scholars Were Paid to Aid U.S. Propaganda
17 December 2005,
WP: At the Times, a Scoop Deferred
11 December 2005,
NYT: Military's Information War Is Vast and Often Secretive
8 November 2005,
Democracy Now: Covering Up Torture? At Pentagon's Request the Washington Post Refuses To Report on Location Of Secret CIA Jails in Europe
October 2005,
FAS: Army: FM 3-05.302: Tactical Psychological Operations: Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (PDF)
1 October 2005,
NYT: Buying of News by Bush's Aides Is Ruled Illegal
30 September 2005,
GAO: Department of Education--Contract to Obtain Services of Armstrong Williams (PDF)
30 September 2005,
GAO: Department of Education--No Child Left Behind Act Video News Release and Media Analysis (PDF)
16 July 2005,
Tehelka: Noam Chomsky: The Manipulation of Fear
April 2005,
If Americans Knew: New York Times Coverage of Israeli and Palestinian Deaths, September 29, 2000 - September 28, 2001 and January - December 2004 (PDF)
31 March 2005,
NYT: Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction: Report to the President of the United States (PDF)
21 March 2005,
FAS: CRS: Report for Congress: Public Relations and Propaganda: Restrictions on Executive Agency Activities (PDF)
William Blum: Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II: Ch. 41: Angola, 1975 to 1980s: The Great Powers Poker Game
27 September 2004,
YouTube: Bunker Hill Community College; Homeless Empowerment Project: Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn: Is There Hope in This Desperate Time?
26 May 2004,
NYT: The Times and Iraq
8 May 2004,
Government Attic: FBI: Dick Cheney Interview on Leak of Valerie Plame's Identity (PDF)
18 March 2004,
C-SPAN: Norman Finkelstein (Image and Reality of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict)
15 March 2004,
McClatchy: Iraqi exile group fed false information to news media
Public Information Research: CIA on Campus (articles 1967-2003)
31 December 2003,
FAS: Army: FM 3-05.301: Psychological Operations Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (PDF)
30 October 2003,
FAS: DOD: Information Operations Roadmap (PDF)
September 2003,
Internet Archive: Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott, Joel Bakan: The Corporation
29 September 2003,
NYT: New Criticism On Prewar Use Of Intelligence
24 September 2003,
Democracy Now: Scholar Norman Finkelstein Calls Professor Alan Dershowitz's New Book On Israel a "Hoax"
Noam Chomsky: Pirates and Emperors, Old and New: International Terrorism in the Real World (PDF)
February 2002,
Peter Mitchell, John Schoeffel, eds: The Footnotes for Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky (PDF)
February 2002,
Noam Chomsky: Understanding Power: Ch. 7: Intellectuals and Social Change: The Fate of an Honest Intellectual
February 2002,
Peter Mitchell, John Schoeffel, eds: Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky (EPUB)
18 October 2001,
MIT: Noam Chomsky: The New War Against Terror
April-May 2001,
Z: Noam Chomsky: A Review of NATO's War over Kosovo
10 April 2001,
MIT: Noam Chomsky: Institutions vs. People: Will the Species Self-Destruct?
21 June 2000,
Cryptome: CIA Report on Mossadeq Overthrow
16 April 2000,
NYT: The C.I.A. in Iran
21 February 2000,
Emperor's Clothes: Trouw: U.S. Army 'Psyops' Specialists worked for CNN
31 December 1999,
WSJ: Despite Tales, the War in Kosovo Was Savage, but Wasn't Genocide
24 September 1999,
Chronicle of Higher Education: Does International-Relations Scholarship Reflect a Bias Toward the U.S.?
