
22 December 2012, Partnership for Civil Justice Fund: FBI Documents Reveal Secret Nationwide Occupy Monitoring

August-December 2011, Partnership for Civil Justice Fund: FBI: Documents re. Occupy Wall Street (PDF)

December 24, 2012

F.B.I. Counterterrorism Agents Monitored Occupy Movement, Records Show

WASHINGTON -- The Federal Bureau of Investigation used counterterrorism agents to investigate the Occupy Wall Street movement, including its communications and planning, according to newly disclosed agency records.

The F.B.I. records show that as early as September 2011, an agent from a counterterrorism task force in New York notified officials of two landmarks in Lower Manhattan -- Federal Hall and the Museum of American Finance -- "that their building was identified as a point of interest for the Occupy Wall Street."

That was around the time that Occupy Wall Street activists set up a camp in Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan, spawning a protest movement across the United States that focused the nation's attention on issues of income inequality.

In the following months, F.B.I. personnel around the country were routinely involved in exchanging information about the movement with businesses, local law-enforcement agencies and universities.

An October 2011 memo from the bureau's Jacksonville, Fla., field office was titled Domain Program Management Domestic Terrorist.

The memo said agents discussed "past and upcoming meetings" of the movement, and its spread. It said agents should contact Occupy Wall Street activists to ascertain whether people who attended their events had "violent tendencies."

The memo said that because of high rates of unemployment, "the movement was spreading throughout Florida and there were several Facebook pages dedicated to specific chapters based on geographical areas."

The F.B.I. was concerned that the movement would provide "an outlet for a lone offender exploiting the movement for reasons associated with general government dissatisfaction."

Since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the F.B.I. has come under criticism for deploying counterterrorism agents to conduct surveillance and gather intelligence on organizations active in environmental, animal-cruelty and poverty issues.

The disclosure of the F.B.I. records comes a little more than a year after the police ousted protesters from Zuccotti Park in November 2011. Law-enforcement agencies undertook similar actions around the country against Occupy Wall Street groups.

Occupy Wall Street has lost much of its visibility since then, but questions remain about how local and federal law-enforcement officials monitored and treated the protesters.

The records were obtained by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, a civil-rights organization in Washington, through a Freedom of Information request to the F.B.I. Many parts of the documents were redacted by the bureau.

The records provide one of the first glimpses into how deeply involved federal law-enforcement authorities were in monitoring the activities of the movement, which is sometimes described in extreme terms.

For example, according to a memo written by the F.B.I.'s New York field office in August 2011, bureau personnel met with officials from the New York Stock Exchange to discuss "the planned Anarchist protest titled 'Occupy Wall Street,' scheduled for September 17, 2011."

"The protest appears on Anarchist Web sites and social network pages on the Internet," the memo said.

It added: "Numerous incidents have occurred in the past which show attempts by Anarchist groups to disrupt, influence, and or shut down normal business operations of financial districts."

A spokesman for the F.B.I. in Washington cautioned against "drawing conclusions from redacted" documents.

"The F.B.I. recognizes the rights of individuals and groups to engage in constitutionally protected activity," said the spokesman, Paul Bresson. "While the F.B.I. is obligated to thoroughly investigate any serious allegations involving threats of violence, we do not open investigations based solely on First Amendment activity. In fact, the Department of Justice and the F.B.I.'s own internal guidelines on domestic operations strictly forbid that."

But Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, executive director of the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, said the documents demonstrated that the F.B.I. had acted improperly by gathering information on Americans involved in lawful activities.

"The collection of information on people's free-speech actions is being entered into unregulated databases, a vast storehouse of information widely disseminated to a range of law-enforcement and, apparently, private entities," she said. "This is precisely the threat -- people do not know when or how it may be used and in what manner."

The records show little evidence that the members of the movement planned to commit violence. But they do describe a discussion on the Internet "regarding the Occupy Wall Street movement about when it is okay to shoot a police officer" and a law-enforcement meeting held in Des Moines because "there may potentially be an attempt to stop the Iowa Caucuses by people involved in Occupy Iowa."

There are no references within the documents to agency personnel covertly infiltrating Occupy branches.

The documents indicate, however, that the F.B.I. obtained information from police departments and other law-enforcement agencies that appear to have been gathered by someone observing the protesters as they planned activities.

The documents do not detail recent activities by the F.B.I. involving Occupy Wall Street.

But one activist, Billy Livsey, 48, said two F.B.I. agents visited him in Brooklyn over the summer to question him about planned protests at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., and about plans to celebrate the first anniversary of Occupy Wall Street in September.

The agents, Mr. Livsey said, told him they knew he was among a group of people involved in the Occupy Wall Street "direct action" group that distributed information about the movement's activities.

He said he felt unnerved by the visit.

"It was surprising and troubling to me," Mr. Livsey said.