July 1999,
Noam Chomsky: Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians (PDF)
June 1999,
Gary Webb: Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion (EPUB)
December 1998,
Noam Chomsky: Profit Over People: Neoliberalism and Global Order (PDF)
April-June 1997,
NameBase: Journalism and the CIA: The Mighty Wurlitzer
January-February 1997,
Colombia Journalism Review: Anatomy of a Story: Crack, the Contras, and the CIA: The Storm Over "Dark Alliance"
October 1996,
Noam Chomsky: Powers and Prospects: Reflections on Human Nature and the Social Order (PDF)
6 May 1996,
YouTube: Springfield College: Arise for Social Justice; New England Central America Network: Noam Chomsky
8 December 1995,
C-SPAN: Covert Action Quarterly: Noam Chomsky: U.S. Foreign Policy
10 March 1995,
NYT: Edward Bernays, 'Father of Public Relations' And Leader in Opinion Making, Dies at 103
4 November 1994,
YouTube: MIT: Noam Chomsky and Israel Shahak on Jewish Fundamentalism: Part 1 of 2
28 September 1994,
YouTube: Noam Chomsky at Clark University: Part 2 of 2
28 September 1994,
YouTube: Noam Chomsky at Clark University: Part 1 of 2
12 October 1993,
YouTube: MIT: Noam Chomsky and Nobel Laureate Jose Ramos-Horta on East Timor
1 October 1993,
YouTube: Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky
4 August 1993,
FAS: Office of Independent Counsel: Walsh: Final Report of the Independent Counsel for Iran/Contra Matters
April 1993,
Noam Chomsky: Rethinking Camelot: JFK, the Vietnam War, and U.S. Political Culture
February 1993,
Noam Chomsky: Year 501: The Conquest Continues (PDF)
18 February 1993,
YouTube: Boston Museum of Fine Arts: Noam Chomsky
24 November 1992,
YouTube: Noam Chomsky: Deterring Democracy
November 1992,
YouTube: Raymond Williams Memorial Lecture: Noam Chomsky: Year 501
November 1992,
Internet Archive: Marc Achbar, Peter Wintonick: Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media
September 1992,
Z: Noam Chomsky: Vain Hopes, False Dreams
July 1992,
Internet Archive: Barbara Trent, David Kasper: The Panama Deception
May 1992,
Z: Lies of Our Times: Noam Chomsky: The Propaganda System
April 1992,
Noam Chomsky: Deterring Democracy (PDF)
September 1989,
US Naval Institute Proceedings: "The Vincennes Incident" (letter by Comdr. David Carlson) (PDF)
May 1988, Shmate: On Trip to Middle East, Noam Chomsky interviewed by Burton Levine
11 April 1989,
C-SPAN: American University, IPS: Noam Chomsky: Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in a Democratic Society
January 1989,
Noam Chomsky: Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies (PDF)
Noam Chomsky: The Culture of Terrorism (PDF)
1987 (?),
Consortium for Independent Journalism: CRS: Draft Report: "Public Diplomacy," "Project Democracy," and Contra Aid (PDF)
1987 (?),
Consortium for Independent Journalism: (Unattributed) Launching the Private Network (re. Iran-Contra) ("Lost Chapter") (PDF)
National Security Archive: Public Diplomacy and Covert Propaganda: The Declassified Record of Ambassador Otto Juan Reich
13 November 1987,
Internet Archive: US House, Senate: Report of the Congressional Committees Investigating the Iran-Contra Affair: Appendix C: Chronology of Events (PDF)
13 November 1987,
Internet Archive: US House, Senate: Report of the Congressional Committees Investigating the Iran-Contra Affair: Appendix A: Source Documents: Vol. 2 (PDF)
13 November 1987,
Internet Archive: US House, Senate: Report of the Congressional Committees Investigating the Iran-Contra Affair: Appendix A: Source Documents: Vol. 1 (PDF)
10 June 1987,
Internet Archive: Alternative Views: The CIA, Congress and the Press (Diverse Reports: Standard Techniques, John Stockwell, David MacMichael)
16 November 1986,
Miami Herald: U.S. fighting secret battles worldwide
2 October 1986,
NYT: U.S. Plan Against Qaddafi Is Said to Intensify
1 June 1986,
NYT: Press Welcomes Cooperation Plea
2 March 1986,
NYT: No Violation Is Found In Harvard Research
21 February 1986,
NYT: Secret C.I.A. Research on Campus: Harvard Reweighs Guidelines of 1970's
14 February 1986,
NYT: C.I.A. Aide Says Agency Will Let Scholars Acknowledge Backing
3 February 1986,
NYT: C.I.A. Is Too Modest About Sponsoring Books
20 January 1986,
NYT: C.I.A. Says It Has Restored Link to Campuses to Get More Advice
13 January 1986,
NYT: There Were No Indians
5 January 1986,
NYT: Harvard and the C.I.A.
Noam Chomsky: Turning the Tide: US Intervention in Central America and the Struggle for Peace (PDF)
28 November 1985,
NYT: Dispute Flares Over Book on Claims to Palestine
5 November 1985,
NYT: C.I.A. Grant Raises Questions on Research Rules at Harvard
20 October 1985,
NYT: Harvard Widens Inquiry in C.I.A. Aid to Professor
12 October 1985,
NYT: Harvard Allows Professor to Use $50,000 Grant From C.I.A. For Conference On Islam
20 May 1985,
YouTube: Burlington City Hall: Noam Chomsky: Deciphering Foreign Policy Jargon
28 November 1984,
NYT: 2 Are Admonished On C.I.A. Project
30 September 1984,
Harper's: Should the CIA Fight Secret Wars?
21, 28 April 1983, 7 February 1984,
NCJRS: US House: Committee on the Judiciary: Presidential Directive on the Use of Polygraphs and Prepublication Review (PDF)
14 January 1983,
FAS: WH: National Security Decision Directive No. 77: Management of Public Diplomacy Relative to National Security (NSDD-77) (GIF, ZIP)
October 1982,
Internet Archive: Alternative Views: Making a Movie About the CIA (Alan Francovich)
May 1982,
Internet Archive: Alternative Views: Covert Action: John Stockwell and Louis Wolf (Parts 1-3)
YouTube: Allan Francovich: On Company Business: Inside the CIA (Parts 1-3)
Noam Chomsky, Edward Herman: The Political Economy of Human Rights: Vol. II: After the Cataclysm: Postwar Indochina and the Reconstruction of Imperial Ideology: Ch. 5: Laos, Ch. 6: Cambodia, Ch. 7: Final Comments (PDF)
31 August 1979,
FAS: Army: FM 33-1: Psychological Operations (PDF)
May 1978,
John Stockwell: In Search of Enemies: A CIA Story (PDF)
27 December 1977,
NYT: C.I.A. Established Many Links To Journalists in U.S. and Abroad
26 December 1977,
NYT: Worldwide Propaganda Network Built by the C.I.A.
25 December 1977,
NYT: The C.I.A.'s 3-Decade Effort To Mold the World's Views
20 October 1977,
Rolling Stone: Carl Bernstein: The CIA and the Media
27 April 1976,
NYT: C.I.A. Will Keep More Than 25 Journalist-Agents
26 April 1976,
AARC: US Senate: Final Report of the Church Committee: Book II: Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans (PDF, ZIP)
26 April 1976,
AARC: US Senate: Final Report of the Church Committee: Book I: Foreign and Military Intelligence (PDF, ZIP)
23 April 1976,
AARC: US Senate: Final Report of the Church Committee: Book VI: Supplementary Reports on Intelligence Activities (PDF, ZIP)
23 April 1976,
AARC: US Senate: Final Report of the Church Committee: Book III: Supplementary Detailed Staff Reports on Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans (PDF, ZIP)
July 1975,
Phil Agee: Inside the Company: CIA Diary (PDF)
7 May 1975,
Cryptome: CIA: National Press Club: DDCI Walters: The Media and National Security (PDF)
June 1974,
Ramparts: Noam Chomsky: Watergate and Other Crimes (PDF)
June 1974,
Victor Marchetti, John Marks: The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence (PDF)
2 January 1969, New York Review of Books: Noam Chomsky: The Menace of Liberal Scholarship (PDF)
October 1968,
Ethics: Noam Chomsky: Philosophers and Public Philosophy (PDF)
5 August 1968,
Public Information Research: CIA: UC Berkley VP Bolton memo re. Agency-Academic Relations (PDF)
September 1967,
Ramparts: Noam Chomsky: The Fire This Time (PDF)
20 October 1966,
Army: FM 33-5: Psychological Operations: Techniques and Procedures (PDF)
January-February 1964,
Cryptome: CIA: Memos re. Agency Relations with News Media (PDF)
17 January 1961,
WH: Text of the Address by President Eisenhower (Farewell Address) (PDF)
20 June 1960,
Cryptome: CIA: NSC: President's Committee on Information Activities Abroad: International Radio and Television Activities of the U.S. Government (PDF)
Winter 1959,
Cryptome: CIA: Studies in Intelligence: Techniques of Domestic Intelligence Collection (PDF)
15 June 1953,
CIA: US Senate: Overseas Information Programs of the United States (PDF)
1 August 1952,
Cryptome: CIA: Psychological Strategy Board: Status Report on the National Psychological Effort and First Progress Report of the PSB (PSB D-30) (PDF)
17 October 1951,
CIA: Inventory of Cold War Weapons (PDF)
NARA: OSS: Records of the Office of Strategic Services 1940-1946: Record Group 226: OSS entries 210-220: Sources and Methods Files ("Previously Withdrawn Material")
13 June 1942,
WH: Statement re. Office of War Information, Office of Strategic Services (PDF)
13 June 1942,
WH: Executive Order 9182: Consolidating Certain War Information Functions Into an Office of War Information (PDF)
November 1928,
Edward Bernays: Propaganda (PDF)
Walter Lippman: Public Opinion (PDF)
George Creel: How We Advertised America: The First Telling of the Amazing Story of the Committee on Public Information that Carried the Gospel of Americanism to Every Corner of the Globe (PDF)
Committee on Public Information: Complete Report of the Chairman of the Committee on Public Information: 1917-1919 (Creel Report) (PDF)